Retro Gaming Ads Blast – Part 10

Welcome back readers, fellow geeks and electronic gaming fans!

In this edition of the Retro Gaming Ads Blast (RGAB) series, we will take a look at another batch of retro gaming print ads from the 1980s and 1990s.

For the newcomers reading this, Retro Gaming Ads Blast (RGAB) looks back at the many print ads of games (console, arcade, computer and handheld) that were published in comic books, magazines, flyers and newspapers long before smartphones, social media, the worldwide web and streaming became popular. To put things in perspective, people back in the 1980s and 1990s were more trusting of print media for information and images about electronic games and related products.

With those details laid down, here is the newest batch of retro gaming print ads for you to see and enjoy…

1. Double Dragon II: The Revenge print ad

Nice looking art used to promote the game.

The beat-them-up sub-genre of gaming was already popular in the 1980s and one of the most defining game franchises of this type of game was the Double Dragon series which proved to be popular with Nintendo Entertainment System (NES in America) and Family Computer (Famicom in Japan) gamers. As the first game was a very big hit on Nintendo’s consoles, the sequel Double Dragon II: The Revenge was promoted in America with strong confidence on the part of publisher Acclaim that it would become another massive hit. This print ad had a very nice looking comic books-style art that not only captured the concept of the game but also visualized the heroes Billy and Jimmy with enough details to focus on. I can say this was an eye-catching ad.

2. X-Men: Children of the Atom print ad

Great looking ad but the line “100% direct conversion” is not true at all.

Developed by Capcom in cooperation with Marvel, X-Men: Children of the Atom was a huge hit in the video arcades and it was not surprising that it got released on the Sega Saturn by Acclaim. Acclaim organized an aggressive promotional campaign by pouncing on the fans’ love and knowledge of the X-Men and the high fun factor of Capcom’s game. What this print ad got wrong, however, was the line “100% direct conversion of the arcade smash!” which was wrong and misleading. In reality, the Sega Saturn version of the game had about one-third of the animation frames cut due to the console’s smaller RAM capacity.

As the years passed by, the Sega Saturn became the more suitable console for home ports of Capcom’s further 2D fighting games as Sony’s PlayStation had even more severe limitations and a graphics processor that was not suitable for 2D graphics. By the end of 2000, Capcom’s 2D fighting games on PlayStation all were inferior to the Sega Saturn versions.

3. Sky Shark NES print ad

This is an effective looking ad.

Released in Japan as Flying Shark, Sky Shark was released on multiple platforms in 1988 and there was an NES version of it which this particular print ad promoted. The American branch of Taito wisely used positive quotes from media outlets to promote the game while coming up with an engaging text description and displayed NES screenshots. And then there was that very engaging painted cover art that gave this print ad a lot of punch. An effective ad overall.

4. Conflict print ad

This is a very captivating artwork for advertising.

There is no denying the fact that the Cold War was a strong influence on arcade games and video games. Titles like Contra, Jackal, Metal Gear, Operation Wolf, Cabal and Rush’n Attack were militaristic games that entertained millions of gamers from the young adults to the little children. In 1990, Vic Tokai released the game Conflict on the NES which had a military theme but an unusual game design composed of digital maps with hexagons in which gamers will play with strategy to win battles. That being said, this print ad’s visual concept was very captivating yet also misleading. If you see how the game is played, you will know what I mean.

5. College Slam print ad

Were you ever interested in college basketball video games?

This is one of the more eye-catching print ads I’ve seen due to the artist’s illustration of a basketball with a mouth biting the basketball rim which dominates the space. For the newcomers reading this, College Slam was a basketball video game that was actually a repacked version of the popular NBA Jam with focus on NCAA basketball players. With the biting basketball at the center, it was easily an attraction and the screenshots implemented were larger than usual which easily gave gamers a clear look at what the game looked like. While this print ad is eye-catching, it did not help sell College Slam and there never was a follow-up.

6. Tecmo Super Baseball print ad

From the time when Tecmo was prolific with video games about sports.

Long before it started the Dead or Alive game franchise, Tecmo was once heavily invested in making sports video games. Tecmo Super Baseball was their first American pro baseball video game released for Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) and Sega Genesis, and it was notable that the publisher secured only the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) which resulted in the game featuring real-life players but the teams had no names and no logos. Regardless, this print ad showed how aggressive Tecmo was in trying to attract consumers’ attention by showing ten screenshots with short text descriptions each. The ad’s write-up boasted realism as well as the promise of gaming quality.

7. The Punisher print ad

Marvel’s vigilante firing at someone.

In the early 1990s, Capcom and Marvel Comics started their partnership resulting in the releasing of the arcade game The Punisher. Developed by Capcom, the said arcade game became a big hit with gamers as it featured fun gameplay, multiple enemies appearing on screen simultaneously and other fun elements. Unsurprisingly, the game was ported (note: Sculptured Software was the lead developer) to the Sega Genesis with significant downgrades in terms of graphics, sound, enemy variety and other related elements due to technical limitations. That being said, this print ad used detailed art of the Punisher (with Col. Fury in the background) in a clever way to promote the Sega Genesis version while keeping their attention away from the obvious visual downgrades of the two screenshots displayed. The Punisher on Genesis was poorly received.

8. Stargate print ad

If you did not enjoy the movie, were you able to play the video game adaptation on Sega Genesis or Super NES?

Remember the sci-fi movie Stargate (1994)? The film was a surprise box office hit and eventually video game adaptations of it were made for the SNES, Sega Genesis, Game Gear and the GameBoy. This particular print ad, however, showed screenshots of the SNES and Genesis versions which is made obvious with the side-scrolling adventure plus 3D flying sequence (one screenshot showed it). Combined with images sourced from the movie poster plus an insert of the movie in home video format (lower-right corner), this print ad was obviously an aggressive way to promote the film with the post-theatrical business in mind. In case you are wondering, the cinematic Stargate is not related at all with the early 1980s video game (a follow-up to the classic game Defender) of the same name.  

9. Aerobiz Supersonic print ad

For a simulation game released on consoles, Aerobiz Supersonic is pretty deep and a lot of fun to play.

The airline simulation game Aerobiz Supersonic is a highly addictive and surprisingly fun game that I enjoyed playing on the SNES (read my retro review by clicking here) and strangely enough I first learned about not through its print ad but by reading a preview published by Electronic Gaming Monthly (EGM) magazine. As for this print ad made by Koei’s American team, this is really odd to look at due to the ad makers’ choice of showing a not-so-attractive flight meal. In contrast to that, the ad makers did a good job describing the game creatively and showed three screenshots that were strategically selected in my view. Having played the game many times, I can say that this print ad is very truthful.


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What to watch on YouTube right now – Part 8

Have you been searching for something fun or interesting to watch on YouTube? Do you feel bored right now and you crave for something to see on the world’s most popular online video destination?

I recommend you check out the following topics and the related videos I found.

Godzilla videos in preparation for the new Japanese Godzilla movie

In case you missed the news due to the excessive amount of entertainment developments, there is indeed a brand new Japanese-produced movie of Godzilla (Gojira in Japan) titled Godzilla Minus One which will open in cinemas in Japan this November and in America this December. You can check out my post about Godzilla Minus One by clicking here.

With renewed interest in Toho’s Godzilla sparked in moviegoers’ minds, here are some videos that can help you get to know Japan’s iconic giant monster better before the new movie comes out.

Forza Motorsport (2023)

The much awaited big-budget simulation racing game Forza Motorsport (2023) is coming out on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Windows PC plus Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass within a few days from now for its general release. The big-budget Xbox-exclusive racing game is actually available via early access to those who paid extra for the privilege via the Premium Edition. As with tradition, gaming media outlets produced several video previews and updates of the game recently as the release date came closer and here are the videos you must watch on YouTube. Already Forza Motorsport (2023) received acclaim from critics (click here, here, here and here). Take note that this is the first new Forza Motorsport video game since 2017.

Stay away electric vehicles (EVs) as they could kill you

No matter what the Leftists and climate change extremists do, I personally reject electric vehicles (EVs) and the elimination of fossil fuel and the lessening of energy choices for consumers. No matter what flashy publicity and loud talking points were made, I am not convinced that electric vehicles are safe enough to use for daily travel. In fact, many EV makers don’t want you to know that when their vehicles spark into flames, the fire is much harder to put out and often requires a higher amount of water to do so. Why is that EVs spark and become major fire hazards on the street (and even burn down homes) can be realized in the videos below.

#4 Music video of New Life Music’s worship song Testimony

The music team of New Life Philippines released the official music video (note: backstage sessions specifically) of their newest worship song Testimony. Written by Nash Soliven, Camille Cuna, Erican Reyes, Timothy Mena, Charity Patricio, Josiah Patricio and Sam Mokamad, Testimony reflects the meaning of Revelation 19:10 in the Holy Bible and it was made to strengthen people’s faith in the Lord and believe He is still moving no matter how bad things are around us in this very divided world we live in. The song will remind you about having the testimony of our Lord and Savior Jesus. Watch the official music video by New Life Music below.

Visit the Pool of Siloam in Israel

As some of you may have known by now, I went to Israel on a pilgrimage tour with my local church which was hosted by a very good Israeli strategic partner who ensured everything was in order. Among the many sites we visited in the Holy Land was the Pool of Siloam which was the very place where a blind man (born with blindness) got healed because he followed the instructions of our Lord and Savior Jesus without hesitation. For reference, read John 9:1-11 in the Holy Bible.

You can read my Pool of Siloam feature article by clicking here. I also have several other Israel 2023 articles on this website and I hope they will inspire you to visit the Holy Land in Israel to deepen your faith in the Lord. It is in Israel where the Holy Bible comes to life!

Watch the videos – including my very own video at the place – about the Pool of Siloam below.


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Forza Motorsport (2023) all set for October 10 release on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and Windows PC plus Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass

Finally, the much-anticipated Xbox-exclusive simulation racing game Forza Motorsport (2023) is set for a global release on October 10, 2023 on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and Windows PC with availability on Xbox Game Pass, PC Game Pass and Steam. This was announced during the recent Xbox Games Showcase 2023/Starfield Direct double feature.

To begin with, watch the official game trailer below…

To put things in perspective about what gamers can expect from Forza Motorsport (2023), posted below are selected excerpts from the official article written by Turn 10 Studios’ Creative Director Chris Esaki. Some parts in boldface…

Experience Over 500 Cars at Launch – As we mentioned in January, Forza Motorsport launches with 20 completely rebuilt tracks from around the world with multiple layouts, including 5 never-before-seen tracks in a Motorsport game. Each feature fully dynamic time-of-day with weather, living crowds, and tracks that rubber in and react to temperature changes.

As for the cars you’ll be racing on these tracks, Forza Motorsport starts with over 500 cars at release including modern race cars.

See all the cars you want here?

Wield Specialized Track Competitors in the Builders Cup Career Mode – Out-build the competition by earning over 800 performance upgrades and race our most advanced AI opponents yet in an all-new, fun and rewarding single-player campaign, the Builders Cup Career Mode.

Race the World Alongside Your Friends – Compete for the podium in Featured Multiplayer events with a race weekend inspired structure or create the racing you and your friends desire in Free Play. 

A sneak peek at the car customization.

Online racing is safer, more fun, and more competitive with AI-powered Forza Race Regulations, tire and fuel strategy, and new driver and safety ratings.

Pre-order Forza Motorsport to Receive Early Access – Pre-order the Forza Motorsport Premium Edition and be first on the starting line with 5 days of early access beginning October 5, 2023. Xbox Game Pass members, as well as Forza Motorsport Standard Edition and Deluxe Edition players, can upgrade to the Premium Add-Ons Bundle to receive early access and all other add-on content included in the Premium Edition.

Steam players, add Forza Motorsport to your wish list starting today to be notified when pre-orders are available and follow the game to receive the latest news and announcements delivered to your Steam library.

That’s not all! A short time after the Xbox Games Showcase, Turn 10 organized a walkthrough with actual gameplay of Forza Motorsport (2023) (running on Xbox Series X at 4K resolution and 60FPS) which emphasized what gamers can expect and enjoy. You can watch it in the video below and I encourage you to watch it entirely.

I have been anticipating Forza Motorsport (2023) for a really long time now and I really am looking forward to its October 10 release. I am eager to experience Turn 10’s new approach on the career mode (level-build-dominate according to Chris Esaki) as well as enduring the thrill and suspense of simulation racing with next-generation technologies implemented complete with time-of-day changes, in-game weather effects, tire traction on varied surfaces and more.

I am looking forward to other gameplay features such as online racing, car customization, the new car mastery system, acquiring/collecting cars, racing against the promised more advanced AI, experiencing the benefits of the revamped physics and much more.

In-game night driving as shown in the most recent trailer.

As seen in the above Forza Motorsport (2023) gameplay presentation, Chris Esaki emphasized the relationship between the player and the car as the core concept of the single-player experience. In my view, this is a daring change compared to the typical single-player approach of racing to win in-game money to be able to customize cars and buy new cars as you make your way through. How the new approach by Turn 10 will impact simulation racing games as we know it remains to be seen.

Watch out for Forza Motorsport (2023) on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and Windows PC with availability on Xbox Game Pass, PC Game Pass and Steam on October 10, 2023. Those who have money to afford for the premium edition of the game can enjoy early access starting October 5.

In concluding this post, posted below are Forza Motorsport (2023) and Xbox-related videos for your enjoyment.


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Two Point Campus’ release on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One and Windows PC via Game Pass delayed to August 9, 2022

If you have been anticipating for SEGA’s Two Point Campus to be released on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, Windows PC and Xbox Game Pass (XGP), you will have to wait more as the game’s release has officially been delayed to August 9, 2022, as announced via The game was previously scheduled for May 17, 2022.

To put things in perspective, posted below is the excerpt of the announcement written by SEGA Europe Junior PR Manager Joseph Knoop. Some parts in boldface…

Watch out for Two Point Campus on Xbox consoles and Windows PC via Xbox Game Pass this August.

Like a freshman dreading their 8 a.m. class, Two Point Campus needs just a little more time. Two Point Campus’ release date has been pushed back from May 17 to August 9. As always, we appreciate the patience of our wonderful community and all your support throughout development.

In better news, you can check out the first hands-on media impressions of Two Point Campus at some of your favorite gaming outlets today. We’re excited to hear what everyone thinks of the game thus far and what you’re anticipating most. While the decision has been made to delay the release of Two Point Campus by a few months, the vision for the game has remained the same.

Two Point Campus lets you build the university of your dreams (or nightmares, we don’t judge), shepherd students from freshman year to graduation, and let them run wild with outlandish classes like Knight School, fossil-digging archaeology, or even baking giant pizzas in Gastronomy and much more. In Two Point Hospital, players couldn’t spend much time with patients, considering they either healed up and went on their merry way or, you know, died. Two Point Campus lets you really dig into each student’s life, and guide them on their social and academic journey. You can offer them a wealth of life-enriching experiences, be it clubs, social events, or more Cheesy Gubbins vending machines.

You’ll do it all on a campus designed by your very own hand, down to the very last desk and tree, offering way more customization than ever before. Maybe you’ll build a jousting arena for your gallant Knight School students and a tower to practice dragon-slaying from – or maybe you want something a little more cutting edge, and your campus will be a haven for budding mad scientists and building giant robots.

If that all sounds like a good time to you, you can pre-order Two Point Campus now and get some exclusive in-game items for both Two Point Campus and Two Point Hospital.

To order Two Point Campus online, click here. For the Two Point Collection Early Adopter Bonus, click here.

In closing this piece, posted below are Xbox-related videos for your viewing pleasure.


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Two Point Campus will be released on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One and Windows PC via Game Pass (both Xbox and PC) on May 17, 2022

If you are the kind of gamer who enjoys simulation gaming as well as managing digital communities on your Xbox console or your PC, then you have something to look forward to on as SEGA will release Two Point Campus for Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One and Windows PC via Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass on May 17, 2022. The new game is the follow-up to the successful 2018 game Two Point Hospital (available via Xbox Game Pass as of this writing), and you can order it in advance now.

To begin with, watch this official trailer of Two Point Campus.

Developed by Two Point Studios, Two Point Campus has a school setting and players will be challenge to establish and manage a university campus complete with setting up its many parts (like classrooms and laboratories to name a few), hiring a staff of good quality educators, and managing how the students will behave in and around campus. As it is a piece of fantasy, the game has a cartoony vibe on its art and expressions.

To put things in perspective, posted below is the excerpt from the official announcement on written by Two Point Studios Creative Director Gary Carr.

Build your university and manage everything within it.

In Two Point Hospital there is very little time to really get to know your little people, because patients come in for their treatment, you cure them (or they die…oops) and then they leave your hospital. In Two Point Campus this process is very different. Your students will be with you for much longer during their campus experience, giving you the chance to help them on their academic journey to success, or in some cases failure. You’ll have to figure out what’s going on. Are they happy? Are they enjoying their courses? Are they making enough friends? You’ll need to take the time to get to know them, nurture them and pull them through this process. Each student has their own unique character traits, so you’ll have to cater to all their needs to develop them into well-rounded individuals who will do the legacy of your university proud.

We just really want you to care more about your little people, so in Two Point Campus we’re giving you the tools to create an incredible university experience for your students. Keep them entertained with extracurricular activities, such as socials, gigs, clubs and even ‘CheeseBall’ – the highly entertaining sports activity in Two Point Campus. However, too much of the fun stuff will result in students falling asleep during class, which impacts their grades and eventually your overall Campus prestige. It’s the perfect balancing act, to on one hand give your students the adventure of a lifetime, and on the other hand, run a successful Campus environment.

The students in classroom.

Anyone that’s familiar with Two Point Hospital will know that we like to give our games a humorous twist. That’s no different in Two Point Campus. Rather than the typical academic fare, students in Two Point County will experience some very unusual courses. They can learn how to cook giant pizzas in the Gastronomy course or attend Robotics and get into the techy stuff where they build huge robots. We really enjoyed brainstorming about all the different courses in Two Point Campus. It usually starts by thinking of theme or a pun, and from there we think of how we can build it into a course. We love thinking of big and absurd machines or items that the students interact with during their courses, so players are wondering “what on earth going on there??” 

Like Two Point Hospital, Two Point Campus is a charming, accessible, and deep management sim, but for the first time, you will be able to build your Campus from the ground up, from the buildings to the grounds they sit in. You can design stylish dormitories for your students, lay down ornamental pathways or pimp up your Campus with super cool items, such as Cheesy Gubbins vending machines. One of the things we enjoyed most at Two Point Studios when Two Point Hospital launched, was watching people play our game and get super creative with the design of their rooms and hospitals. In Two Point Campus we take this a step further, where players can go all out and design absolute masterpieces, or total trash if they wish… However, there will still be plenty of options for people who don’t like that total freedom when it comes to building. We’re keen to cater to all the different playstyles.

The above description really sounds interesting. I wonder if the game will allow players to fire socialists/Communists/Marxists among the university’s educators to prevent the radicalization of students which has been going on for a long time in North America in real life. If I were to establish the campus of my dreams, there definitely will be no Leftism and no elements of the Satanic Left. The focus will be strictly on education, no political ideologies. No socialism, no Marxism and no Communism at all!

Coming soon to Xbox consoles and Xbox Game Pass!

As mentioned earlier, if you are convinced to buy yourself a copy of Two Point Campus for your Xbox console or Windows PC ahead of time, you can do it online and you will get some bonus items in return. However, if you are already subscribing via Xbox Game Pass or PC Game Pass, you only need to wait for the May 17, 2022 launch to download it and play it without extra charge. I myself am an XGP subscriber and I will be playing Two Point Campus on my Xbox Series X this May, and only then I’ll find out how good the game will turn out.

In closing this piece, posted below are Xbox-related videos plus a Two Point Campus video for your viewing pleasure.


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What caught my attention during the Xbox Gamescom 2021 showcase

The Xbox Gamescom 2021 digital event has passed and it turned out to be different from the acclaimed Xbox-Bethesda event. Just before it happened, Team Xbox’s Aaron Greenberg posted on Twitter stating: Running about 90 min & focused on game updates coming this year. So to set expectations, no new reveals or major surprises, but fun stream with our amazing hosts @vicious696 @kateyeager !

It was different in terms of tone, upcoming games, and announcements but ultimately it was still fun. In case you missed the Xbox Gamescom 2021 live stream, it is posted below for your viewing pleasure…

What caught my attention

Remember when I first wrote about The Gunk which was originally slated for a September 2021 release exclusively on Xbox? After such a long period of no updates from developer Thunderful, a brand-new trailer of the game was shown during the Gamescom showcase of Microsoft and what is notable was that it turned out to be the first look on its gameplay! Watch and look closely at the new The Gunk trailer below…

According to the article written by Thunderful’s game director Ulf Hartelius, The Gunk will finally be released this coming December (previously targeted for September 2021 release). Read the excerpt below. Some parts in boldface…

We’re extremely happy to have finally revealed our first gameplay trailer during the gamescom 2021 – Xbox Stream.

Early on, we decided to use Unreal Engine 4 to bring this story to life. It not only allows us to rapidly prototype and iterate, but it also offers us incredible flexibility and powerful graphics tools that have made the jump from 2D to 3D extremely smooth for the team. On top of that, we added some of our own super cool tech to do things like give the gunk a life of its own. From the outset, our goal was for the gunk to have this mesmerising quality, something you can just sit and watch bubble away for ages, like a lava lamp.

Partnering with Xbox has been incredible, and we wanted to leverage the power of the Xbox ecosystem to its fullest potential. We’ve made a massive effort to ensure that whatever platform you play on, you will experience our full vision of The Gunk.

As is to be expected, we’re using Smart Delivery to best support all Xbox platforms. On Xbox One, you can expect a stable 30fps experience that offers the beautiful art design and graphical flourishes that you have seen in our trailer. If you’re playing on Xbox Series X|S or a high-end PC, everything is dialled up and we aim to provide you with a smooth 60fps gameplay experience at up to 4K resolution.

Considering the high expectations that Forza Horizon 5 and Halo Infinite are the premier Xbox-exclusive games set for the 4th quarter this year, The Gunk is a welcome Xbox-exclusive addition that gamers can look forward to especially if they are searching for science fiction adventuring laced with exploration. Personally, I am looking forward to The Gunk!

State of Decay 2 was surprising. While I never got to play any State of Decay game, this update for the game (which was first released in 2018) looks like a serious attempt to resonate with dedicated franchise fans as it will deliver the original map of the first game (launched on Xbox 360) which will be presented with an open-world aesthetic. The said update is coming out on September 1, 2021. Watch the trailer below…

More on State of Decay 2, here is an excerpt from the article written by Will Tuttle. Some parts in boldface…

In this new version of the iconic map, players will learn about the latest developments in this area, discovering new characters and storylines and resolving long-running plot threads.

Players can also look forward to six new bases, as well as unique weapons and outfits that can only be found in Trumbull Valley. New missions and new achievements await those who choose to settle on this new map.

In addition, we are proud to announce that State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition has surpassed 10 million players since its launch, a major milestone reflecting the success and popularity of the ultimate survival-sim game.

I never played the original Dying Light game and am not a fan of zombie-related gaming, but Dying Light 2: Stay Human was intriguing and entertaining to watch during the Xbox Gamescom 2021 event with lead game designer Tymon Smektala and animation director Dawid Lubryka of Techland doing the presentation. To see more of the game, watch the video below…

Here’s an excerpt from the article. Some parts in boldface…

The designers at Techland put a lot of attention to parkour animations. There are thousands of them, making navigation feel incredibly smooth. We wanted to make it as close as possible to the real world, while keeping all the moves fun and easy to pull off. But what takes exploration to the next level is your new set of skills—and gear! Oh yes, you don’t have to rely on your body alone. From the new paraglider to the ever-useful grappling hook, you’ll be able to make the most epic runs. They’ll often take place hundreds of meters above the street level. There are also ropes to swing on, rope bridges, trampolines, elevators—you name it. Of course, you’re going to need some practice before you master the navigation.

Survival is not just about moving around, however. Parkour is like yin to creative combat’s yang. Combine the two, and you’ll truly have a chance to see another sunrise! In Dying Light 2: Stay Human, the way you approach enemies can — and should — differ after you consider some factors. First of all, the faction you’ve sided with can impose (or prefer) a certain style of playing. Some like to steamroll through the enemy, others prefer to be more subtle about it. But ultimately, you choose how you play, so another thing to watch out for is who you’re facing. Between the Infected and the various factions surviving in the city, everyone will try to take you down in a different way. Some enemies will act alone. Some will work in a group. It’s good to learn the different behavior patterns and recognize what kind of weapons your enemies are carrying.

Dying Light 2: Stay Human was first announced during the Xbox event of the E3 in 2018 and in January 2020, it was announced that the game would be delayed. The game is set for a December 7, 2021 release for multiple platforms.

Crusader Kings III, which was released on personal computers in 2020, is coming to Xbox Series consoles as well as Xbox Game Pass (XGP) although a clear and specific release date has yet to be announced as of this writing.

I find this one interesting as I enjoyed simulation, strategy and role-playing games on PC before. I also enjoy playing games that allow gamers to make decisions out of the choices offered and show what happened next. Already an assurance has been made that Crusader Kings III has been optimized for Xbox Series consoles. Check out the excerpt from the article below. Some parts in boldface…

The Xbox Series X|S adaptation of Crusader Kings III will take advantage of the many strengths of the system, bringing special benefits. For example, the Xbox Series X|S internal SSD will allow for ultrafast loading times will enable you to easily switch between the game and a playthrough or tutorial you are checking out on YouTube.

The UI has been customized to work with the Xbox Wireless Controller, including the addition of radial menus, ensuring that none of the depth and detail of the Crusader Kings III experience has been lost in translation.

The release date for Crusader Kings III for Xbox Series X|S will be announced soon, but we can already commit to having this title available on Xbox Game Pass on day one. We hope that the Xbox community will grasp the opportunity to play one of the most popular strategy titles in the world.

Last but not least is Forza Horizon 5 which is set for a November 9, 2021 release and it is only looking even better and more promising. Check out the two newest videos below…

Playground Games are really experts in their craft with regards to open-world racing games as you can see in the above videos. The Mexico setting is just waiting to be explored and I am confident there will not only be a lot of locations to visit but also surprises and very exciting races to compete in. Check out the excerpt from the article below. Some parts in boldface…

As you play through Forza Horizon 5 and explore our expansive version of Mexico, you can expect cargo planes, an active volcano, a race to the festival under beautiful Mexican skies, and more. You’ll see exciting sights like the Ford Bronco Badlands atop the active, snow-capped Gran Caldera volcano, the 2020 Corvette Stingray tearing up the asphalt towards a dust storm in the Mexican farmland, and the Porsche 911 Desert Flyer crashing through the dense jungle tree canopy.

And finally, you’ll get to experience the stunning Mercedes-AMG ONE at full speed along Mexico’s sunbaked rocky coast.


The Xbox Gamescom 2021 digital event served its purpose with regards to games coming to the Xbox ecosystem this year (note: Psychonauts 2 got another pre-launch boost) as well as delivering updates for Xbox Game Pass subscribers as well as new stuff for Xbox gamers who rely on cloud services for their gaming needs. The Xbox-exclusives presented (led by Forza Horizon 5) are not as high-caliber as those showcased in the Xbox-Bethesda event of months ago, but still there is something exciting for the Xbox ecosystem and its gamers to look forward to.

In my honest view, Team Xbox and 343 Industries missed an opportunity to give gamers a much-needed update about Halo Infinite which, as of this writing, still has no solid release date and lacks serious updates about the single-player campaign! By now, the positive vibes from the multiplayer previews have faded and the recent reports about Halo Infinite are discouraging. While Japan is having very serious COVID-19 problems, the 2021 edition of the Tokyo Game Show is still on as of this writing. Will we see Team Xbox organize a Tokyo Game Show-related digital event to emphasize Halo Infinite and provide the much-needed updates? We will find out soon. Really, the pressure is now on 343 Industries to ensure Halo Infinite will be great to play.

In ending this piece, here are some Xbox-related videos for your enjoyment.


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A Look Back at Aerobiz Supersonic

When it comes to playing economic simulation games, I enjoy playing them on the personal computer (PC) using the keyboard and mouse. Back in the mid-1990s, there was one particular economic simulation that I played on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (Super NES or SNES) and found it to be very enjoyable and easily to play with using the console’s control pad.

That game was Aerobiz Supersonic, a simulation about the airline industry developed and published by Koei for both the Super NES and the Sega Genesis. Here is my look back at this old video game from the 1990s.

The cover of the Super NES version of the game. Its art and style is really nice to look at.

Concept and Game Design

In the game, you get to play the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of an airline and your goal is to beat your rivals in the global air travel industry. How to achieve the goal and succeed? There are tasks that need to be accomplished such as buying commercial airplanes (that include such real-life companies like Boeing and Airbus) for use, establishing flight routes, securing slots in airports worldwide, selling tickets and filling up each flight with as many passengers as possible, achieve profitability and finish the game’s imposed time period ranking . Adding zest to the game’s challenge is the selection of a certain era of world history that include 1955-1970 (the dawn of jets), 1970-1990 (the Cold War era), 1985-2005 (the present era) and 2000-2020 (the age of continued flight advancement).

Within the game, time passes by means of clicking a certain on-screen button that ends the player’s current turn. Of course, before pressing that, the player has to set things in motion like sending a representative to a certain overseas airport to negotiate and secure slots (which takes months to complete), set the ticket prices, buy a new airplane or two, etc. The game even allows players to micro-manage their airline like adjusting internal spending (salaries) or adjusting the quality of their airplane and services. Also nice is the option offered for players to buy a hotel or resort, a theme park or a travel agency that can bring in additional revenue.

The airport slots, local businesses, economic and tourism details per city displayed.

Visit an airline and choose from one of many models of airplanes to buy.

There are other small details that need paying attention to such as the economy and tourism meters of each city displayed (note: a higher tourism score means the city is more attractive to travelers), the population, etc. Also noteworthy is the current state of relations between your home nation with the nation of the city airport you are trying to establish routes with which can affect your business.

When the turn ends, a series of events will happen showing what happened around the world, how your company fared in the competition during the lapsed time period, and, occasionally, a random event will occur that most likely will affect your business (examples: the Olympics hosted by a city helps draw in additional passengers or the 1970s oil crisis raises the cost of your operation).

Regarding the game’s imposed time period for competing with the artificial intelligence (AI) opponents, the period is twenty in-game years.

This is part of micro-managing your business in the game.

After the end of each turn, news and updates not only about your company but also your competitors are flashed.


Being used to playing simulation games on PC, I found Aerobiz Supersonic to be very enjoyable, addicting and easy and efficient to play (in terms of controls). Considering the above-mentioned gameplay options (buying an airline, sending a representative, etc.), they are pretty easy to adjust using the Super NES controller although there were a few moments when I accidentally pressed the button putting into motion a different option.

Gameplay aside, this game has a whole lot of charm with its visual presentation. You launch a brand new flight route, the game shows a short animation sequence of the jet taking off. You buy an airplane, you will see a short animation of it entering your facility once it arrives (complete with a visual design reflecting the model). You conduct a board meeting, your company’s officials are present making reports to you and you get a series of choices to make on what to do next. A historical event or a global development occurs, you get to see original art reflecting them (example: a nation joins the EU with people wearing suits and neckties together in a formal ceremony). You make a move to buy slots at an airport overseas, a company official will have his or her face shown talking to you. When looking at the regional map, you see lines connected between cities (highlighting the establish flight route you made) and there are icons of airplanes flying between them.

Random tourist hot spots get highlighted as you keep playing.

More on the aspect of starting the game, I like the options offered for me to select which city shall serve as my airline headquarters. Among the many cities included, there are cities of my native Philippines namely Manila (the international destination) and the nearby city of Cebu. I still remember how delighted I was to see my native Philippines included in the game, complete with Asian character designs to reflect the company and its region.


Ultimately Aerobiz Supersonic (which was actually a sequel to Aerobiz) is a gem of a console economic simulation released at a time when 2D sprite gaming was still the standard and 3D polygonal gaming was just about to make an impact on the global video game console market. Back then, 2D side-scrolling action/adventure games, sports games and role-playing games (RPGs) were so common on the Super NES and Genesis combined and the idea of enjoying economic simulations on consoles was highly unusual. Aerobiz Supersonic is proof that economic simulations can come with a lot of depth, deliver a good amount of strategy and can be highly playable and enjoyable on consoles.

If you want to enjoy this game, it can be quite difficult to do because you need to acquire an existing copy of the game as well as a fully functioning Super NES or Sega Genesis. As of this writing, there has never been a re-release of Aerobiz Supersonic (note: in line with legitimacy, I will not consider those browser versions or file sharing of ROMs) and it is not even included on Nintendo’s Virtual Console. There’s not even a version made for smartphones.

Now if only the executives at Koei Tecmo Games would consider revisiting Aerobiz Supersonic with today’s consumers in mind.

You can choose what kind of plane, how many planes, how many flights and how much you set the ticket prices whenever you start a new flight route.

Thank you for reading. If you find this article engaging, please click the like button below and also please consider sharing this article to others. Also my fantasy book The World of Havenor is still available in paperback and e-book format. If you are looking for a copywriter to create content for your special project or business, check out my services and my portfolio. Feel free to contact me as well. Also please feel free to visit my Facebook page Author Carlo Carrasco and follow me at