What to watch on YouTube right now – Part 19

Welcome back, my readers, YouTube viewers and all others who followed this series of articles focused on YouTube videos worth watching. Have you been searching for something fun or interesting to watch on YouTube? Do you feel bored right now and you crave for something to see on the world’s most popular online video destination?

I recommend you check out the following topics and the related videos I found.

Larry Bird’s memorable big game of 1992 – If you love American basketball and the modern day NBA does not appeal much to you, then you should go back to the year 1992 when the legendary Larry Bird had his last big game before retiring. During his final years in the NBA, aging and a serious back injury hounded Bird as he kept on leading the Boston Celtics. In March 1992, the Celtics hosted the strong Portland Trailblazers and this was the game when Larry Bird scored 49 points and even registered a triple-double at the age of 35. That being said, watch the highlight video below…

Score PN’s Terminator 3: Before The Rise video – Score PN, a YouTube channel that is best known for its in-depth videos about the Resident Evil entertainment franchise, also produced videos related to The Terminator. Back in 2003, Arnold Schwarzenegger had a big cinematic comeback with Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines which I saw inside the cinema when it opened here in the Philippines. Back then, I was not even aware that a prequel comic book limited series of Terminator 3 was published and Score PN has a video about it which you can watch below. By the way, Score PN also produced videos about comic book adaptations of Batman movies which I highlighted previously.

Vizconde Massacre explanatory videos – Previously, I included Viva’s video showing the entire 1995 movie The Jessica Alfaro Story. For the newcomers reading this, Jessica Alfaro (played in the movie by Alice Dixson) was the star witness of the trial of the shocking Vizconde Massacre and it took her around four years to come out publicly. For legal reasons, The Jessica Alfaro Story film made alterations (creative liberties) to make a reference to the massacre without the Vizconde name. That being said, if you want to know more about the Vizconde Massacre of 1991, the trial that happened and the big decision the Supreme Court made in 2010, then you should watch these two explanatory videos. The third one analyzes the legal aspect of 2010 Supreme Court decision related to the massacre.

#4 RoboCop 2 reaction videos plus arcade/console game documentary – Back in 1990, my friends and I got to watch RoboCop 2 inside the movie theater here in the Philippines and almost all the seats were filled at the time. While the movie was not memorable as it never came close to matching the uniqueness and cultural impact of the 1987 original RoboCop, it still managed to entertain enough people who eventually became fans. Like its predecessor, RoboCop 2 also had game adaptations for the arcade and consoles. Watch the videos below…

A look at the history of Area 51 arcade/console games – Back in the mid-1990s, Area 51 by Atari was a huge hit in the arcades in the West and was perceived as a comeback for the said company. Area 51 was so successful, it prevented Atari from falling into financial disaster and versions of the game were released for Windows PC, PlayStation and Sega Saturn. Not only that, a spiritual sequel to Area 51 was released in 1997 with Maximum Force. To learn more about Area 51’s place in gaming history, watch the video below…

Stand by Me movie reaction videos plus trivia video If you are fond of movies based on the writings of Stephen King, then Stand by Me (1986) should have been part of your watch list a long time ago. It was an acclaimed coming-of-age film directed by Rob Reiner and has been described by some as one of the most defining movies of the 1980s. It is no surprise that there are retro movie reviews, movie reaction videos and trivia videos about it. You can watch the selected movie reaction videos plus a movie trivia video below…

The liar and manipulator Abby Martin crushed by son of Hamas! It is very sickening that there are still people here in this world who chose to be evil and do the works of Satan. I am talking about Abby Martin, a self-declared journalist who is actually a liar and manipulator. Do not let her good looks and media style fool you. Abby Martin constantly condemns the nation of Israel as she clearly took sides with the terrorists and supports the Palestinian agenda of wiping out the Jewish state. She might as well be working with wicked leaders of Iran. Watch this video of Abby Martin getting crushed by the son of Hamas. Remember that Abby Martin is clearly working with the terrorists and murderers. Never let Abby Martin poison your minds!

The disappointing interview with the Xbox president Since early this year, gamers’ trust in Xbox weakened due to unexpected developments such as Microsoft deciding to release four Xbox-exclusive games to other consoles. Since then, a lot of Xbox fans have been speculating that in due time Xbox itself will change for the worse and eventually end to pave the way for Microsoft to become a multi-platform game publisher. That being said, the downward trend of Xbox continued as four of its game studios – Tango Gameworks, Alpha Dog, Roundhouse Studios and Arkane Studios – were suddenly shut down which sent shockwaves throughout the industry and attracted negativity to Xbox. Not only that, there was this very disappointing interview with Xbox president Sarah Bond which made things worse. Posted below is the video of the very interview itself plus one reactionary video from Geeks and Gamers.


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A Look Back at RoboCop 2 #1 (1990)

Welcome back superhero enthusiasts, 1990s arts and culture enthusiasts, Marvel Comics fans and comic book collectors! Today we go back to the year 1990 to take a close look at the comic book adaptation of the movie RoboCop 2 (1990).

Before getting to the new retro comic book review, I should state that my friends and I had a fun time watching RoboCop 2 in the cinema shortly after it opened here in the Philippines. Back then, I was not yet a comic book collector and I rarely visited comic book specialty stores. That being said, I was unaware that Marvel Comics actually published an adaptation in the form of a 3-issue mini-series.

With those details laid down, here is a look back at RoboCop 2 , published in 1990 by Marvel with a story written by Alan Grant and drawn by Mark Bagley based on the movie screenplay by Frank Miller and Walon Green.

The cover.

Early story

The story begins in Detroit where the cops are run by corporations and the streets have turned into red-alert war zones. Crime is overwhelming the city and the highly addictive narcotic poses the greatest threat facing societies. The surgeon general who made the public warning about nuke was killed and the crime boss Cain (leader of a cult of nuke addicts and pushers) claims responsibility. Through the news media, Cain tells the public that nuke will make people’s problems go away and people want its paradise.

Under the management of Omni Consumer Products (OCP), several of Detroit’s police officers go on strike demanding better terms from their employer. The City Government of Detroit under Mayor Kuzak missed a payment (in relation to them owing $37 million) and OCP begins to move to foreclose the city and its assets in accordance to the terms of the contract. Mayor Kuzak accuses OCP of engineering the police strike which made crime rampant.

Elsewhere in the evening, the cruel activities of the thugs got disrupted by the arrival of a police car. Even though the police car got destroyed by the thugs, RoboCop emerges and begins to fight back…


There is simply no holding back for RoboCop when it comes to doing police work at a time when many police officers are on strike while crime has turned more rampant in Detroit.

This opening issue of the mini-series sticks close the basic plot of the movie (right until after Cain’s gang dismantled RoboCop) although there were a few notable differences with the sequence of events and there were scenes that showed the creative team took liberties to make the story suitable with the literary format in mind. That being said, don’t expect to see the key moments of the movie look exactly the same in this comic book and don’t expect to see the characters here looking like the actors who played them on the big screen. In terms of visual and literary presentation, this adaptation has a lot in common with the Total Recall comic book adaptation which coincidentally was released the same year.  

For me, this is indeed a really readable comic book that has its stylized approach on telling the movie’s concept. OCP is the most powerful entity in the story while Cain and his gang are clearly the force of evil that strongly pose danger not only to Detroit’s people but even to the very divided police force. Nuke as the dangerous object of the plot clearly was inspired from elements of the real life war against drugs in 1980s America which made this story socially relevant.

Very clearly these villains look nothing like actors Tom Noonan, Galyn Görg and Gabriel Damon.

Like in the movie, RoboCop here performs his law enforcement duty in an uncompromising manner even though memories of his past life as officer Murphy re-emerged deep inside. That being said, there are a few moments in which you might sympathize with the titular hero as this comic book pays close attention to the conflict between humanity and technology.

The action scenes here are sufficient but clearly don’t come anywhere close to the intensity of the film in terms of violence. Still, there is enough action for readers to enjoy.

When it comes to the visuals, the artwork done by Mark Bagley eerily looks comparable with Tom Lyle’s art in the Total Recall comic book of 1990. For the newcomers read this, Bagley became a popular artist through the Amazing Spider-Man monthly series and the Venom: Lethal Protector comic books that were released after years after this one. Having seen many of Bagley’s works published in 1992 to 1995, I can hardly recognize his art style in this comic book adaptation. The way he drew people’s faces in this comic book looks very different from those seen in Amazing Spider-Man issues. At the same time, Bagley’s own take on RoboCop has that balanced approach on depicting humanity with machinery while also making the hero look less bulky compared to the movie’s version.


Julie Faxx of OCP sure talks like a woke nut and rabid feminist in this scene.

RoboCop 2 (1990) is clearly not a faithful adaptation of selected parts of the movie but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. This is more about the Grant-Bagley team doing their own visual presentation of the movie script copy they had and ultimately they succeeded in making this comic book a stylized and worthy reading experience. This is indeed a surprisingly entertaining read and I can say that I am looking forward to reading the next issue.

Overall, RoboCop 2 (1990) is recommended.


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