What to watch on YouTube right now – Part 19

Welcome back, my readers, YouTube viewers and all others who followed this series of articles focused on YouTube videos worth watching. Have you been searching for something fun or interesting to watch on YouTube? Do you feel bored right now and you crave for something to see on the world’s most popular online video destination?

I recommend you check out the following topics and the related videos I found.

Larry Bird’s memorable big game of 1992 – If you love American basketball and the modern day NBA does not appeal much to you, then you should go back to the year 1992 when the legendary Larry Bird had his last big game before retiring. During his final years in the NBA, aging and a serious back injury hounded Bird as he kept on leading the Boston Celtics. In March 1992, the Celtics hosted the strong Portland Trailblazers and this was the game when Larry Bird scored 49 points and even registered a triple-double at the age of 35. That being said, watch the highlight video below…

Score PN’s Terminator 3: Before The Rise video – Score PN, a YouTube channel that is best known for its in-depth videos about the Resident Evil entertainment franchise, also produced videos related to The Terminator. Back in 2003, Arnold Schwarzenegger had a big cinematic comeback with Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines which I saw inside the cinema when it opened here in the Philippines. Back then, I was not even aware that a prequel comic book limited series of Terminator 3 was published and Score PN has a video about it which you can watch below. By the way, Score PN also produced videos about comic book adaptations of Batman movies which I highlighted previously.

Vizconde Massacre explanatory videos – Previously, I included Viva’s video showing the entire 1995 movie The Jessica Alfaro Story. For the newcomers reading this, Jessica Alfaro (played in the movie by Alice Dixson) was the star witness of the trial of the shocking Vizconde Massacre and it took her around four years to come out publicly. For legal reasons, The Jessica Alfaro Story film made alterations (creative liberties) to make a reference to the massacre without the Vizconde name. That being said, if you want to know more about the Vizconde Massacre of 1991, the trial that happened and the big decision the Supreme Court made in 2010, then you should watch these two explanatory videos. The third one analyzes the legal aspect of 2010 Supreme Court decision related to the massacre.

#4 RoboCop 2 reaction videos plus arcade/console game documentary – Back in 1990, my friends and I got to watch RoboCop 2 inside the movie theater here in the Philippines and almost all the seats were filled at the time. While the movie was not memorable as it never came close to matching the uniqueness and cultural impact of the 1987 original RoboCop, it still managed to entertain enough people who eventually became fans. Like its predecessor, RoboCop 2 also had game adaptations for the arcade and consoles. Watch the videos below…

A look at the history of Area 51 arcade/console games – Back in the mid-1990s, Area 51 by Atari was a huge hit in the arcades in the West and was perceived as a comeback for the said company. Area 51 was so successful, it prevented Atari from falling into financial disaster and versions of the game were released for Windows PC, PlayStation and Sega Saturn. Not only that, a spiritual sequel to Area 51 was released in 1997 with Maximum Force. To learn more about Area 51’s place in gaming history, watch the video below…

Stand by Me movie reaction videos plus trivia video If you are fond of movies based on the writings of Stephen King, then Stand by Me (1986) should have been part of your watch list a long time ago. It was an acclaimed coming-of-age film directed by Rob Reiner and has been described by some as one of the most defining movies of the 1980s. It is no surprise that there are retro movie reviews, movie reaction videos and trivia videos about it. You can watch the selected movie reaction videos plus a movie trivia video below…

The liar and manipulator Abby Martin crushed by son of Hamas! It is very sickening that there are still people here in this world who chose to be evil and do the works of Satan. I am talking about Abby Martin, a self-declared journalist who is actually a liar and manipulator. Do not let her good looks and media style fool you. Abby Martin constantly condemns the nation of Israel as she clearly took sides with the terrorists and supports the Palestinian agenda of wiping out the Jewish state. She might as well be working with wicked leaders of Iran. Watch this video of Abby Martin getting crushed by the son of Hamas. Remember that Abby Martin is clearly working with the terrorists and murderers. Never let Abby Martin poison your minds!

The disappointing interview with the Xbox president Since early this year, gamers’ trust in Xbox weakened due to unexpected developments such as Microsoft deciding to release four Xbox-exclusive games to other consoles. Since then, a lot of Xbox fans have been speculating that in due time Xbox itself will change for the worse and eventually end to pave the way for Microsoft to become a multi-platform game publisher. That being said, the downward trend of Xbox continued as four of its game studios – Tango Gameworks, Alpha Dog, Roundhouse Studios and Arkane Studios – were suddenly shut down which sent shockwaves throughout the industry and attracted negativity to Xbox. Not only that, there was this very disappointing interview with Xbox president Sarah Bond which made things worse. Posted below is the video of the very interview itself plus one reactionary video from Geeks and Gamers.


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What to watch on YouTube right now – Part 18

Welcome back, my readers, YouTube viewers and all others who followed this series of articles focused on YouTube videos worth watching. Have you been searching for something fun or interesting to watch on YouTube? Do you feel bored right now and you crave for something to see on the world’s most popular online video destination?

I recommend you check out the following topics and the related videos I found.

X-Men (2000) movie reaction videos plus trivia and retrospective – When it comes to superheroes, I am fan of the X-Men and most of the engaging stories I read were comic books written by Chris Claremont who is also responsible with defining many key characters. The first-ever live-action X-Men movie was released in 2000 and I saw it on opening day here in the Philippines inside a cinema of Festival Mall and it was not even half-full. Today, a brand new live-action X-Men movie under Marvel Studios has yet to be released and now is a good time to look back at the first movie through the varied movie reaction videos, trivia video and retrospective video below…

Flavors of NCR 2024 videos – If you love food and enjoy food bazaars or food festivals, then you should read my article about the 2024 edition of Flavors of NCR which I attended recently. Flavors of NCR is an annual food festival supported by the local governments of the National Capital Region (NCR) here in the Philippines which gives visitors opportunities to try the food and beverage products offered by different small businesses from each local government. This year’s Flavors of NCR was hosted by Muntinlupa City and Filinvest City Central Park was the venue. Watch and enjoy my videos below…

The Leftists love terrorism, murder, destruction and genocide – On more serious matters, the Islamo-Leftist believers (people who hate Israel and support Iran, the Palestinian terrorists and other evil forces of the world) have turned more chaotic with their protesting and they don’t even care about the safety and concerns of the public. Here are the facts: Leftists/socialists/Marxists/Communists/liberals are consumed by evil and they took sides with the terrorists not realizing they are supporting evil forces. It is also a fact that many pro-Palestine believers don’t even have full knowledge of what they are campaigning for and their ignorance was exposed! Many pro-Palestine believers want to commit genocide against the Jewish people even as they blatantly blame Israel for genocide (a big lie). Observe the evil, the ignorance and recklessness of the people who hate Israel in the videos below. They are clearly very lost people who constantly fail to realize the evil of their ways.

#4 Wicked Iran failed to destroy Israel and got hit strategically – Iran is the heart of evil in this world we live in. Iran – which has a very wicked and unholy regime since 1979 – is Satan’s tool for spreading death, chaos and genocide through the form of terrorism. Iran’s massive attack on Israel turned out a major failure as their missiles (plus some from their terrorist proxies) were deflected by a rate of 99% by Israel’s defenses and assistance from its allies (including Saudi Arabia). Iran was humiliated not only because of the failed massive attack (which cost them many billions of Dollars) on Israel but also because a new coalition of Western and Arab nation was formed to defend Israel.

Shortly after that, Iran suffered from a strategic attack which was not even massive in terms of explosives but was more than enough to rattle Iranian systems. The attack on Iran happened the same day their supreme leader turned 85 and their evil regime got very humiliated. Watch and learn from the videos below…

The Jessica Alfaro Story (1995) full movie – Here in the Philippines, the Vizconde Massacre case is one of the most controversial and most sensationalized cases ever. This is about the 1991 tragedy of three family members – mother, adult daughter and little daughter – who were found dead with multiple stab wounds in their home in BF Homes, Parañaque. In 1995, Jessica Alfaro emerged as the so-called star witness claiming she knew the suspects, was at the Vizconde home when the murders happened, and pointed to several suspects who happened to be members of prominent families. Conviction of the suspects happened in January 2000 followed by further legal disputes through the following years. In December 2010, seven of the nine accused were acquitted as a result of the Supreme Court reversing the earlier judgment of the lower court and the Court of Appeals.

Going back to 1995, believe it or not, a live-action movie dramatizing the life and times of Jessica Alfaro was actually released shortly after the star witness first emerged. The movie was The Jessica Alfaro Story (1995) which starred Alice Dixson which you can watch entirely (note: Tagalog language and several minutes of the film was muted on YouTube due to use of copyrighted music) below.

Take note that due to legal reasons, the Vizconde name was not used in the film which resulted in the use of an alternative name (examples: Vizconde massacre is called Ilagan massacre, Carmella Vizconde is referred to as Lorraine Ilagan), and do not expect to hear Hubert Webb’s name in the film. This goes the same with the other real-life suspects. The Vizconde Massacre case officially started in 1995 and the 2010 Supreme Court decision made The Jessica Alfaro Story’s overall value questionable by today’s standards. However, the movie should still appeal to people who love Alice Dixson, as well as film buffs who are interested to see how Filipino filmmakers dramatize reality and controversial cases.

Elevator Action retrospective – Decades ago, I enjoyed playing Elevator Action games on console and at the local arcade. Specifically, I played the original Elevator Action game on the Family Computer (Nintendo Entertainment System in America) as a young boy. A decade later, I played the sequel Elevator Action Returns which was very fun and immersive arcade game! To learn more about the history of Elevator Action, watch the video of PatmanQC below…

Stargate reaction videos – Before Independence Day (1996) and the atrocious Hollywood Godzilla (1998) were released, the creative duo of producer Dean Devlin and director Roland Emmerich made Stargate (1994). This is the very movie that served as the foundation of the eventual Stargate SG-1 TV series which itself was a sequel. To learn more about the Stargate movie, watch the selected reaction videos below…


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