I visited the grave of Oskar Schindler

Welcome back, readers and fellow followers of the Lord! This is the 8th chapter of my ongoing series of articles about the holy nation of Israel with recollections about the experiences and discoveries I had during the pilgrimage tour I joined with my local church (hosted by strategic partner Behold Israel). To see my previous Israel tour articles, click hereherehere, here, here,  here and here.

Before moving on, may I request to you readers to pray to the Lord in support for the nation of Israel as it has been at war with the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas (which committed the October 7, 2023 terrorist attacks) in the Gaza Strip, as well as with Hezbollah in the north. Prayers are also needed for the hostages (taken by Hamas) and for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) which has been working so hard and long. Israel’s economy and people also need prayers of support. I will always stand with Israel and my faith in the Lord remains uncompromising!

In this latest edition of my Israel 2023 series, I share with you my observations about what happened during our group’s one and only rest day. Instead of just resting at our nice hotel in Jerusalem, I decided to take advantage of the day to visit the Temple Mount for the first time ever, return to the Western Wall/Jewish Quarter/Upper Room, and visiting King David’s Tomb to name some.

Having revisited the Upper Room  as well as King David’s Tomb (located just below), I took the rare opportunity of visiting the grave of the late Oskar Schindler which is located inside a Catholic cemetery just a few hundred meters away by foot. Look at the Google Map screenshot below…

This should give you an idea as to how close the Upper Room and King David’s Tomb sites in Israel are to the cemetery that has Schindler’s grave.

Who is Oskar Schindler?

For the newcomers reading this, Oskar Schindler was a German industrialist and a member of the Nazi Party who is best known for saving more than one thousand Jews during the Holocaust by having them employed in his business of enamelware and ammunition (across different locations in Europe). His costly efforts of saving the Jews from certain death during World War II became his most defining legacy to world initially chronicled in the novel Schindler’s Ark (later retitled as Schindler’s List) written by Thomas Keneally, and most famously dramatized in cinematic form in Steven Spielberg’s Schindler’s List (1993) with Liam Neeson portraying him. I myself saw Schindler’s List in the cinema here in the Philippines on April 2, 1994, and it was the most engaging movie theater experience I ever had.

The real-life Oskar Schindler (1908-1974). (photo source – Yad Vashem)
The cinematic Oskar Schindler portrayed by Liam Neeson in the Steven Spielberg-directed film Schindler’s List. (photo source – IMDB.com)

Schindler was born in 1908 in Zwittau, Austria-Hungary (now referred to as the Czech Republic). After the end of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, he became a citizen of the Czechoslovak Republic. He married Emilie Pelzl in 1928 and went on to work in different occupations ranging from farm machinery to selling government property. He also served in his republic’s army and eventually made his way into the German Armed Forces specifically through its military foreign intelligence office. In 1939, Schindler joined the Nazi Party and eventually arrived in Poland (after the German invasion) and established himself as a businessman. It was in Poland where he established the enamelware business and hired Jewish people as his workers.

A lot happened to Schindler and his wife after the end of World War II. He faced danger of being arrested as a war criminal. Schindler and his wife endured lots of difficulties moving back to Germany. In the years that followed, Schindler had a series of failed business ventures and declared bankruptcy in the early 1960s. Thanks to his Jewish friends from the war, he survived on donations sent by the Schindlerjuden (the people he saved during the Holocaust).

Schindler visited Israel for the first time ever in 1961 and was welcomed warmly. A tree was planted in his honor at the Avenue of the Righteous at Yad Vashem in 1962 (note: his wife Emilie got recognized as among the Righteous Among the Nations in 1993).

Before dying in 1974, he lived partly in Israel and partly in Germany. Schindler was buried in Jerusalem in Mount Zion and his grave has been visited many times by Jews and other people from around the world.  

How I made it to Schindler’s grave

Having prayed to the Lord for a meaningful and blessed day-off, I got ready for the places to visit in ancient Jerusalem and that includes a precise study of maps and where the significant sites are located.

As mentioned above, coming from the Temple Mount, the Western Wall and the Jewish Quarter, I exited through Zion Gate of the old city of Jerusalem heading towards the Upper Room (the traditional site of the Last Supper that involved our Lord Savior Jesus) for a return visit (note: my first time there was with our tour group with a guide) and for my first-ever visit at the King David’s Tomb site (on the ground floor level so nearby).

That being said, it was easy to find the nearby cemetery (note: there was one other cemetery nearby) for Schindler’s grave coming from King David’s Tomb by foot. After walking down a short road leading to a major road outside and crossing it, I found the entrance of the cemetery which even had a small sign that says “To Oskar Schindler’s grave.”

The cemetery gate with a sign confirming that Schindler’s grave is inside.

My time at Schindler’s grave

So I entered the cemetery all alone, walked further and climbed down some steps until I reached the very area of Schindler’s grave which was actually located by a cemented walkway. Posted below is the shot I took before approaching the grave.

A wide shot of the lower area of the cemetery where Schindler’s grave is located (in the distance).

Finally, I made my first-ever approach to the grave of the one German businessman who saved the lives of many Jews and I captured it all by video as you can see below along with the pictures I took right there. Schindler’s grave was full of stones placed in thanks to him, remembrance of him and in honor for him. I noticed one particular stone even has a “Thank you!”

The grave of Oskar Schindler with lots of stones placed on it by visitors and by those who remember him for saving over a thousand Jewish people during the Holocaust.
A diagonal shot of the grave with a good amount of sunlight captured during the moment.
This is me taking a picture of myself near Oskar Schindler’s grave.

Visible on the grave was the German inscription which in English means “The unforgettable lifesaver of 1200 persecuted Jews.

Being right there at the grave brought me strong memories about the final sequence of the movie Schindler’s List which was presented in color. That scene turned out very powerful to watch as a line of people – including the Jewish survivors who encountered Schindler during the war plus the actors who played many of them – took turns placing stones at this very grave. The late Leopold “Poldek” Pfefferberg himself was present in the scene at the grave which is very significant because he personally encountered Schindler and was crucial with both the publishing of Schindler’s Ark and the filming of Schindler’s List. Pfefferberg was an advisor to Spielberg.

Holocaust survivor Poldek Pfefferberg with Oskar Schindler in the 1960s. (photo source – United States Holocaust Memorial Museum)
This is my 4K Blu-ray copy of Schindler’s List. This is the best and most definitive way to watch it at the comfort of home. So much better than streaming.

The placing of stones or pebbles on a grave has an important part in the Jewish ways. The Jewish Virtual Library describes it as follows (some parts in boldface):

As Oskar Schindler was German, the placing of stones at his grave is notably exceptional and if you wish to feel the impact of the colored scene near the end of Schindler’s List, you will have to endure the film first from the beginning. After all, the Spielberg-directed movie gradually shows how the German businessman got connected with the Jewish people as his laborers, and the turning point of him deciding to save them from death by sacrificing so much (read: lots of money spent and use of influence with German officials) and taking huge risks along the way was powerful to watch.

Even though I’m not Jewish and not a survivor of World War II, I still placed a stone on Oskar Schindler’s grave to thank him for saving many Jews long ago. As a person faith, my love for Israel and the Jewish people remains uncompromising in relation to my unwavering faith in the Lord and His Word.

Significant lessons about loving, blessing and helping the Jewish people

Having been to the Holocaust museum at Yad Vashem prior to the rest day, I learned there that Oskar Schindler was one of many others who took risks to save Jews during the Holocaust. The Schindler Jews of more than one thousand survivors have since multiplied into thousands more people through the decades.

The Holocaust and the October 7, 2023 terrorist attacks should remind each of us faithful ones that we cannot simply ignore the tragedies and do nothing. People of the Jewish State need our help and praying for them is a solid way to start. Ask the Lord for signs on how to help Israelites in additional ways. Do not rush and wait for Him to send you a command or a clear message on what to do next. Right now, Israel is fighting the enemy inside Gaza while defending itself from the other enemy on the north.

Around the world, there are millions of young protesters and activists who were brainwashed into supporting the terrorists while attacking Israel so blindly. Indeed, the world is chaotic and all the people who attack Israel while empowering the terrorists are doing the dirty works for Satan. It is also not surprising to encounter a pro-Palestine believer or an anti-Semitic person who openly rejects the Word of God or even mock Lord Jesus. The people – the brainwashed activists and terrorists specifically – who wish to destroy Israel in this modern age are becoming more like the Nazi Germans who were led by Adolf Hitler (who dreamed of wiping out all Jewish people). These unfortunate events should compel you to stand up for Israel and the Jewish people as you live on with unwavering faith in the Lord and His Word.

You might be wondering what are the biblical lessons to learn with regards to loving, blessing and helping the Jewish people. We can start by acknowledging the sovereignty, authority and the holiness of the Lord God and remember always that Lord Jesus is the Anointed Mediator. Read the following holy scriptures below…

“Therefore, give the people of Israel this message from the Sovereign Lord: I am bringing you back, but not because you deserve it. I am doing it to protect my holy name, on which you brought shame while you were scattered among the nations. I will show how holy my great name is—the name on which you brought shame among the nations. And when I reveal my holiness through you before their very eyes, says the Sovereign Lord, then the nations will know that I am the Lord. For I will gather you up from all the nations and bring you home again to your land.

“Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean. Your filth will be washed away, and you will no longer worship idols. And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart. And I will put my Spirit in you so that you will follow my decrees and be careful to obey my regulations.

“And you will live in Israel, the land I gave your ancestors long ago. You will be my people, and I will be your God. I will cleanse you of your filthy behavior. I will give you good crops of grain, and I will send no more famines on the land. I will give you great harvests from your fruit trees and fields, and never again will the surrounding nations be able to scoff at your land for its famines. Then you will remember your past sins and despise yourselves for all the detestable things you did. But remember, says the Sovereign Lord, I am not doing this because you deserve it. O my people of Israel, you should be utterly ashamed of all you have done!

“This is what the Sovereign Lord says: When I cleanse you from your sins, I will repopulate your cities, and the ruins will be rebuilt.

Ezekiel 36:22-33 (NLT)

Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, that the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him who sows the seed; and the mountains shall drop sweet wine and all the hills shall melt [that is, everything heretofore barren and unfruitful shall overflow with spiritual blessing].

And I will bring back the exiles of My people Israel, and they shall build the waste cities and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards and drink the wine from them; they shall also make gardens and eat the fruit of them.

And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be torn up out of their land which I gave them, says the Lord your God.

Amos 9:13-15 (AMPC)

For God is not unrighteous to forget or overlook your labor and the love which you have shown for His name’s sake in ministering to the needs of the saints (His own consecrated people), as you still do.

Hebrews 6:10 (AMPC)

For there [is only] one God, and [only] one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,

1 Timothy 2:5 (AMPC)

They answered, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved—you and all your family.”

Acts 16:31 (TPT)

My beloved friends, if you see a believer who is overtaken with a fault, the one who is in the Spirit should seek to restore him in the Spirit of gentleness. But keep watch over your own heart so that you won’t be tempted to exalt yourself over him. Love empowers us to fulfill the law of the Anointed One as we carry each other’s troubles.

Galatians 6:1-2 (TPT)

For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him.

Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:9-11 (NKJV)

Matthew 13:41-43 (NKJV)

John 15:1-8 (TPT)

Also, never forget that Israel is the land that God the Heavenly Father designated for the Jewish people and He always has great plans for them. Read the scriptures below…

Now the Lord had said to Abram:

“Get out of your country,

From your family

And from your father’s house,

To a land that I will show you.

I will make you a great nation;

I will bless you

And make your name great;

And you shall be a blessing.

I will bless those who bless you,

And I will curse him who curses you;

And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

Genesis 12:1-3 (NKJV)

Then God said to Abraham, “As for Sarai your wife, you shall not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall be her name. And I will bless her and also give you a son by her; then I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of peoples shall be from her.”

Then Abraham fell on his face and laughed, and said in his heart, “Shall a child be born to a man who is one hundred years old? And shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child?” And Abraham said to God, “Oh, that Ishmael might live before You!”

Then God said: “No, Sarah your wife shall bear you a son, and you shall call his name Isaac; I will establish My covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his descendants after him.

And as for Ishmael, I have heard you. Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly. He shall beget twelve princes, and I will make him a great nation. But My covenant I will establish with Isaac, whom Sarah shall bear to you at this set time next year.” Then He finished talking with him, and God went up from Abraham.

Genesis 17:15-22 (NKJV)

Again God said to him, Your name is Jacob [supplanter]; you shall not be called Jacob any longer, but Israel shall be your name. So He called him Israel [contender with God].

And God said to him, I am God Almighty. Be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall come from you and kings shall be born of your stock;

The land which I gave Abraham and Isaac I will give to you, and to your descendants after you I will give the land.

Genesis 35:10-12 (AMPC)

Now therefore, if you will obey My voice in truth and keep My covenant, then you shall be My own peculiar possession and treasure from among and above all peoples; for all the earth is Mine.

And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests, a holy nation [consecrated, set apart to the worship of God]. These are the words you shall speak to the Israelites.

Exodus 19:5-6 (AMPC)

Say therefore to the people of Israel, ‘I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will deliver you from slavery to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great acts of judgment. I will take you to be my people, and I will be your God, and you shall know that I am the Lord your God, who has brought you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians. I will bring you into the land that I swore to give to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. I will give it to you for a possession. I am the Lord.’”

Exodus 6:6-8 (ESV)

“Yet hear now, O Jacob My servant,
And Israel whom I have chosen.

Thus says the Lord who made you
And formed you from the womb, who will help you:
‘Fear not, O Jacob My servant;
And you, Jeshurun, whom I have chosen.

For I will pour water on him who is thirsty,
And floods on the dry ground;
I will pour My Spirit on your descendants,
And My blessing on your offspring;

They will spring up among the grass
Like willows by the watercourses.’

One will say, ‘I am the Lord’s’;
Another will call himself by the name of Jacob;
Another will write with his hand, ‘The Lord’s,’
And name himself by the name of Israel.

Isaiah 44:1-5 (NKJV)


During my final moments at the cemetery, I carefully touched Schindler’s grave and went on marching all the way to Mahane Yehuda Market in the city.

I am very thankful to the Lord for the significant visits and favors He blessed me with during the rest day in Jerusalem. The visit to Schindler’s grave was a worthy conclusion to the time I spent visiting the sites inside and outside of the walls of the old city of Jerusalem during the cold morning. After Schindler’s grave, I marched all the way to Mahane Yehuda market (with a coffee break at Tmol Shilshom on the way).

I cannot say that Schindler’s grave is a holy site to visit, but it still carries great historical significance in relation to the saving of Jews during the Holocaust. To those of you who get to visit the grave, do not be surprised to see the many stones placed on it. Finally, be mindful that when you visit the Upper Room or King David’s Tomb site just outside of Zion Gate, the cemetery that has Schindler’s grave is only a few hundred meters away by walking. Ask your tour guide about the location and what time the cemetery opens in the morning.

While Oskar Schindler remains a controversial person of history as his legacy continues to be debated between varied people with specific beliefs and reasons (note: there are people who admired him as well as others who condemned him), his efforts (aided by his wife Emilie and his Jewish assistant Itzhak Stern) on protecting the Jewish workers from certain death during World War II should always be remembered.

It should be noted that Schindler’s List has been criticized for having fictionalized scenes, deliberate omissions of historical facts and its portrayal of Oskar as a hero whose personality developed over time. In reality, wife Emilie Schindler was much more involved with her husband on rescuing the Jews which is a significant fact that Spielberg’s movie ignored.

Emilie and Oskar Schindler in Argentina after the end of World War II. Emilie was much more involved with her husband on sparing over a thousand Jewish people from certain death during the Holocaust. (photo credit: Yad Vashem)

The German businessman’s legacy is clearly connected with the 1993 film which itself made tremendous impact by making people aware of the Holocaust and the six million Jews who got killed. The said impact, in my view, is much bigger than the many Academy Awards the movie won! Spielberg’s movie marked the beginning of my learning about the Holocaust and back in 1994, I was not even aware of the biblical significance of Israel and the Jewish people. In my old life of rituals, traditions and idolatrous religion, no person of religion ever taught me to love and bless Israel, nor did anyone religious tell me about God’s covenant with the Jewish people. Reading the Bible back then was only occasional.

In the year I got born again, I gradually learned about the significance of Israel, the Jewish people and the biblical ties between Jews and Christians as I immersed myself with God’s Word. Studying the Holy Bible and living by His Word helped me understand God’s covenant with Abraham whose rightful heirs have always been Isaac (his son) and Jacob (his grandson who later got renamed Israel). Just months after getting born again, I prayed to the Lord a lot for His plan for me related with Israel as I wanted to deepen my faith in Him by visiting the Holy Land and witness the Bible come to life. The 2023 Israel pilgrimage tour I joined with my local church was the Lord’s anointed answer and blessing to me. It is also the greatest and most significant foreign trip I ever had.

Israel is a great and holy place to visit! Visit Israel with the Holy Bible! Pray to the Lord wholeheartedly and reveal to Him your heart’s desire to visit Israel to deepen your faith in Him. Always be the fearless and aggressive church of Lord Jesus! Follow the light of Lord Jesus, keep on praying for the peace of Jerusalem and live on with unwavering faith in Him!

Watch out for more Israel 2023 travel articles here. There is more to come!


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What to watch on YouTube right now – Part 14

Have you been searching for something fun or interesting to watch on YouTube? Do you feel bored right now and you crave for something to see on the world’s most popular online video destination?

I recommend you check out the following topics and the related videos I found.

The truth about the Middle East and why a two-state solution is terrible – YouTube channel travelingisrael.com published two important videos that have to be seen as each comes with in-depth explanations. One video explains why genocide, apartheid and ethnic cleansing hit several groups of people (examples: the Armenians, the Christians, the Jewish plus the dissenting people in Iran to name a few) in the Middle East through the decades. The other video is about the decades-old concept of a two-state solution involving Israel and the Palestinians (displaced people) remains terrible to implement. To this day, the evil legacy of murderer and demon Yasser Arafat remains with leaders of Palestine.

Questions that pro-Palestine believers cannot answer – Still with YouTube channel travelingisrael.com, here is a video about ten questions that the pro-Palestine believers cannot answer. Let me also state that a lot of these pro-terrorist, pro-Palestine believers often rely on violence, mobbing and screaming in public rallies. So many of them have been brainwashed by Islamo-Leftists to do Satan’s work. The video below is a must-watch…

Score PN’s videos about comic book adaptations of Batman movies – When it comes to relevant and fun content related to the Resident Evil entertainment franchise, YouTube channel Score PN is a great source of videos to watch. That’s not to say the channel is limited only to Resident Evil stuff as it also has videos about other entertainment properties covering movies, comic books and video games. Among the many non-Resident Evil videos the channel has, I found its two videos about the comic book adaptations of the movies Batman (1989) and Batman Returns (1992) fun and informative to watch. You can watch the two videos below…

#4 Assorted retro gaming videos – There is no doubt that content about retro gaming is really popular not only with long-time gamers but also with much younger people who became fascinated with the way games from long ago looked and played. In relation to the topic of retro gaming, I published articles focused on the decades-old electronic gaming print ads which you can read by clicking here and here. There will be more retro gaming posts on this website and while waiting for them, I recommend you watch the assorted videos I selected for your enjoyment below…

Entertainment trivia videos by Minty Comedic Arts – If you are fond of trivia about movies or shows, then you can’t go wrong with the many videos published by Minty Comedic Arts. Posted below are videos of his that I selected for your enjoyment. Don’t forget to visit Minty’s channel on YouTube.

Israel war updates – Going back to Israel, I have been following updates about the war against Hamas and Hezbollah not through the distorted mainstream news media but to a carefully selected few sources that are trustworthy. One such source is TBN Israel on YouTube and you can watch their recent videos about the war below. Always remember that Hamas and Hezbollah are pure evil and they are both allied with the evil regime of Iran.


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I Love Israel: Israel looking forward to stronger bilateral ties with the Philippines under the administration of incoming President Marcos and Vice President Duterte

This past May 25, Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos, Jr. and Sara Duterte were officially proclaimed the duly elected President and Vice President of the Philippines during the joint session of Congress. Marcos and Duterte, who won their respective contests in the May 9, 2022 national elections under their UniTeam banner, will officially take office on June 30, 2022 and will serve for six years. Marcos and Duterte are both majority winners in the separate contests for President and Vice President, and each had more than thirty million voters.

In relation to this, the Embassy of Israel posted through Facebook two picture posts dated May 25, 2022 congratulating Marcos for his proclamation, and a message addressed to Duterte (note: the daughter of outgoing President Rodrigo Duterte) expressing optimism that the friendly relations between Israel and the Philippines will be boosted further under her leadership. For transparency, posted below are screenshots of the Facebook posts…

President-elect Bongbong Marcos with Israeli Ambassador Ilan Fluss. (photo source -Israel in the Philippines Facebook page)
Vice President-elect Sara Duterte. (photo source – Israel in the Philippines Facebook page)

Quite interestingly, the Manila Bulletin published on Thursday an article stating that Israel is confident of boosting ties with the Philippines under VP-elect Duterte’s leadership and it made a reference to the May 25, 2022 FB post (pictured above). It is quite a detailed article and it has references to the landmark 2018 Israel visit of President Rodrigo Duterte and the historical links between the Philippines and Israel.

To put things in perspective, posted below is the excerpt from report of the Manila Bulletin article dated May 26, 2022. Some parts in boldface…

Israel has expressed confidence that its friendly ties with the Philippines will improve under the leadership of Vice President-elect Sara Duterte-Carpio as the middle eastern nation congratulated her.

The Israel Embassy in the Philippines said this after Duterte’s proclamation as the duly elected vice president of the Philippines after a landslide victory in the 2022 polls.

In a Facebook post, the Embassy said it is looking forward to Duterte’s next visit to Israel in her new capacity.

Mazal Tov Vice President-elect Sara Zimmerman Duterte-Carpio!” the post read.

We are optimistic that our friendly relations will boost further under your leadership. We look forward to your next visit to Israel… as the VP!

The Vice President-elect went to Israel in September 2018 with her father, President Duterte. The older Duterte’s four-day trip to Jerusalem was historic as he was the first Philippine president to visit the Holy Land officially.

President Duterte explained that he had brought the Davao City mayor with him because of her mother’s Jewish roots.

The father of Elizabeth Zimmerman — Duterte’s ex-wife and Sara’s mother — was a German Jew who escaped Nazi Germany and obtained a Philippine visa alone with around 1,300 other European Jews.

Former Foreign Affairs deputy director-general for Asia-Pacific Affairs Gilad Cohen described Sara’s visit to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem as a “closure.”

“Sara Duterte (Zimmerman) is Mayor, the . She is President Duterte’s daughter, and her grandfather found shelter in [the Philippines] before WWII when President Quezon opened the gates for Jews who fled Germany. A closure here in [Israel] at Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum,” he wrote in 2018.

The Philippine Commonwealth government’s open-door policy accommodated Jews who fled Europe from 1935 to 1941.

The Holocaust was the state-sponsored persecution and murder of around 6 million Jews by the Nazis who came to power in Germany in January 1933.

During their visit, President Duterte wrote the words “Never again” when he signed the guest book of the Yad Vashem at the Children’s Memorial Hall, referring to the persecution and murder of six million Jews during World War II by the Nazi regime and its collaborators.

“May the hearts of peoples around the world remain ever open. And may the minds of all men and women learn to work together towards providing a safe haven for all who are being persecuted,” he added.

While I find it strange that President-elect Marcos was not mentioned in Manila Bulletin’s article, I still am optimistic that Israel-Philippine ties will keep on growing stronger and there will be more cooperation and special projects between them. Truly this is something we should be thankful to the Lord for.

If you truly believe in Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit and God the Heavenly Father wholeheartedly and you continue to be faithful (not religious), you should be aware that Christians are meant to stand united with Israel, love the Jewish people and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. You can do your part supporting Israel by donating to Christians United for Israel (CUFI). Do not forget to read the Holy Bible, then pray in tongues to the Lord in the privacy of your room with the door shut. With regards to the incoming President Bongbong Marcos and Vice President Sara Duterte, I urge you all to pray for them. Pray that they will open their hearts to the Lord, look up to Him and follow His guiding light as they govern the entire Philippines in the years to come.

Always be the fearless and aggressive church of Lord Jesus! Always stand in support of Israel! Help build the ties between the State of Israel and the Republic of the Philippines!

In ending this I Love Israel piece, posted below are Israel-related videos for your viewing pleasure and enlightenment. Also included is an extensive Philippine video about the Marcos-Duterte proclamation.


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A Look Back at V: The Original Miniseries (1983)

Disclaimer: This is my original work with details sourced from watching V: The Original Miniseries and doing personal research. Anyone who wants to use this article, in part or in whole, needs to secure first my permission and agree to cite me as the source and author. Let it be known that any unauthorized use of this article will constrain the author to pursue the remedies under R.A. No. 8293, the Revised Penal Code, and/or all applicable legal actions under the laws of the Philippines.

Way back in 1983, I was fortunate to watch the 2-episode sci-fi mini-series on television titled V: The Original Miniseries. Because there was no Netflix, no YouTube, no Internet access and no DVD at the time, getting to replay the said mini-series as well as its sequel V: The Final Battle was really hard. Replays of them on local TV rarely happened.

Then in 2001, V: The Original Miniseries was released on DVD format and I got to watch it all over again with a good amount of enjoyment. In recent times, I purchased the Blu-ray release and replayed the original miniseries in high-definition at last!

You must be wondering if the original mini-series aged well through the decades, and is it still good to watch by today’s standards? While I will comment about its overall quality below, what I can say is that its theme about people fighting to be free from fascism, oppression, terrorism and dictatorship remains relevant to this day.

For his part, star Marc Singer stated: “I think themes of what holds society together and what tears society apart, those themes are universal themes and I think they’re always going to be relevant. I think there’s going to be a necessity for things like V to be revisited in order that society remember what it is that’s cohesive and coherent about it and why is it that we should all stand together and treat each other well.”  

With those details laid down, here is a look back at V: The Original Miniseries, written and directed by Kenneth Johnson. The first episode was broadcast on television in the United States on May 1, 1983.

V: The Original Miniseries

Early story

The story begins in El Salvador where camera operator Mike Donovan (Marc Singer) and his companion Tony risk their lives capturing footage of an armed conflict. As the two tried their best to move away from the heat of battle, a helicopter of the enemy tracks them and corners them. Just as hope seems lost for Mike Donovan, the helicopter suddenly flies away. He turns to the other direction and witnesses the presence of a huge, floating saucer-like space ship coming his way. He begins to record footage of it.

Soon enough, several other space ships arrive and float above many other cities around the world. In America, medical student Julie Parrish (Faye Grant) and her colleagues carefully watch the TV news coverage. In a nice neighborhood, several residents – including Robin Maxwell (Blaire Tefkin), Eleanor Dupres (Neva Patterson), Daniel Bernstein (David Packer) and his grandfather Abraham (Leonardo Cimino) to name a few – marvel at the sight of a space ship above them. At another location, the research of scientist Robert Maxwell (Michael Durrell) and his colleague got interrupted with the arrival of a space ship.

The Visitors formally begin their new relationship with the people of Earth.
Diana of the Visitors played by Jane Badler.

Some time later, the Visitors make verbal contact with the people around the world using varied languages of Earth. In a special arrangement held at the top of the United Nations (UN) building in New York closely viewed on TV by the general public, the Visitors reveal themselves represented by John (Richard Herd) who expresses their message of reaching out peacefully to the people of Earth, seek their help and, in return, share with them their advanced technologies that could help humanity a whole lot for future generations. The Visitors are human in appearance but speak with very distinct sounds.

As a result, the governments of Earth agree to the offer of the Visitors and establish ties with them. Symbolically, a large group of Visitors’ engineers led by Diana (Jane Badler) and security chief Steven (Andrew Pine) arrive at a refinery to formally begin collecting chemicals and minerals.

Then things start to turn bad…


I can clearly declare that the writing and directing done by Kenneth Johnson remains great, and for many reasons why. On storytelling, Johnson (who was inspired by the anti-fascist novel It Can’t Happen Here and made an adaptation of it before finally coming up with V) clearly took his time on establishing the core concept stage-by-stage, and he also found efficient ways of explaining details to viewers by using in-story news reports and videos and retrospective as effective tools of exposition (these helped cut down the reliance on expository dialogue).

As the story goes on, Johnson carefully introduced the many characters on-screen (including the use of quick introductions of some characters who are located away from others they are connected/related with), established who they are and, most notably, showed how the events that took place affected them.

The Visitors (and one member of their youth auxiliary movement wearing brown) posting propaganda material to condition people’s minds they are friendly and trustworthy. These posters are familiar to many Nazi propaganda materials used in Europe decades earlier. Prior to the release of the Original Miniseries, a real-life marketing campaign of putting up such posters happened in real life.

Johnson also used symbolism which reflects what happened decades ago in Europe with the rise of the Third Reich. The Visitors’ symbol resembles the Nazi Swastika while the persecution of scientists (as well as their families and associates) resembles the Nazi persecution of Jewish people, and the scene of Daniel Bernstein joining the Visitors through their “Friends of Visitors” movement recalls memories of the Hitler Youth. I should state that Earth citizens who chose to collaborate with the aliens from space (strongly symbolized through Eleanor Dupres), images of the armed Visitors watching several helpless Earth people being taken away from their homes and the dominance of propaganda over the free press also reflect what happened back in World War II when the Nazis occupied many parts of Europe. The fact that Johnson used alien humanoids as the Visitors make them a more universal antagonistic force that viewers can relate with.

When it comes to the cast members and their respective performances, there is a whole lot to enjoy here and I can confirm that the quality of dramatic performances is pretty good and adds a whole lot of believability to the story. The most notable performer here is none other than Faye Grant who believably portrayed Julie Parrish on her in-depth transformation from a promising medical student to a reluctant organizer of a movement of freedom-loving people called the Resistance. Faye Grant excellently portrayed emotions and even showed the fragile side of Julie as she struggles to strengthen herself to lead her fellow people who seek freedom and survival. Julie also is the most charismatic and likable character in my view.

Marc Singer’s Mike Donovan is the closest thing this miniseries has to an action hero. Donovan is not a soldier, nor a policeman, nor a combat specialist. He is a hard-working media employee who has covered a lot of armed conflicts overseas and along the way he learned how to fight. As he is not a fighting machine, Donovan was portrayed to be vulnerable and really ends up struggling a lot. In a way, Donovan symbolizes people who take action once they realize what is wrong and what lies they have been fed with. It should be noted that before Bruce Willis wowed audiences as the vulnerable hero John McClane in Die Hard, Marc Singer’s Donovan was the vulnerable and struggling action performer realized ahead in time. On the dramatic side, Donovan’s talk with his mother Eleanor is a great scene to watch, and his contrast with Kristine Walsh (Jenny Sullivan) must be seen! If you ask me, Mike Donovan is Marc Singer at his best!

Faye Grant’s portrayal of Julie Parrish is highly believable complete with a good range of emotions. Her character development all throughout the Original Miniseries is very believable.
Marc Singer as Mike Donovan.

The other most notable role is none other than the Visitors’ commander Diana excellently played by Jane Badler. Diana was played to be charismatic, powerful, and sadistic at the same time. She is not a mere evil figure nor is she your typical pure evil antagonist. In fact, she is the powerful extension of an unseen high authority of the aliens and this alone makes her worth your attention. Also, through her interactions with her fellow aliens Steven and Brian (Peter Nelson), you will see very interesting traits of Diana’s personality. I should state that Jane Badler’s eyes and expressions really gave her character a very commanding presence on-screen. Even though her screen time is not dominant, Diana’s impact remains very strong.

As for the other cast members and their contributions in the film, I can state that Robert Maxwell was excellently portrayed by Michael Durrel to be the very caring father striving to protect his family even as society has been manipulated to demonize scientists like him. Daniel Bernstein is clearly the traitorous Earthling who has gotten so involved with the Visitors, and I am confident that David Packer will get on your nerves. Willie is the good-natured Visitor who tries to fit in with the people of Earth and his friendship with Harmony Moore (Diane Cary) is very symbolic. Given the reputation of Robert Englund as a horror icon, his performance as Willie is a must-see!

The most notable of all the supporting cast members here is none other than Leonardo Cimino’s Abraham Bernstein who is a Jewish man who went through the Holocaust and survived to establish the family in America only to see evil return in the form of the Visitors. His dramatic scene of protecting a certain family is a must-watch, and most likely it will stir your emotions.

This scene shows the contrast between Abraham Bernstein (Leonardo Cimino) in the background and his grandson Daniel (David Packer) in the foreground. Abraham is an old Jewish man who went through the Holocaust and lived on. Daniel, who is 17-years-old, willingly joined the Visitor’s youth auxiliary movement which parallels that Hitler Youth.

In addition to being successful with telling the story, spreading the details and getting solid performances from the cast, Kenneth Johnson also proved to be really crafty with the way the camera captured images and how the very important moments were presented to captivate viewers. Johnson’s work here is clearly a labor of love. As for the music, Joseph Harnell did a good job overall. His style gives V a distinct aesthetic on tunes and I noticed his music becomes more lively late in the 2nd episode. Harnell also knew how to add musical excitement when the narrative needed a boost of energy or speed.

People of Earth, including children, are helpless under the Visitors.

Last but not least, I want to talk about the action and visual effects here. The action is, for the most part, raw and believable to watch. The action performers dressed as the Visitors never looked like they were trained but at least their ways of positioning themselves to fire their laser weapons made up for it. The hard action has that raw aesthetic which I actually liked because the action performers – including Marc Singer himself – were convincing with the way they exerted efforts. In this modern age of wire works and digital effects, seeing raw action and real human effort combined with risk taking is refreshing to watch.

More on the action scenes, I should state that the concept of showing the humans using conventional guns against the laser-armed Visitors was done in a satisfying and believable manner on-screen. Such concepts could have turned out bad had Kenneth Johnson and his team lacked talent and precision. As for the visual effects, they resulted a mixed bag as far as quality and artistry are concerned. While the laser blasts still look very good (and their impact was felt thanks to excellent timing with the on-set explosions and fireworks), the huge motherships really look dated as they were matte images (not miniatures), and in a few shots the matte lines were clearly exposed in high-definition which broke the immersion for me. The smaller space crafts that were shown flying also had that similar, out-of-place look (note: they did not match the lighting of the live-action footage). Still, the practical effects used are good to see and the matte paintings used for two key shots in the 2nd episode were photo-realistic.  


The free and righteous praying to the Lord.

As it is clearly still great and engaging to watch, V: The Original Miniseries (1983) certainly aged well, it remains essential to watch even by today’s standards and most of all, its theme about the conflict of freedom and dictatorship makes it completely relevant to this day. It is a reminder about what your part in your society is, who you are, what your values are, and why you have freedom in your local society which can be destroyed by an alienating force once your fellow people refuse to resist it. As mentioned earlier, the cast is great and I am confident that you readers will find a character or two to relate with.

The focus of this miniseries on fascism invading the lives of the free people easily reminds me about how, in this modern age, sinister influences like Marxism, socialism, Communism, unrestrained political correctness and fascism poisoned the minds of millions of people through the academic system and turned them into social rebels, domestic terrorists, looters, rioters and new criminals who are so determined to go against their fellow people who do not share their beliefs. In modern-day America, the ongoing movements of Black Lives Matter, Antifa, SJWs, the anti-Semitic BDS movement, the rabid LGBTQ+ movement, the so-called democratic socialists and other agents of Satan have been harming patriotic Americans, attacking their values, taking the innocence of the youth and children away, destroying businesses and tearing down societies as we know it. The 1983 mini-series will remind you that from time to time, social order will be pushed hard by the invaders (be it people or be it influences so alien to the society) and the people who are righteous can choose to restore the said order as well as their respective lives.

Seriously, if you value your freedom, your culture, your values, your people and your faith in the Lord, you certainly would not want to submit yourselves to a foreign people who intend to destroy you.

No matter what happens, people should never lose faith in the Lord and they must look up to Him for deliverance. The Lord will punish the wicked and make ways happen to lift up the faithful. Clearly, V’s theme about the fight for freedom is truly universal.

Symbolism and socio-political relevance aside, V: The Original Miniseries (1983) also comes with a good amount of spectacle that make sense within the narrative. Do not expect to see extensive, over-the-top action scenes of modern-day cinema/television here but I assure you that the spectacle (note: even with the flawed matte imagery of the visual effects) in this production paid-off nicely in relation to the build-up of events throughout the story.

I strongly recommend you acquire V: The Original Miniseries on Blu-ray while it is still available. Watching it in high-definition is a great experience on my part.

Overall, V: The Original Miniseries (1983) is highly recommended! That being said, I strongly encourage you to buy it on Blu-ray disc format while it is still available and affordable. If you want more of Kenneth Johnson’s other work related to V, I suggest you to look for his book V: The Second Generation. Don’t forget to visit Johnson’s website at http://www.kennethjohnson.us/


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For more V-related writings of mine, check out my retro comic book reviews of the V comic books (published by DC Comics) issues #1, #2, #3 and #4.

8-million-strong Christians United for Israel produce cutting-edge documentary — ‘Never Again?’

8-million-strong Christians United for Israel produce cutting-edge documentary — ‘Never Again?’

SAN ANTONIO, Texas — From Pittsburgh to Poway anti-Semitism is increasing in both prevalence and violence in the U.S. and around the world. But the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization – Christians United for Israel – is fighting back and has produced NEVER AGAIN?, a cutting-edge, feature-length documentary to expose and combat increasing violence and bigotry.

NEVER AGAIN? premieres in 800 theaters nationwide for two nights only Oct. 13 and 14 at 7 p.m., local time. The documentary is distributed through Fathom Events.

“Violent anti-Semitism is rising across the country, and people of conscience cannot sit idly by,” said CUFI founder and Chairman Pastor John Hagee. “Anti-Semites have used the fertile ground of ignorance to grow their malicious ideology. If we are to stem the tide, we must inoculate the next generation against the world’s oldest hatred by empowering them with knowledge and reaching them with a message of unity. If we are to fulfill the promise of Never Again, we cannot allow the memory of the Holocaust to fade.”

The film from the 8-million member CUFI could not be more timely. Just this month, 200 survivors of the infamous Auschwitz Nazi extermination camp gathered for Holocaust Remembrance Day. At almost the same time, Pew Research showed 45 percent of Americans did not know 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust.

“Viewers of the film will be guided by a Holocaust Survivor and a former radical Islamist,” said Producer Rick Eldridge, CEO of ReelWorks Studios. “They will learn about the history of anti-Semitism and come to understand why all of us, regardless of faith or political persuasion, have a responsibility to keep the promise of Never Again.”

NEVER AGAIN? will engage contemporary audiences with the horrific events of 75 years ago and demonstrate why they must be understood and remembered by the coming generation.

“This is not your parents’ documentary,” said CUFI co-executive director Shari Dollinger. “It meets the audience where they are, engaging them in a modern and cutting-edge manner. If we’re not to see history repeat itself, we must ensure the next generation learns the lessons of the past.”

About Christians United for Israel (CUFI)

As the largest pro-Israel grassroots organization in the United States, Christians United for Israel is also the only Christian organization devoted to transforming millions of pro-Israel Christians into an educated, empowered, and effective force for Israel. For more information, visit https://www.cufi.org


This is an official press release sourced from CUFI.org.