What to watch on YouTube right now – Part 14

Have you been searching for something fun or interesting to watch on YouTube? Do you feel bored right now and you crave for something to see on the world’s most popular online video destination?

I recommend you check out the following topics and the related videos I found.

The truth about the Middle East and why a two-state solution is terrible – YouTube channel travelingisrael.com published two important videos that have to be seen as each comes with in-depth explanations. One video explains why genocide, apartheid and ethnic cleansing hit several groups of people (examples: the Armenians, the Christians, the Jewish plus the dissenting people in Iran to name a few) in the Middle East through the decades. The other video is about the decades-old concept of a two-state solution involving Israel and the Palestinians (displaced people) remains terrible to implement. To this day, the evil legacy of murderer and demon Yasser Arafat remains with leaders of Palestine.

Questions that pro-Palestine believers cannot answer – Still with YouTube channel travelingisrael.com, here is a video about ten questions that the pro-Palestine believers cannot answer. Let me also state that a lot of these pro-terrorist, pro-Palestine believers often rely on violence, mobbing and screaming in public rallies. So many of them have been brainwashed by Islamo-Leftists to do Satan’s work. The video below is a must-watch…

Score PN’s videos about comic book adaptations of Batman movies – When it comes to relevant and fun content related to the Resident Evil entertainment franchise, YouTube channel Score PN is a great source of videos to watch. That’s not to say the channel is limited only to Resident Evil stuff as it also has videos about other entertainment properties covering movies, comic books and video games. Among the many non-Resident Evil videos the channel has, I found its two videos about the comic book adaptations of the movies Batman (1989) and Batman Returns (1992) fun and informative to watch. You can watch the two videos below…

#4 Assorted retro gaming videos – There is no doubt that content about retro gaming is really popular not only with long-time gamers but also with much younger people who became fascinated with the way games from long ago looked and played. In relation to the topic of retro gaming, I published articles focused on the decades-old electronic gaming print ads which you can read by clicking here and here. There will be more retro gaming posts on this website and while waiting for them, I recommend you watch the assorted videos I selected for your enjoyment below…

Entertainment trivia videos by Minty Comedic Arts – If you are fond of trivia about movies or shows, then you can’t go wrong with the many videos published by Minty Comedic Arts. Posted below are videos of his that I selected for your enjoyment. Don’t forget to visit Minty’s channel on YouTube.

Israel war updates – Going back to Israel, I have been following updates about the war against Hamas and Hezbollah not through the distorted mainstream news media but to a carefully selected few sources that are trustworthy. One such source is TBN Israel on YouTube and you can watch their recent videos about the war below. Always remember that Hamas and Hezbollah are pure evil and they are both allied with the evil regime of Iran.


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