A Look Back at Amazing Spider-Man #257 (1984)

Welcome back superhero enthusiasts, 1980s arts and culture enthusiasts, Marvel Comics fans and comic book collectors! Today we go back to the year 1984 to examine a small part of the Marvel Comics universe through a tale of the Amazing Spider-Man monthly series.

In my previous retro review, Puma was introduced and quickly made an impact on the plot that connects the Rose with Spider-Man (who foiled the Rose’s criminal operation with the help of Black Cat). Puma is not a one-dimensional villain as he is quite principled. Ultimately, issue served as an entertaining build-up of the conflict between Spider-Man and Puma.

With those details laid down, here is a look back at Amazing Spider-Man , published in 1984 by Marvel Comics with a story written by Roger Stern and Tom DeFalco, and drawn by Ron Frenz.

The cover.

Early story

The story begins on top of a building in New York City. Puma grabs the head of the helpless Spider-Man (who just suffered the dislocation of his arm and endured the pain of shoving it back into place before eventually succumbing to the intense pain). He does not strike immediately as he finds the act of eliminating the webslinger almost too easy and he remembers the Rose promised him of a worthy foe.

Just as Puma starts his move to kill Spidey, Black Cat suddenly strikes him out of nowhere. Puma quickly recovers his balance and tells Black Cat to go away. Suddenly, Puma notices something in her. Using his heightened senses, he sees Black Cat’s aura then jumps at her. He quickly realizes he miscalculated with his movement and finds himself overshooting her. In a desperate attempt, Puma grabs  a pipe but it quickly broke and causes him to slide on the rooftop and hit the edge.  

As Puma picks himself up, the roof beneath him gives in and he falls down…


Spider-Man’s 2nd encounter with Puma is action-packed and fun to read. Pay close attention to the details.

There is no doubt that the story of this comic book is pretty much a big pay-off to the build-up of the previous issue. Not only that, the creative team continued to gradually develop Puma not only as a formidable foe of Spider-Man but also as a sensible and believable new addition to the Marvel Comics universe of the time.

Here, you will see Spider-Man in a truly vulnerable state which symbolically shows that wearing the alien costume has its limits when it comes to protecting and enhancing him. As seen in the final pages of issue , Spider-Man struggles a lot physically and, for the first time ever, struggles to command the symbiote (not realizing it is organic and has its own intelligence). With Spidey in a serious physical disadvantage, you will see Black Cat getting a nice share of the spotlight. Not only does she bravely face off with Puma, her concern for Spidey (note: she knows he is Peter Parker) intensifies in a very believable way. She still loves him but could not figure out why Peter prefers to live like a normal person when he could dedicate himself on being a hero every day as Spider-Man.

As for Puma, the creative team developed him even further both in his animalistic form and in his civilian identity as the head of Fireheart Enterprises. As the man Thomas Fireheart, he is a really intelligent man who analyzes a lot of details before making his next move. You will see more of his intellectual side as he deals with both his corporate affairs as well as his contracted service for the Rose (who in turn is serving the Kingpin).

The plot in this comic book is deeper and more elaborate. Without spoiling much, you will get to see the Puma-Rose-Kingpin connection and, more notably, you will see how complex and intense the situation becomes for Peter Parker when he encounters Puma for the 2nd time. The story is very good, you just have to read it.   


Spider-Man, Black Cat and the alien costume.

Like the previous issue, Amazing Spider-Man (1984) is a great read but in the form of a great pay-off to the build-up that preceded it. The DeFalco-Frenz duo succeeded in developing the newcomer Puma into a significant Marvel Comics universe addition and their portrayal of an injured Spider-Man is very captivating. That being said, I encourage you all to pay close attention to the literary details revealed during the banter between Spidey and Puma which will resonate with you when you read the next issue.

Overall, Amazing Spider-Man (1984) is highly recommended.


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