A Look Back at Amazing Spider-Man #256 (1984)

Welcome back superhero enthusiasts, 1980s arts and culture enthusiasts, Marvel Comics fans and comic book collectors! Today we go back to the year 1984 to examine a small part of the Marvel Comics universe through a tale of the Amazing Spider-Man monthly series.

The era when Spider-Man came back from deep space (refer to Secret Wars) with a new black costume (the symbiote that would later help form Venom) that itself had special abilities was indeed a very notable time in superhero comics history. As if Spidey’s troubled personal life was not enough, he had to deal with new villains that were formidable and tough to deal with.

With those details laid down, here is a look back at Amazing Spider-Man , published in 1984 by Marvel Comics with a story written by Roger Stern and Tom DeFalco, and drawn by Ron Frenz.

The cover.

Early story

The story begins inside a warehouse when Spider-Man suddenly catches a lot of men by surprise. The men turned out to be doing something illegal with lots of stolen good contained in boxes. Quite fearlessly, the webslinger knocks out many of them while Black Cat takes pictures (assistance for Peter Parker) from a distance above. Black Cat eventually gets involved in the physical struggle and the bad guys all got defeated afterwards.

After the struggle, Spider-Man and Black Cat (who know each other personally) have a short sentimental talk before parting ways. As soon as he arrives home, Peter Parker starts developing the pictures in preparation for much-needed income from the Daily Bugle.

Elsewhere in New York (the next morning), the warehouse raid caused by Spider-Man and Black Cat makes immediate impact on the secret operations of the Rose who in turn wants the hero dead. The Rose (who reports to the Kingpin) then sends a message to New Mexico to contact the one person capable of killing Spider-Man…the Puma.


Puma in his animalistic form deep within the harsh wilderness of New Mexico.

I can state that within the age of Spider-Man wearing the alien costume, this particular tale has a strong debut of a new foe and the plot itself is quite intriguing. Tom DeFalco cleverly paced the introduction of Puma whose civilian personality is that of a very focused business executive. The creative team took the inspired approach of defining Puma with the harshness of the New Mexico wilderness contrasted with that of his civilian identity spending time in the bustling urban environment of New York City.

Not only is Puma very powerful and focused, he also has a high standard when it comes to accomplishing tasks showing no fear nor hesitation with regards to potential obstacles ahead of him. Clearly, Puma is not your typical super villain but a very principled and very capable figure. When compared to Wolverine, Puma shares some common animalistic elements with him but he consistently maintains control of himself. This makes him a dangerous force of opposition towards Spider-Man.

Spider-Man here is usual self. His personal problems and lack of a stable life are taking their toll on him just as he continues to keep doing good (example: fighting crime). It should be said that when Puma first strikes at him, the creative monotony with the webslinger suddenly got snapped causing a new series of unfortunate developments that test him. It is also revealed here that using the alien costume does not spare him from serious physical injury.  


These panels show how vulnerable Peter Parker really is as the alien costume comes to him willingly.

Amazing Spider-Man (1984) is a great read. The build-up with Puma is very powerful and his presence really made a huge impact on the reading experience. By the time the story ended, I was very convinced to read the next issue.   

Overall, Amazing Spider-Man (1984) is highly recommended.


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