A Look Back at Amazing Spider-Man #255 (1984)

Welcome back superhero enthusiasts, 1980s arts and culture enthusiasts, Marvel Comics fans and comic book collectors! Today we go back to the year 1984 to examine a small part of the Marvel Comics universe through a tale of the Amazing Spider-Man monthly series.

Between the developments of 1980s Secret Wars limited series and the debut of Venom was the time when Peter Parker wore a black new costume as Spider-Man which happens to be the alien costume he gained while spending time with other superheroes in deep space (refer to Secret Wars ). There was this gradual approach done by the creators to tell new tales of Spider-Man who has the symbiote attached to him most of the time.  

With those details laid down, here is a look back at Amazing Spider-Man , published in 1984 by Marvel Comics with a story written Roger Stern and Tom DeFalco, and drawn by Ron Frenz.

The cover.

Early story

The story begins when a black costumed figure arrives at the balcony of a tall building during night time in New York City. He carefully makes an unlawful entry into the place to steal something. The figure was the Black Fox who intends to take valuables not to feed his greed but to properly subsidize his retirement. When he touches an exquisite-looking vase, it disappears and suddenly a monstrous ape appears from nowhere surprising him. Soon enough, he finds himself surrounded by more apes and faces their human leader (one who referred to the apes as pets).

Meanwhile at his apartment, a very tired Peter Parker washes his black costume (the symbiote), reflects on recent events he went through and then goes to bed. During the night, the black costume comes to life and slowly slithers its way into the bedroom wrapping itself on the sleeping Peter…


The sneaky Black Fox has no chance of escaping Spider-Man (wearing the alien costume that would later lead to the start of Venom).

I want to start with the force of opposition the creative team came up with. This is about the powerful villain the Red Ghost who has super-apes under his control and vast wealth and resources to organize criminal activities. Red Ghost here is not your typical villain as he is actually strategic, smart and even philosophical clearly knowing what he is doing and what he needs to keep on doing crime. The retiring old thief Black Fox happens to be the very criminal that Red Ghost needs for a special task involving the machine called the Cosmicizer which is essential to his need of vastly increasing his cosmic-ray induced powers.

The Red Ghost is struggling with certain limits which are related to his need of the Black Fox to accomplish something for him with the assistance of the super apes. That being said, the presentation of evil awaiting Spider-Man in this tale is a clever move by DeFalco and Frenz.

As for the iconic webslinger, you will see more of Peter Parker’s personal struggles balancing his life between real-world living and performing as Spider-Man to help people and solve problems. In this tale, his personal life is at a low point and it does not help that his has a strained link with his Aunt May. Even though he has the alien costume that is capable of aiding him a lot, there are still problems that the superhero simply cannot solve. The dramatization here is pretty good and the way the final conflict with the main villain turned out was a pretty nice pay-off.


Peter Parker’s sleep has been disorderly since he brought home with him the symbiote.

Amazing Spider-Man (1984) is an entertaining and intriguing read. The creative team’s decision to have the established Fantastic Four foe Red Ghost as the definitive villain for Spider-Man turned out to be a smart move and what they did was fun to read. The presence of Black Fox (note: this comic book is his debut) added a layer of depth to the plot and his declared desire to retire from the life of crime made him an intriguing addition to the Spider-Man list of villains.

Overall, Amazing Spider-Man (1984) is recommended.


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