First-ever gameplay of Perfect Dark reboot revealed at 2024 Xbox Games Showcase

Welcome back Xbox fans, geeks and gamers!

Wow! That was a powerful presentation of 1st party video games at the 2024 Xbox Games Showcase (also referred to as Xbox Showcase) that happened in America very recently. Not only was it better and more exciting than the Xbox showcase of 2023, it made this year’s State of Play and Summer Game Fest look even more lackluster and more unsatisfying. Already there are PlayStation 5 (PS5) fans who begged Sony to do better with their showcase of games because this year’s Xbox showcase – which is also the first of the new age of Microsoft-owned Activision-Blizzard-King – energetic and exciting.

For this post, I will be focusing on one of highlights of the Xbox showcase…the first-ever reveal of gameplay and features of the Perfect Dark reboot (for my previous posts, click here and here). For starters, watch the gameplay showcase video below…

Wow! The Perfect Dark presentation exceeded my expectations on gameplay and it looks like The Initiative (Xbox game studio) and Crystal Dynamics (the studio responsible for many Tomb Raider games over the past several years) really got their creative forces combined to make something unique.

Like the previous games that preceded it, the new Perfect Dark utilizes a first-person viewpoint for immersive gameplay and it has a new version of Joanna Dark introduced featuring the likeness of model Elissa Bibaud. Strangely enough, the new agent Dark does not look too attractive. Perhaps more new images of her will be unveiled someday.

The new Joanna Dark featuring the likeness of model Elissa Bibaud.
Elissa Bibaud’s picture from her Instagram.

The Initiative and Crystal Dynamics must have brainstormed a lot and worked long to modernize the gameplay for this new game (officially the 4th Perfect Dark game for consoles played at home). What was shown during the video presentation were moments when Joanna Dark used gadgets to do thermal scanning, extract data wirelessly, generate voice-prints and create deepfake audio. Not only that, Joanna is capable of climbing wall pipes, sliding on surfaces and doing wall-running.

Without spoiling the concept of the video too much, I can say that Joanna Dark is already an agent who goes to Garden City in Cairo to find the wanted criminal Daniel Carrington and discover what he has been scheming. With all the details made available by the video and the Xbox Wire piece, Perfect Dark is really a first-person adventure that allows players to figure out what to achieve as they work their way through in missions. This is not just an action-packed first-person shooter.

Perfect Dark is a first-person adventure game laced with sci-fi and espionage elements. Players will be offered opportunities to overcome obstacles in creative ways such as using gadgets to infiltrate places.

Considering what was shown, I can only hope that the game developers will be able to create wide and vertical maps that will allow players to explore a lot more as they take on missions. By today’s standards, linear level designs just won’t cut it anymore. I know for a fact that making an open-world environment will take too much time and effort to complete Perfect Dark, so having wide and vertical maps will be good enough to offer players exploration opportunities.

Strangely enough, the video presentation does not specify which Xbox consoles Perfect Dark will be released for. What was confirmed is that the upcoming game will launch on day one on the Game Pass service which means it will eventually be released on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and Windows PC. That being said, Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S owners who are subscribing to Xbox Game Pass (XGP) and Windows PC gamers subscribed already to PC Game Pass will be able to play the new Perfect Dark on launch day someday. I doubt a version of the game will be released for the aging Xbox One consoles.

In this game, you can accomplish your mission objectives by using stealth or by engaging with the enemies directly with guns and other high-tech weapons.

While there is no release date yet for the Perfect Dark reboot, you can learn more about the game by clicking


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