For refreshments and good taste at Mahane Yehuda market, visit Etrog Man!

Disclaimer: This is my original work with details sourced from my personal experiences and observations during the Israel pilgrimage tour I joined. Additional information from the official website and social media channels of the subject business is also used. This is not a sponsored article. Anyone who wants to use this article, in part or in whole, needs to secure first my permission and agree to cite me as the source and author. Let it be known that any unauthorized use of this article will constrain the author to pursue the remedies under R.A. No. 8293, the Revised Penal Code, and/or all applicable legal actions under the laws of the Philippines.

Welcome back, readers! This is the 5th chapter of my ongoing series of articles about the holy nation of Israel with recollections about the experiences and discoveries I had during the pilgrimage tour I joined with my local church (hosted by its strategic partner Behold Israel). To see my previous Israel tour articles, click hereherehere and here.

In this latest edition of my Israel 2023 series, I share with you my observations and captured images about my two visits to the popular Mahane Yehuda market in the modern section of Jerusalem. While I recently wrote about my delicious lunch at a Shakshuka joint in that market, this time I want to talk about the joint that is rich with refreshing drinks – Etrog Man – which I actually visited twice.

To put things in perspective, our group spent the final days – including the day-off – in the holy city of Jerusalem. On February 12, our tour ended in the afternoon and there was enough free time and sunlight left for me to visit the local foreign exchange joint (because I ran out of Shekels) and then make my first-ever visit to Mahane Yehuda market on foot.

Several minutes after exchanging currency at a local FOREX joint and further hiking, I finally arrived at Mahane Yehuda market which was bustling with many locals and tourists. It was a lot of fun walking around seeing the many food, drinks, souvenirs and other assorted products offered by countless sellers to customers. Watch my YouTube walk video of the market below covering the open air and roofed sections. See if you can spot Etrog Man.

My two experiences with Etrog Man

As mentioned earlier, I visited Mahane Yehuda market twice. The first time on February 12 and the second time on February 15. On each visit, I stopped by Etrog Man with the intention of buying a drink with the largest serving. I really prepared for the moment.

To be clear, I researched Mahane Yehuda market by watching lots of exploratory walk videos on YouTube and in a few of those videos, I noticed Etrog Man standing out among the many sellers as it attracted customers wanting something fresh, fruity and delicious.

This is the Etrog Man branch I visited twice in Mahane Yehuda market in Jerusalem.
The four notable flavors of drinks on display with English descriptions to help customers make their choices.

Going back to February 12, 2023, it was my moment at last to be at Etrog Man’s space in the shuk and I came all the way from my native Philippines. I talked with the store handler (male, with facial hair) looking at the displayed juices with four notable flavors or variants – EtroGat, Coconut Passiofruit, Natural Berry Heaven and The Rambam’s Drink.

For my first-ever Etrog Man purchase, I chose EtroGat. In support for their business, I bought the largest serving of EtroGat at 24 Shekels and gave the store a tip. Then I finally took my first sip and instantly, I liked it! For transparency, the EtroGat’s taste was like citrus-based drinks but with a unique texture in my mouth. EtroGat, after all, was described by the business as Jerusalem’s flavor as it was composed of Etrog (a yellow citron which Israel is very blessed with and has long been part of the culture of the Jewish people especially during the Sukkot holiday), Gat and Grapefruit. This explains its taste.

My first-ever drink with Etrog Man is Etrogat! This large serving cost 24 Shekels. A really good and satisfying drink!

Etrog is a citrus fruit among the Four Species used on Sukkot and the Holy Bible contains a possible reference about it (note: Etrog itself is not mentioned but it is believed to be the mentioned fruit of pleasing/splendid trees) in Leviticus 23:40 which reads as follows in the translations below…

And on the first day you shall take the fruit of pleasing trees [and make booths of them], branches of palm trees, and boughs of thick (leafy) trees, and willows of the brook; and you shall rejoice before the Lord your God for seven days.

Leviticus 23:40 (AMPC)

And you shall take on the first day the fruit of splendid trees, branches of palm trees and boughs of leafy trees and willows of the brook, and you shall rejoice before the Lord your God seven days.

Leviticus 23:40 (ESV)

Etrog citrons are an excellent source of Vitamin C and helps in strengthening the immune system, protects the body from free radical damage and also reduces inflammation. There is a lot more to the health benefits with Etrog that I encourage you to research.

Going back to my EtroGat drink, I happily sipped more and enjoyed the taste. Taste aside, I chose EtroGat as it was formulated by Etrog Man to ease my body’s tension (note: me and my pilgrimage tour group companions had been hiking a lot for days around Israel before arriving in Jerusalem) and strengthen my digestive system. That being said, I consumed all of the content of my EtroGat drink feeling happy and got very satisfied. Back then, I knew I had to come back to Etrog Man on my planned 2nd Mahane Yehuda market visit. By the morning of February 13, the accumulated soreness on my feet was almost entirely gone and I felt reinvigorated which I believe were benefits from my EtroGat drink.

Eventually our day-off from tour came on February 15, 2023. In the morning, I hiked first to the old city of Jerusalem to visit the Temple Mount, revisit the Western Wall and went on to a few more sites before taking the long hike to Mahane Yehuda market via Jaffa Street. I even managed to stop by Tmol Shilsom where I enjoyed their special beverage – the Halva Drink. As the weather suddenly turned cold in Jerusalem as I finally returned to Mahane Yehuda, the first thing I did there was enjoying a much-needed hot meal at Shakshuka Machaneh Yehuda.

After my Shakshuka lunch, I walked around the market which was a bit more challenging as there were ever more people around. Eventually, I returned to Etrog Man and told the lady in-charge that I wanted their largest serving of the Rambam’s Drink.

The enjoyable Rambam’s Drink!

After paying 24 Shekels and giving a tip, I started drinking it and I experienced this mild sweetness in my mouth. Rambam’s Drink also had this really unique texture and flavor which is I find delightful as I kept consuming it. Of all the juices or fruit-based drinks I had in my entire life, this beverage from Etrog Man was really a standout. As it turns out, the Rambam’s Drink was formulated to help the digestive system, boost the immune system and stabilize blood pressure. By the time I drank all of the Rambam’s Drink content, I was happily satisfied and felt really good.

I should also mention that Etrog Man also offers smoothies which are beverages sourced from fresh fruits that were expertly mixed and blended together to create a rich liquid for consumption. They also offer Super Bowls for those who want to eat something fresh and fruity with ingredients mixed in.

Look at all those fruits, vegetables and other fresh ingredients displayed!

More than just refreshments – special focus on consumers’ wellness

In addition to the very delicious and healthy beverages and desserts, Etrog Man also sells other products online such as medicinal drinks and varied products of nature – Concoctions from Nature – as well. More on health, Etrog Man offers customers a Detox Program complete with specially formulated products that can be used. Going back to their store in the Mahane Yehuda market, I spotted an enclosed container with fresh fruits and some vegetables displayed. Next time I revisit Etrog Man, I will go for one of their smoothies.

Who is Etrog Man?

The late Etrog Man founder Uzi-Eli. (photograph used with permission from Etrog Man).

Based on the translated information sourced from the official website, the business was founded by the late Uzi-Eli (note: He passed away on June 2022). He was described as a medicine man and was the third generation of a family that deals in healing drinks, pharmacies and herbs. His family practiced Torah-based spiritual medicine. For decades, Uzi-Eli was reputed as a bringer of good news, remedies and recipes based on the teachings of Rambam (a Sephardic Jewish philosopher who was also a prolific Torah scholar) and ancient Yemeni medicine. Etrog Man clearly refers to Uzi-Eli and this is displayed in the business joint’s official artwork of a smiling bearded man carrying fruits.

Early in his life, Uzi-Eli realized that his vocation was in distilling the beneficial properties of medicinal plants, fruits, vegetables and spices – and distributing them to the masses. It was his intention to offer the best of nature and serve it with a lot of love. You can see more about Uzi-Eli in the YouTube video below.

Uzi-Eli was very knowledgeable about the many aspects of health which is reflected not only on the refreshing drinks of Etrog Man but also on their cosmetic products. He was a visionary and his expertise on wellness and nutrition is reflected through his business.


I can say that Etrog Man left a big and positive effect on me not only as a consumer but also as a person of faith who came to Israel to seek God’s Kingdom (Matthew 6:33) and to bless the Jewish people (Genesis 12:1-3) while on pilgrimage. That being said, I would love to see Etrog Man prosper not only by selling more to customers the refreshing products they are already known for but also to help more people over their specific health-related needs. The legacy of the late founder of the business remains strong and will be felt in the years to come. As such, I would not hesitate to return to Etrog Man at Mahane Yehuda market in Jerusalem the next time I visit Israel in the future. To those of you who are about to visit Jerusalem and the popular market place, I highly recommend you visit Etrog Man and try out their refreshing products and special items.

Visit Etrog Man’s website at  and follow them on Instagram and on Facebook.

When it comes to receiving blessings from the Lord while you are in Israel, always remember that He clearly designated the land for the Jewish people. God will bless those who bless the Jewish people. That being said, always praise, honor and give thanks to the Almighty Lord. Follow the lead of the Holy Spirit so you can receive God’s plan for you with Jesus as your Lord and Savior. May the holy scriptures below enlighten you and empower your faith in the Lord.

Let joy be your continual feast. Make your life a prayer. And in the midst of everything be always giving thanks, for this is God’s perfect plan for you in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (TPT)

The Lord has been mindful of us, He will bless us: He will bless the house of Israel, He will bless the house of Aaron [the priesthood],

Psalm 115:12 (AMPC)

And God said to him, “Your name is Jacob; no longer shall your name be called Jacob, but Israel shall be your name.” So he called his name Israel. And God said to him, “I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply. A nation and a company of nations shall come from you, and kings shall come from your own body. The land that I gave to Abraham and Isaac I will give to you, and I will give the land to your offspring after you.”

Genesis 35:10-12 (ESV)

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31 (ESV)

Now the Lord had said to Abram:

“Get out of your country,

From your family

And from your father’s house,

To a land that I will show you.

I will make you a great nation;

I will bless you

And make your name great;

And you shall be a blessing.

I will bless those who bless you,

And I will curse him who curses you;

And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

Genesis 12:1-3 (NKJV)

For God is one, and there is one Mediator between God and the sons of men—the true man, Jesus, the Anointed One.

1 Timothy 2:5 (TPT)

Watch out for more Israel 2023 travel articles here. There is more to come!


Thank you for reading. If you find this article engaging, please click the like button below, share this article to others and also please consider making a donation to support my publishing. If you are looking for a copywriter to create content for your special project or business, check out my services and my portfolio. Feel free to contact me with a private message. Also please feel free to visit my Facebook page Author Carlo Carrasco and follow me on Twitter at  @HavenorFantasy as well as on Tumblr at and on Instagram at

A great Shakshuka lunch at Mahane Yehuda market

Disclaimer: This is my original work with details sourced from my personal experiences and observations during the Israel pilgrimage tour I joined. Additional information from the official social media account of the subject business is also used. Take note that this is not a sponsored article at all. Anyone who wants to use this article, in part or in whole, needs to secure first my permission and agree to cite me as the source and author. Let it be known that any unauthorized use of this article will constrain the author to pursue the remedies under R.A. No. 8293, the Revised Penal Code, and/or all applicable legal actions under the laws of the Philippines.

During the free day I had on February 15, 2023 – the day-off from the Israel pilgrimage tour I was part of – I used the additional time to not only go to key sites in the old city of Jerusalem (the Temple Mount, revisiting the Western Wall, revisiting the Jewish Quarter, King David’s Tomb, revisiting the Upper Room plus Oskar Schindler’s grave in a cemetery outside the city wall) but also explore what Jerusalem has to offer in terms of food and beverages.

The popular Mahane Yehuda market was my destination of choice to have lunch at and explore other joints within. This was actually my return to Mahane Yehuda as I had my first visit to the place a few days prior. On my way to the market marching along Jaffa Street all the way from the old city, I managed to find time to have a much-needed break at Tmol Shilshom. It was an elegant place that was worth the challenge finding.

After the short-but-sweet stay at Tmol Shilshom, I proceeded to Mahane Yehuda but I noticed something…the weather suddenly got colder as a light rain took place. This is Israel winter season I am talking about here and a little rain is enough to make the air colder.

Eventually, I returned to Mahane Yehuda market. The difference compared to my first visit is that the air was colder and the pavement was slightly wet due to the weather. As I was desiring to have Shakshuka for lunch, I went into the roofed part of the market and eventually made my way to the one food joint that specialized with what I wanted to eat – Shakshuka Machaneh Yehuda.

The view from my seat at Shakshuka Machaneh Yehuda. This was taken while waiting for my lunch special.

For the newcomers reading this, Shakshuka (also spelled as Shakshouka) is a dish composed of eggs poached in a sauce of tomatoes, oliver oil, pepper, onion and garlic topped with green vegetables and some spices.

Going back to my arrival at Shakshuka Machaneh Yehuda, I was fortunate enough to find a vacant seat (located near the small restroom). The pretty lady behind the counter handed me their menu in English which I carefully viewed. For my meal, I eagerly ordered their lunch special composed of Shakshuka with bread, pickles, colored tahini and a soft drink. The type of Shakshuka I specifically chose was the Classic/Fire (48 Shekels).

The pretty lady behind the counter proceeded with my Classic/Fire Shakshuka order. She prepared the ingredients for the Shakshuka and had it cooked within her workspace. The bread, meanwhile, was cooked in a toaster oven.

This is my Classic/Fire Shakshuka lunch special served to me hot and with a nice aroma.

When my meal was served really hot, there was this nice aroma that greeted me. There was also this instant relief from the cold air. While I was already hungry considering how far I walked from the hotel to the sites in the old city, to Tmol Shilshom and the Mahane Yehuda market, I paused for a while to admire the my Classic/Fire Shakshuka meal. It was, after all, my first-ever Shakshuka meal and the end of our Israel pilgrimage tour was near.

A close look at my Shakshuka. The sauce is rich and you can see parts of the two eggs within.

Finally, I decided to take my first bite of the Classic/Fire by eating like a local. I cut off a piece of the hot bread and moved it through the Shakshuka to catch a portion of it, and then ate it. Instantly, I really enjoyed the unique taste of the Shakshuka and this includes the freshness of the tomatoes and ingredients cooked together. Consuming it with a piece of bread (note: which I learned from consuming bread with Humus) along with the green vegetables added this nice texture into what I consumed. Then I went on to cut off another piece of hot bread, moved it through the Shakshuka (note: I got more of the egg this time) and ate. It was a really joyful eating experience.

With a piece of bread, I managed to get a portion of the Shakshuka and consumed it.

After running out of bread, I started using the provided spoon to slowly consume the Shakshuka. The heat was really nice and I really felt it inside me after consuming portions. I ended up being fully satisfied and really happy to have my lunch there at Shakshuka Machaneh Yehuda. I paid my bill and, in support of the business, I gave a tip.


I really had a great lunch at Shakshuka Machaneh Yehuda inside the popular Mahane Yehuda market. Their lunch special was very delicious, nicely cooked and fulfilled what was promised. The Classic/Fire variant of their lunch special is just one of several types of Shakshuka offered. Shakshuka Machaneh Yehuda also offers Eggplant Shakshuka, Spinach Shakshuka, Yellow Pepper Shakshuka, Alfredo Shakshuka, Eggplant Parmesan Shakshuka, Cream-Spinach and Feta Shakshuka, and even Pizza Shakshuka. The food joint has so much to offer customers looking for not only freshly cooked Shakshuka but also sandwiches, French Fries, Israeli Salad and coffee.

The next time I visit Jerusalem and the Mahane Yehuda market, I would not hesitate to come back to Shakshuka Machaneh Yehuda and try their other Shakshuka variants. I am deeply thankful to our Lord for the great Shaksuka lunch I had. Never forget to thank the Lord and glorify Him in return for the good food and drinks you enjoy. In fact, always thank and glorify the Lord for the blessings you receive from Him and for His plans for you. Also, learn to stand united with Israel and love and bless the Jewish people. Learn from the holy scriptures below…

So then, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you may do, do all for the honor and glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31 (AMPC)

I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart;
I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done.

Psalm 9:1 (NLT)

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7 (NKJV)

Again God said to him, Your name is Jacob [supplanter]; you shall not be called Jacob any longer, but Israel shall be your name. So He called him Israel [contender with God].

And God said to him, I am God Almighty. Be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall come from you and kings shall be born of your stock;

The land which I gave Abraham and Isaac I will give to you, and to your descendants after you I will give the land.

Genesis 35:10-12 (AMPC)

God told Abram: “Leave your country, your family, and your father’s home for a land that I will show you.

I’ll make you a great nation
    and bless you.
I’ll make you famous;
    you’ll be a blessing.
I’ll bless those who bless you;
    those who curse you I’ll curse.
All the families of the Earth
    will be blessed through you.”

Genesis 12:1-3 (MSG)

Looking for Shakshuka, sandwiches and other nice food within Mahane Yehuda market? I highly recommend visiting Shakshuka Machaneh Yehuda.

If ever you will be visiting Israel and you will be spending time in Jerusalem, then I highly recommend visiting Shakshuka Machaneh Yehuda for meals as part of your visit in the Mahane Yehuda market.

Follow the food joint’s Instagram account by clicking

Watch out for more Israel 2023 travel pieces here.


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My return to Xtremely Xpresso Café in the Subic Bay Freeport Zone

During my most recent visit at the Subic Bay Freeport Zone, I took the opportunity to revisit key places around as it has been more than two years since my previous visit. On the afternoon of April 30 (just a day before the 2022 Subic Bay International Triathlon happened), I took time out to revisit Xtremely Xpresso Café (social media here, here and here) located at Dewey Street corner Sta. Rita Road.

Xtremely Xpresso Café is more than just a place to enjoy good coffee. It is also a restaurant that sells to its customers a good variety of tasty meals from pizza to pasta, rice meals and others. The very first time I visited the food joint was in the early 2000s. Through the years I had coffee there during my solo visits and there were also times that I was with the family enjoying pizza and their meals. Xtremely Xpresso’s pizzas were always delicious and filling to enjoy with friends or family.

Xtremely Xpresso Subic Bay Freeport branch on the day I returned.

Going back to my April 30 afternoon visit, I easily recognized Xtremely Xpresso upon arrival. What I found interesting was that the place was bustling with customers both indoors (where it is air conditioned) and outdoors as if life was back to normal (note: Alert Level 1 status was in effect on the Subic Bay Freeport Zone back then). I saw some groups of people, couples and individual customers enjoying their meals and drinks on the outdoor area (note: lots of seats and tables with shade) and the simmering heat of the day did not seem to bother them at all.

Then I entered and saw the ever familiar-looking interior. Almost all the seats and tables were filled up by customers who mostly came in groups or pairs. Everywhere I looked, I saw people really enjoying their food and drinks, and having quality time together. As such, I decided to order a drink and dessert and have the waiter serve them to me at a seat outdoors.

I took sat at a place where there was enough shade to protect me from the sun. While the heat was obvious, there were moments I felt some relief in the form of coolness from the occasional wind coming from the sea water several meters away. After about ten minutes waiting, the waiter served to me the cheesecake slice and the Shockwave Xtreme Frappe’ that I ordered.

The cheesecake I ordered at Xtremely Xpresso.
A close look at a portion of the cheesecake.

As I was seated outdoors, I did not want to let the sun and the summer heat ruin the cheesecake so I started consuming it portion by portion. Each bite of it was smooth and in terms of taste, it had a mild sweetness to it. More notably, it tasted like any cheesecake. In terms of content, it is thick and long enough for me. As such, Xtremely Xpresso’s cheesecake slice is good enough.

Xtremely Xpresso’s Shockwave frappe was cold coffee with some chocolate to its taste with a creamy aesthetic. In my experience sipping it moderately, the Shockwave had a moderate sweetness to it and I felt a creamy coffee and chocolate taste. It was during the remaining small amount I sipped when I suddenly felt a sweetened taste. Then the drink ran out. Xtremely Xpresso’s Shockwave is a frappe that is completely different from what other coffee shops here in the Philippines offered. I can say it is a good drink to have at Xtremely Xpresso.

The Shockwave frappe was mildly sweet and had a coffee and chocolate taste.

So my recent visit at Xtremely Xpresso in Subic Bay was good one. I would not hesitate to return there and next time, I would definitely order a meal, a different drink and something else. In my previous dining experiences there with my family, I enjoyed the taste of their Big Ben pizza, the Seafood Pesto pizza, the Creamy Cheese Penne and their Spinach Omelette. All of those and a lot more are still being offered to customers.

While securing an indoor seat and table is challenging, be assured that there are a lot more tables and seats outside. In fact, having breakfast and coffee outdoors is a fresh and comfortable experience as the sun is not too intense in the morning.

For those of you reading this, if you are planning to visit Subic Bay and you want good food and drinks to enjoy, I encourage you to visit Xtremely Xpresso.

Let me end this piece with the following holy scripture…

So then, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you may do, do all for the honor and glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31 (AMPC)


Thank you for reading. If you find this article engaging, please click the like button below and also please consider sharing this article to others. If you are looking for a copywriter to create content for your special project or business, check out my services and my portfolio. Feel free to contact me with a private message. Also please feel free to visit my Facebook page Author Carlo Carrasco and follow me on Twitter at  @HavenorFantasy as well as on Tumblr at and on Instagram at

A wonderful lunch at Gourmet Garage Subic

When I arrived in the Subic Bay Freeport Zone just a day before the 2022 Subic Bay International Triathlon (SUBIT) took place, I was very hungry as I left home very early without any breakfast and I was not able to stop at any of the gas stations (and their respective food joints) along the North Luzon Expressway (NLEX) as we took the counter-flow going north.

After settling at a hotel in close proximity to the triathlon venue, I drove to the one restaurant located at the Argonaut Highway-Rizal Highway corner that I’ve been eager to revisit…Gourmet Garage Subic (social media here and here).

The front of Gourmet Garage Subic!

Coming from the parking area of the business establishment, I entered Gourmet Garage Subic through the rear door and immediately I felt this atmosphere of class with classical music being played as I walked on and recognized their fine interior. It was a very welcoming experience and already there were people enjoying their lunch.

As I was pretty hungry and somewhat worn down by the long drive from Metro Manila, I ordered myself a Caesar (their version of Caesar’s salad) to enjoy something fresh. From the restaurant’s Main Event section of the menu, I chose the Lamb Madras Curry.

While waiting for my orders to be served, I took the time relaxing, enjoying the aircon and the continuous music, looked at the products displayed and browsed the web with my smartphone via Wifi. And then just like that, the waitress served me the Caesar which was faster than I expected. Upon seeing the salad placed in front of me, I was impressed with the way it was presented. There was some food art to it visually.

The Caesar of Gourmet Garage.
A closer look.

The Caesar was prepared with really fresh romaine lettuce topped (on a key portion) with Gourmet Garage Subic’s very own dressing mixed with parmesan shavings and bits of bacon. Right from the first bite of the salad (note: I used the fork and knife to cut myself a portion) that had the lettuce and dressing together, I experienced this very flavorful and pleasing taste! It was very delicious, I went on to cut portions of the Caesar and slowly consumed it along with the bits. I really enjoyed the salad as it was prepared by the cook to be flavorful, fresh and very satisfying! Gourmet Garage Subic’s Caesar is easily the best fresh salad I’ve had in a long time!

Just a few minutes after I was done with the salad, the Lamb Madras Curry was served to me. Right from the start, I noticed it was very well presented and the subtle heat I felt from it showed the lamb was newly cooked. I also liked the pleasing smell of the meal.

The Lamb Madras Curry was so nicely prepared and it tasted great!

The Lamb Madras Curry came with basmati rice on the bottom topped with the finely cooked lamb (itself topped with yogurt plus onion pieces and vegetables). On one side was a small tomato with a roasted onion and other onion pieces. The other side had more leaves. The meal was served with two sauces – garlic and chili.

As a first-timer of this particular meal – noted as a Chef’s Recommendation on Gourmet Garage’s menu – I decided to try out a small piece of the lamb without any yogurt on it and I found to be tasty on its own. There is no doubt that the lamb pieces were very finely cooked and the way it was prepared showed that special attention to details was done by the cook.

A piece of lamb by the fork.

I tried another piece of lamb and dipped it on the garlic sauce. The flavor of the said piece was enhanced by the said sauce as I chewed. I can say also say the same about the lamb pieces with yogurt on them. As for the spice level, I can say it is tolerable (pretty mild to be precise) and I never had a problem moving from one bite to another, also consuming the rice (really fragrant) and the vegetables. Along the way, I managed to cut some pieces of lamb placed on the fork along with the vegetable for that meat-and-veggies taste.

The Lamb Madras Curry from the side.

Every bite I had with the Lamb Madras Curry really had great flavor and big satisfaction. It is so great, this is easily the best lamb meal I had in years! Whoever designed the Lamb Madras Curry knew exactly how to ensure great taste, solid satisfaction and freshness (in terms of vegetables prepared and the cooking of the meat)!

Gourmet Garage Subic’s Caesar and Lamb Madras Curry are both highly recommended to all of you who love food! Make sure you try either of them once you visit the restaurant.

Apart from serving meals, drinks and desserts for diners, Gourmet Garage Subic also has a nice selection of imported products for your home consumption. On display for sale were lots of bottles of fine wine, fruit juices, frozen meat, condiments, snacks, pastry and other good products to take home! They also sell fresh bread products.

Looking for a new bottle of wine to buy? So many to choose here!
Bread and pastry offered.
Drinks, snacks, condiments and other nice products on display.

As mentioned in my past article, Gourmet Garage Subic also caters. Through their website, customers can also order Gourmet-in-a-Box (meals by the tray) and Party Trays (varied types of food with parties in mind). There is something that will surely interest you when it comes to good food! That being said, I urge you to check out Gourmet Garage’s website as well as their presence on Instagram and Facebook.

This is a great place to have your picture taken inside Gourmet Garage Subic!

The next time you visit Funtastic Subic Bay, I highly recommend you visit Gourmet Garage Subic at 1143 Argonaut Street (very near the Starbucks Coffee shop there) for very good food with your family, friends or business associates. On my next visit to Subic Bay, I’ll definitely come back to try their other meals.

Let me end this piece with the following holy scripture…

Whether you eat or drink, live your life in a way that glorifies and honors God.

1 Corinthians 10:31 (TPT)


Thank you for reading. If you find this article engaging, please click the like button below and also please consider sharing this article to others. If you are looking for a copywriter to create content for your special project or business, check out my services and my portfolio. Feel free to contact me with a private message. Also please feel free to visit my Facebook page Author Carlo Carrasco and follow me on Twitter at  @HavenorFantasy as well as on Tumblr at and on Instagram at