Indiana Jones and the Great Circle coming to Xbox Series X|S, Windows PC and Xbox Game Pass (XGP) later this year

Welcome back, fellow gamers, geeks, and Xbox fans!

Recently Team Xbox had its promised Developer_Direct video presentation which emphasized Xbox-exclusive games, a certain upcoming game from Square Enix (a special guest participant in the presentation) and a PC game.

One of the highlighted exclusive games was Indiana Jones and the Great Circle which is being made by MachineGames (a Bethesda game studio) for release on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Windows PC and Xbox Game Pass (XGP) in the later part of 2024. The final release date will be announced some time later.

For starters, watch the official gameplay reveal trailer of Indiana Jones and the Great Circle as well as the Developer_Direct presentation of the game by MachineGames below…

Now, you can read more information about the game straight from with the selected excerpt below. Some parts in boldface…

Indiana Jones and his companion Gina travel to a new destination. MachineGames confirmed that there will be a variety of locations in the game set in different parts of the world.

The way I see it, Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is clearly a major production that involves passionate work by the team of MachineGames. I am very glad that the developers decided to have the story set between the movies Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) to show a version of the iconic hero that stays away from the old Indy of the woke garbage Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023).

I also like the fact that the developers implemented the likeness of Harrison Ford for Indiana Jones as well as that of the late actor Denholm Elliott as Marcus Brody. These visual presentations seem to show that MachineGames decided to move closer to the way George Lucas and Steven Spielberg presented the cinematic icon decades ago.

The first-person action scenes as well as puzzle solving are impressive to look at. We will find out soon enough how fun and immersive the first-person view experience will be.

As for the gameplay footage shown, I am very impressed seeing how playable the game is looking with the first-person view implemented within the concept of Indiana Jones adventuring. The whip action shown looks really creative and the game also allowed for stealth gameplay and puzzle solving with the immersive first-person view (which alternates with third-person view for sequences that allowed gamers to see Indiana Jones in full form). For the newcomers reading this, MachineGames is responsible for several Wolfenstein and Quake games over the years and this Indiana Jones game clearly compelled them to be creative with the first-person view and game functions.

Watch out for Indiana Jones and the Great Circle on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Windows PC and Xbox Game Pass later this year.


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Starfield’s successful launch boosts Xbox Series X|S sales in the UK

Starfield, the epic sci-fi role-playing game (sci-fi RPG) from Bethesda Game Studios (Oblivion, Skyrim and Fallout 4), tremendously boosted the sales of Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S (including the newer version) in the United Kingdom (UK) shortly after its very strong launch there, according to a report published by Also available on Windows PC and Windows PC plus Xbox Game Pass (XGP), it is not surprising to see many gamers making decisions to buy the game brand new which helped it top the UK software sales chart

To put things in perspective, posted below is the excerpt from the report. Some parts in boldface…

Starfield is filled with a lot of quests, activities, exploration and sci-fi action that really engaged millions of people worldwide as I write this. The scope of the game is very immense.

As mentioned earlier, Starfield is also a software sales success in the UK which also reported separately. Check out the excerpt below…

Sarah Morgan is one of the key characters in Starfield. Interacting with her added a lot to the gameplay and engagement. Take note that Morgan is just one of the Constellation characters you will interact with.

As confirmed by the news above, the Xbox-exclusive Starfield succeeded big-time at retail in the UK and as Bethesda’s biggest launch of all-time (on a worldwide scale). Think deeply about those huge achievements that were realized without PlayStation at all. While lots of gamers in the UK spent a lot of money on the sci-fi RPG and Xbox Series consoles, there are also many Starfield players enjoying it on Xbox Game Pass. In fact, a lot of XGP subscribers paid for the early access to the game and that only showed how heavily anticipated Starfield really is as Bethesda’s newest intellectual property (IP). Apart from that, there is still a long way to go before the month of September 2023 ends.

The way the Xbox-exclusive game is succeeding as I write this, it is very likely that Starfield will grow into a franchise of in-depth RPGs in the years to come. Like Halo and the Forza Motorsport, Starfield will be an Xbox-exclusive franchise of games that fans and RPG-loving gamers can look forward to.

Even without PlayStation, Starfield became a massive success at launch in terms of software sales, Xbox Game Pass subscriptions and Xbox hardware sales.

On my part, I have been playing Starfield on my Xbox Series X for more than a week now and the more I played it, the more enjoyable and even intriguing the gameplay experience turned out to be. There is just so much to have fun with this sci-fi RPG and by now, I have gotten myself more oriented with the user interface and the functions laid out.

With regards to the shooting (specifically with on-foot activities), the precision and response here are comparable with those in Fallout 4. Flying spaceships and using the controls for flight and weapons are really good and responsive enough.

While I won’t be spoiling plot details here, I can say that the gameplay experience has been pretty varied when I do the main quests, side quests, activities and when I freely explore the many in-game environments from one planet to another across different star systems. Check out the images and their descriptions below…

There is nothing like spotting Ecliptic mercenaries marching together in the middle of nowhere followed by my character and companion taking them out by surprise. If you encounter a random situation like this, engage with it.
I love the high-level of visual details as well as the impressive physics Bethesda prepared for space battles.
After defeating several armed bad guys and some dangerous turrets at a very discreet location, I got myself a brand new space ship! I now have four space ships as of this writing!
There is nothing like being able to board an enemy space ship, defeating all the bad guys and taking the valuables (including the opportunity to claim the ship as your own if your pilot skill is high enough). Starfield allows such opportunities to happen during space ship battles. Don’t just focus on destroying the enemy ship entirely as you will miss out on the opportunity to board it.

Starfield is very enjoyable and I believe that it still has a lot more to offer. I finished several side quests and activities, and still there is a lot more to discover and engage with! Of all the Xbox-exclusive games released in this current console generation, Starfield is already the most engaging one I have been playing, even more so than Halo Infinite.

If you are eager to acquire a digital copy of Starfield, head on to By the way, an update is now available. In ending this, posted below are Starfield-related videos for your enjoyment.


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Xbox-exclusive Clockwork Revolution looks ambitious

inXile Entertainment, the Xbox studio behind Wasteland 3, is back with their brand new Xbox-exclusive game Clockwork Revolution which turned out to be one of the biggest reveals of the Xbox Games Showcase 2023/Starfield Direct double feature. While no release date has been set, the game will be released on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and Windows PC with availability on Xbox Game Pass, PC Game Pass and Steam.

To put things in perspective, posted below is the excerpt from the official article describing Clockwork Revolution. Some parts in boldface…

This is a fantastical, first-person action RPG, with dynamic time-bending combat, deep interconnected roleplaying systems, and the ability to create your own unique character from the ground up. The project is led by Game Director Chad Moore and Principal Designer Jason Anderson, who just happen to have created one of the greatest steampunk RPGs of all time—Arcanum.

Setting and StoryClockwork Revolution takes place in the vibrant Victorian-era metropolis of Avalon, where steam trains fly overhead, wealthy industrialists replace their limbs with ornate clockwork prosthetics, and mechanical servants fulfill their masters’ every whim

A vibrant steampunk society with a legacy waiting to be discovered in Clockwork Revolution.

But this new age of wonders holds a dark secret—it’s been carefully constructed by the ruthless Lady Ironwood. Through use of a time travel device, she’s changed key moments in Avalon’s history, keeping the working class struggling in the slums and factories, while bringing herself immense wealth and power. That’s where you come in…

Time Travel and The Chronometer – Discovering Ironwood’s scheme, you’ll use a wondrous device known as the Chronometer to travel back in time, choose how to influence the past, and then return to the present to experience the effects of your decisions. Through unprecedented and complex visual and narrative depth, the choices you make on your trips into the past will change the people, the stories, and the city of Avalon itself in extraordinary and (very often) unexpected ways. In Clockwork Revolution we’re pushing roleplaying reactivity to new heights, infused with the unique texture and personality that you’ve come to expect from our games.

Looks like a huge boss you will have to fight.

This is an exciting project for us at inXile. Not only is Clockwork Revolution our first fully-fledged Xbox Game Studios release, but from start to finish we’re utilizing the resources and support of Microsoft and Xbox to create our studio’s first AAA first-person action RPG.

What inXile is doing with Clockwork Revolution is very ambitious. What they showed during the Xbox Games Showcase made lots of gamers online make quick comparisons with BioShock Infinite as they are both first-person games that involve shooting, exploration, intense action and interaction with fantasy settings that are eerily similar between them. While it is not clear how far inXile has gone with the progress of game development, the Clockwork Revolution unveiling last week showed signs of high production values here and there, and it is clear that the developers have a clear vision of what they want to achieve and bring to players in due time.

Always make sure your weapons are fully loaded before going on a mission.

Right now, I am excited for Clockwork Revolution and I can only hope that the high production values inXile showed during the showcase will be maintained until they finish making the game. I really want to explore the game’s world, see how the time-traveling feature will deepen the gameplay and experience how much fun the Xbox-exclusive game will turn out. Not only that, I want to see how inXile will implement role-playing and what they could do with the steampunk concept in relation to the storytelling and gameplay.

Clockwork Revolution is most likely a few years away from release. We can only hope that inXile won’t be hampered during the development. Right now they have a lot of resources and a long development process ahead of them.

In concluding this post, posted below are Xbox-related videos for your enjoyment.


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