Better than Streaming: Watch out for the newest cinematic Godzilla from Japan

Welcome back, fellow geeks, Blu-ray collectors and movie buffs from around the world! If you are an enthusiast of giant monster movies and if you have gotten tired with what Hollywood has been releasing, there is a brand new Godzilla (Gojira in Japanese) movie from Japan’s Toho which will be released in cinemas before the year ends…Godzilla Minus One (Japanese title: Gojira Mainasu Wan).

The official movie poster for the Japanese market.

This newest Toho Godzilla film directed by Takashi Yamazaki (also a special effects expert) will be released in Japan in a gradual manner: as the closing feature film of the 36th Tokyo International Film Festival on November 1, 2023, and then in cinemas around the nation on November 3, 2023. Godzilla Minus One will open in cinemas in the United States and Canada on December 1, 2023.

To get started about this new Japanese Godzilla movie, I encourage you to watch the official trailer (English subtitles included) below…

The way the details and visuals were presented in the movie trailer, the filmmakers showed Godzilla as a terrifying giant whose presence brings certain death and destruction to those near it. The trailer made Godzilla looking like it intends to kill people. What I find interesting about the core concept of this upcoming movie is that the iconic monster wreaks havoc in Japan a short time after the end of World War II. This emphasizes that Japan is economically weak and struggling to recover from the tremendous losses suffered from the said war. Also spotted were efforts by the filmmakers to replicate the look of post-WWII Japan.

If you know your world history, you should be aware of the facts that America dropped atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 which compelled Japan (then a major military force with the Axis powers) to surrender unconditionally. Putting that historical context into the realm of fantasy by Toho, Godzilla Minus One shows what would happen had the giant monster invaded Japan while it was still in a very weakened state.

This is a terrifying image of people running away from Godzilla whose steps were causing destruction.

Considering the post-World War II background, it is not yet clear to me if this movie will serve as a prequel to the original Gojira movie of 1954. What is clear is that the filmmakers are daringly making something new with Japan’s icon and their creative approach looks radically different from Toho’s previous Godzilla release in 2016 (note: read my retro review of Shin Godzilla).

Considering the many Godzilla movies released – including those from Hollywood studios – being original with telling a story about the monster is indeed very hard to do. That being said, I am interested to see how the post-World War II setting, the new story and characters, and the giant monster itself will be executed on-screen. If the trailer indicates anything, it looks like Godzilla Minus One could turn out as a dramatic disaster movie (than a monster movie) and could come close to what the 1954 original movie presented.

As of this writing, there are not too many international markets for cinematic releases listed in Godzilla Minus One‘s IMDB page. Being based here in the Philippines, I can only hope that the Japan-made movie will be released in local cinemas which could be a bit tricky given the fact that Shin Godzilla had a limited release here in 2016. I really want to watch this upcoming movie in the local cinema, especially IMAX, but that would depend on how the distribution here in the Philippines will be executed. At the same time, watching a Japanese-made Godzilla movie would be a nice break from the MonsterVerse Godzilla that has been around for years now. Honestly, I’m getting tired of Hollywood’s current version of Japan’s icon.

A very menacing Gojira image from Toho promoting Godzilla Minus One. If you look very closely, you can see some of the giant monster’s teeth red with blood.

If Godzilla Minus One does not get screened locally for some reason, its potential Blu-ray (and possibly 4K Blu-ray) release in the future would be the next option to watch it. Regardless, watch out for this new movie in cinemas in a few months’ time.

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COVID-19 Crisis: OCTA Research favors the suggestion about not requiring moviegoers to wear face shields inside the cinemas

Here in metropolitan Manila in the Philippines, local cinemas are set to reopen on November 10, 2021 which will be a very important day for the cinema operators and their respective employees as the restrictions related to lockdown and the current COVID-19 crisis kept them closed since March 2020. For updates about Metro Manila cinemas, I encourage you to follow the Cinema Exhibitors Association of the Philippines (CEAP) Facebook page.

As the reopening of Metro Manila cinemas gets closer, it was reported by the Philippine Daily Inquirer (PDI) that the OCTA Research group favors the suggestion that the wearing of face shields inside cinema should NOT be required as such things are not only uncomfortable but will surely make movie viewing an unpleasant experience. Take note that only fully vaccinated people (those who got vaccinated with two doses of most brands of COVID-19 vaccines) will be allowed to pay and enter cinemas (limited to 30% seating capacity) under the rules of Alert Level 3. Alert Level 3 in Metro Manila was recently extended.

To put things in perspective, posted below is the excerpt from the Inquirer news report. Some parts in boldface…

The OCTA Research said Tuesday it supports the suggestion on not requiring the wearing of face shields in cinemas.

For OCTA Research fellow Guido David, watching movies will not be enjoyable if the audience will be required to wear face shields. He noted that removing the requirement of wearing face shields in cinemas was also brought up in a forum.

We should still wear face masks, but face shields, that’s a different topic. That can be discussed, because in fact we were in a Go Negosyo forum and they were discussing about removing the requirement for face shields in theaters because it actually makes sense. If you go to a theater, it would not be an enjoyable experience if you are wearing a face shield,” Guido told ABS-CBN News Channel’s Headstart.

Asked if he supports removing the requirement of wearing face shields in cinemas, David said: “We would support it because I think the move is to allow only vaccinated people to enter theaters.

The reopening of cinemas was earlier allowed in Metro Manila as the region shifted to Alert Level 3. However, only fully vaccinated people will be allowed in theaters with an indoor seating capacity of 30 percent.

From this point on, we will find out soon enough how the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF), the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) and the Metro Manila Council (MMC) will react to what OCTA Research declared about face shields inside the cinemas.

Whatever their reactions will be, I urge Metro Manila readers among you my readers to support the local cinemas not simply for the sake of just supporting the cinema operators and their employees, but also to practice your freedom of choice for entertainment on the big screen!

If you want the best value for your money when returning to the cinemas starting November 10, I would suggest watching Dune (2021) in an IMAX cinema as that movie has scenes shot with IMAX cameras. The visual spectacle captured can be fully enjoyed on an IMAX screen and there is absolutely no way such greatness will be seen via streaming. In short, if you want the best Dune viewing experience, screw HBO Go, screw HBO Max, screw the pirates and go watch the film in the local IMAX cinema. For the residents of South Metro Manila reading this, the nearest IMAX cinema is inside SM Southmall in Las Piñas City. Better start making inquiries via social media now if you really want the IMAX experience.

Whatever your choice of movie or local cinema, I suggest you check out the most updated listing of movies and schedules. The cinematic viewing experience is always better than streaming. Don’t forget to check updates from CEAP.

Let me end this piece by asking you readers: What do you think about this latest development? Are you excited to return to the local cinema to watch movies with the big screen experience once again? Do you think the MMDA and Metro Manila mayors will make new moves to hamper the cinematic experience of moviegoers or even hamper the scheduled reopening of local cinemas? When was the last time you saw a movie inside the cinema? When was the last time you saw any movie inside the IMAX cinema?

You may answer in the comments below. If you prefer to answer privately, you may do so by sending me a direct message online.


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