Xbox Games Showcase and Starfield Direct Double Feature all set this Sunday (Monday in Asia)

It is that time again for Xbox fans and gamers to get excited as the Xbox Games Showcase and Starfield Direct Double Feature will happen this Sunday June 11 (Monday June 12 in Asia) and viewers will get to watch it on multiple channels.

To begin with, Team Xbox announced that the two showcases will be streamed live via the online channels below…

Not only that, those who want to watch the streams in 4K resolution at 60FPS should head on to and There will also be multi-language support in the forms of subtitles.

What to expect? Based on the recent tweets by Xbox Games Marketing executive Aaron Greenberg, the Xbox Games Showcase and Starfield Direct will combine for roughly two hours non-stop games and it will all be about games. There won’t be any movie trailers to disrupt the double feature. Look at the tweets below…

Already, it has been confirmed that there will be no CGI-trailers about Team Xbox’s games at the two showcases. Personally, I prefer to see gameplay footage showing how the upcoming games function and how they could turn out fun. When it comes to showing story cutscenes, using gameplay graphics is more preferrable to me.

What video games to expect from Team Xbox? While it is inevitable to me that they will show the promised 2023 exclusives Forza Motorsport (2023) and Bethesda’s highly anticipated Starfield, I can only speculate that Phil Spencer and his team will give fans big updates (note: to be showcased visually, not just mere announcements) about other Xbox-exclusives such as Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II (read my article), the new Fable role-playing game (RPG), the fantasy RPG Avowed from Obsidian Entertainment (read my last article of Avowed), and possibly State of Decay 3 from Undead Labs. While it is possible that the troubled Xbox-exclusives Everwild and the Perfect Dark reboot could also be shown, I’m not confident about them. I also do not expect anything to be shown about Hideo Kojima’s Xbox project nor the other exclusive game Contraband.

I am anticipating that a final release date for Forza Motorsport (2023) will be announced, and the same should happen with Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II (possibly late-2023 or early 2024). Avowed, if its development has progressed a lot since the first announcement, could be announced for 2024 and it should help satiate gamers’ demand for the epic open-world fantasy RPG experience of the Elder Scrolls game franchise. In my view, the Elder Scrolls VI is still years away from getting released. As for Fable, it could be shown but without a release date.

Starfield will have its very own showcase immediately after that of Xbox. That being said, I am anticipating a very in-depth gameplay demonstration of the game, some more bits about its story and core concept, and hopefully there will be options for gamers to play the game in 30FPS and 60FPS with varying resolutions. I personally want to play Starfield on my Xbox Series X console in 60FPS. I hope they will show more space battles which I think will add more variety to the gameplay as a whole. We will find out soon from Bethesda and Todd Howard on Starfield Direct.

When it comes to the Gears of War franchise, I’m not really anticipating a new Gears sequel. What would be more doable, in my opinion, is Team Xbox revealing a Gears Tactics sequel which should delight fans of the 2020 game as well as gamers who love playing turn-based tactics games. For me, the time is right to announce a new Gears Tactics game!

In my view, the time is right for a Gears Tactics sequel to be unveiled while gamers worldwide endure the long wait for the next Gears of War game.

As for games from other companies that could be part of the Xbox Games Showcase, I am anticipating an appearance and updates about Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes in terms of new gameplay and hopefully a final release date within 2023 (note: this Japanese RPG will also launch on Xbox Game Pass). Very recently, Japan-based developer Rabbit & Bear Studios posted updates about the game on social media which just might mean there will be a possible appearance on the showcase. Take note that Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes’ inclusion on Xbox Game Pass is significant and this weekend’s online event is the best opportunity to promote it and make both XGP subscribers and JRPG fans excited.

There is the possibility that Konami could show Suikoden I&II HD Remaster Gate Rune and Dunan Unification Wars and announce a firm release date for 2023. The showcase is also a great opportunity for Konami to promote the classic games to a worldwide audience and finally start executing their marketing plans that should excite Suikoden fans as well as gamers who love JRPGs.

When it comes to dream scenarios (note: the unlikely) that could really make waves if they ever happen at the Xbox showcase, that would be Capcom showing a big-budget remake of Dino Crisis (comparable to what they did with Resident Evil 2, 3 and 4) as well as announcing remastered versions of Breath of Fire RPGs for release on modern consoles plus Xbox Game Pass. I understand Capcom has its very own games showcase scheduled for the next day but the Xbox showcase is still a great opportunity to make waves with gamers worldwide. More wild scenarios? That would SEGA announcing the next Virtua Fighter game or a fully remastered Shining Force III (with all three chapters together), 2K Games revealing XCOM 3 (note: it’s been seven years since XCOM 2) plus Square Enix actually announcing a remastered version of Xenogears (note: this year marks the 25th anniversary of the game).

At this stage, we can only wait and see what will happen next. Team Xbox should show more games related to the latest Xbox Game Studios Publishing developments and other deals they made with developers – both the big and the smaller independent ones – so far. Not only that, there has to be something new and ready to be revealed from Team Xbox’s game studios such as Compulsion Games, inXile Entertainment and others. The excitement and suspense are building up!

Watch out for the games, the exciting stuff and big announcements at the Xbox Games Showcase and Starfield Direct Double Feature this weekend!

In concluding this article, posted below for your enjoyment are Xbox-related videos.


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Carlo Carrasco’s Game Review: Resident Evil 3 Remake (single player)

Disclaimer: This is my original work with details sourced from playing the video game Resident Evil 3 Remake and doing research. Anyone who wants to use this article, in part or in whole, needs to secure first my permission and agree to cite me as the source and author. Let it be known that any unauthorized use of this article will constrain the author to pursue the remedies under R.A. No. 8293, the Revised Penal Code, and/or all applicable legal actions under the laws of the Philippines.

Even though 1999’s Resident Evil 3: Nemesis was a side-story and its concept was smaller in scale compared to the acclaimed Resident Evil 2 (1998), I still had a lot of fun with that game and its key features made it very worthy of replaying. Like last year’s Resident Evil 2 remake, RE3 was remade and shortly after it became available on April 3, I got to play it, finished it three times and I should say I also had fun with it.

You must be wondering…how much fun is the Resident Evil 3 Remake? Is it anywhere as deep as the remake of RE2? Does this new game honor the legacy of its original counterpart from 1999? Is it worth the full retail price? Let’s start with this game review focused mainly on the single-player story campaign.

Early Story

Raccoon City ruined.

The story begins on September 28, 1998 with Raccoon City getting infested with zombies as a result of an outbreak of T-Virus (directly connected with the events that led to Resident Evil 2). People have no choice but to run for their lives as the police struggle to save civilians. Meanwhile, Jill Valentine is inside her apartment making moves to leave the city since the city police force don’t believe her story about what happened at the Spencer Mansion (Resident Evil).

After answering a phone call from a very concerned Brad Vickers, a huge human figure (Nemesis) covered in dark material suddenly breaks through the wall and attempts to kill her. Jill fortunately fights back and after enduring a few close calls, she manages to get away from the monster and out of the building.

She makes her way to the street where she meets Brad Vickers and together, they face an onslaught of many zombies. After barely getting inside a joint, Brad (who got bitten by a zombie) struggles to keep the door closed and urges Jill to run away to survive. Now on her own, Jill has to find ways to survive and get out of the zombie-filled Raccoon City


An encounter with Nemesis is often intense.

Like last year’s big budget remake of RE2, RE3 Remake is a 3rd person shooter mixed with exploration, item management, problem solving and the like. As required to move the story forward, you will control Jill to collect items, manage them carefully with the limited space for carrying, fulfill objectives and meet characters at key points of the story. Along the way, you will encounter zombies, grotesque monsters and, of course, Nemesis.

There are some notable differences from RE2, however. The most obvious difference is that RE3 remake was designed to be somewhat faster-paced (note: it’s not like the characters you control really run fast) and more action-oriented in terms of shooting as well as evading. In obvious tribute to the 1999 RE3, this game allows you to dodge attacks from zombies/monsters/Nemesis. If you succeed with perfectly timing your dodge, you will be granted a few seconds (with some slow motion) to immediately fire back at the enemy that you evaded.

If you damage Nemesis enough, he will drop a supply case which often contains a very useful item. 

Unlike RE2 remake, the personal knife does not degrade and therefore it could be used as many times as you want. However, when a zombie grabs you to bite you, there is no prompt to use the knife to fight back and avoid getting bitten (this particular function was normal in RE2 remake). Another new thing in this video game is the presence of item boxes which you can “open” by shooting or using a knife to break it.

Because the in-game environment of RE3 remake includes the ruined streets and alleys of Raccoon City, you get more spacious places move around. Of course, this means more zombies occupying certain spaces for you to kill or strategically pass by. With the street-and-alleys set-up, there are a few red barrels that are explosive (you can destroy many zombies with one blast) and a few generators that electrocutes and stops monsters (even Nemesis) to shoot at.

The return of the Hunter Beta is a welcome challenge!

When it comes acts and action, Jill gets to fight using the knife, grenade, flash grenade, handgun (including the burst gun), shotgun, magnum and the grenade launcher while Carlos uses the assault rifle (apart from the knife, grenade, flash grenade and handgun). Jill can evade, enter tight spots and use the lock pick while Carlos can do the defensive strike. For the most part, the controls are responsive which is good.

In terms of gameplay, RE3 remake is faster and more action-oriented counterpart to RE2 remake.


As far as production values are concerned, RE3 remake is more cinematic and has improved visuals technically and artistically. For the visuals, the photo-realism has been pushed forward more by the game developers on the characters, the monsters and their in-game environment. The protagonist Jill Valentine looks very lifelike and with model Sasha Zotova’s likeness used, she sure beats Gears 5’s heroine Kait when it comes to photo-realism and looking very human. The facial expressions are top-notch and I love the way how in-game lighting showed its effects on the environment on the characters.

The photo-realism and impressive facial animation are not limited to Jill, obviously, as other characters like Carlos, Mikhail (who was made to look older this time), Tyrell and the villainous Nicholai (who was made to look younger and slimmer than his previous version) really look great. On top of that, the voice acting is excellent across all the characters. That being said, Carlos now sounds more mature and believable as a person which is a tremendous improvement over the voice of his original version in 1999.

And there is Nemesis, the one over-sized bio weapon that targets members of S.T.A.R.S. Nemesis was redesigned with photo-realism in mind and he sure looks monstrous, especially in the later stages in the game. Compared to his original version in 1999, Nemesis is very strong, can use weapons of his own, uses a tendril to pull Jill to him, can actually leap ahead of Jill and even mutate zombies on the spot. Another noticeable difference that’s been dividing fans of the original RE3 and this game, is that Nemesis in this remake is limited to scripted events in key locations and as such, he is not the constant stalker that Mr. X was in the RE2 remake. In the RE3 game of 1999, Nemesis would randomly appear and run after Jill. That’s not the same experience in this remake which is disappointing.

Another disappointment I have state here in relation to encountering Nemesis (and other monsters) is the absence of live selection sequences which was a defining feature of the original RE3. Once you encounter Nemesis in this remake, it’s either you avoid and outrun him, or you can fight him and strike him hard enough to stop him temporarily (and make him suddenly drop a huge equipment case for you to pick up). You encounter the Hunter Beta or the Hunter Gamma or the Pale Head zombie, it’s either you kill them or they kill you. Without the live selection sequences, there is really no variety in the encounters.

When it comes to the in-game environments and the overall story structure, this game is noticeably shorter and locations are noticeable smaller and more linear. This is another disappointment because the ruined city environment failed to live up to expectations as it was designed to be limited in terms of places to visit and explore. Even the ruined city environment in 1999’s Resident Evil 3 has literally more locations to explore compared to this remake. Also don’t expect to see the city park, the city graveyard and city clock tower from the old game to appear as explorable levels here.

One of many in-game zombies players will encounter.

The game designers apparently knew fans would notice what places from the old game are lacking, and so they heavily expanded exploration in the medical center and they even included a secret passageway into a certain underground facility which made the game still feel fresh.

On the story structure, RE3 remake followed the concept of the original game but made a major twist which really caught me off-guard the first time I finished this game. It’s a nice twist and I never imagined that I get to use a specific character (note: as with the old game, only Jill and Carlos are playable in select sections) visiting a notable location.

When it comes to the presentation of the characters compared to the 1999 game, I can say that Jill is pretty much like her past version but says some lines with sarcasm and makes clear to Carlos that she’s tougher than she looks. Having played the past Resident Evil games, I can tell that this remade Jill Valentine is struggling with the frustration over the mission at the mansion since her superiors refused to believe her (note: lack of evidence and the destruction of the place). Ultimately, this remake succeeds in telling a very defining story about Jill which added more to her status as an icon of the Resident Evil franchise as a whole.

Carlos meanwhile is a more believable character thanks to not only the above-mentioned improved voice acting but also because of better writing. As for Nicholai, he’s more motivated by greed and mentions working for an unnamed client. He’s the type of character who annoys you and makes you wish he would be killed. Mikhail does not change much apart from looking older but Tyrell’s role here is heavily expanded.

Horror? Unsurprisingly this game has some elements of horror but nowhere does it come close to what was presented in the RE2 remake. It’s an action-oriented game after all but that’s not to say it’s the mindless, blazing guns festival like Resident Evil 5.. Also I should mention that there are very few puzzles here.


We gamers want more value for our money, Capcom!

Resident Evil 3 remake is action-packed, engaging and a fun video game to play even if you are not a fan of the long-running video game franchise. It has very high production values and the best cinematic cut-scenes in any RE game to date. What prevents this game from achieving excellence, apart from having a smaller concept compared to RE2 remake, is that the game is rather short and there is only ONE ending. This makes this game’s replay value much lower when compared to the original RE3 of 1999 which had more than one ending and references to other RE characters displayed (each time the 1999 game got finished). Sure the remake rewards players with points for fulfilling challenges and allows them to use the points to acquire post-game stuff in the in-game store, but this does not make up for the short length and single ending.

If there is anything Capcom should do to boost the replay value as well as the overall value of this remake, it’s for them to produce and release a story driven DLC (downloadable content) to expand the story campaign and add an additional ending. By now, the game makers should realize they missed several opportunities to deepen and make the remake great.

Overall, Resident Evil 3 is recommended only when its price is at least 50% off.

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