What to watch on YouTube right now – Part 9

Have you been searching for something fun or interesting to watch on YouTube? Do you feel bored right now and you crave for something to see on the world’s most popular online video destination?

I recommend you check out the following topics and the related videos I found.

Debunking the lies of the Palestinians and the Satanic Left – Israel has been all over the news for over a month now as the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas attacked them on October 7, 2023, and committed acts of murder, kidnapping and torture of many innocent people (including foreign nationals). Israel responded by going into war with Hamas and already they have several soldiers operating inside the Gaza strip searching for the terrorists while trying to rescue the hostages.

Around the world, anti-Semitism has intensified as a lot of public rallies or protests events supporting the Palestinians and condemning Israel continues to happen. Unsurprisingly, the Satanic Leftist elements in governments, mainstream news media outlets and social media all organized a major misinformation campaign highlighting the Palestinians as victims while portraying Israel as the antagonists. Collectively these Communists, socialists, Marxists, liberal, diversity advocates and other anti-Semitic elements have been spreading lies repeatedly to attack Israel while lifting up the Palestinians.

Fortunately, YouTuber Oren who handles the channel travelingisrael.com published in-depth videos that debunked the Arab-Palestine-Hamas-Leftist propaganda complete with details and facts that the liars did not even bother to check. I stand with Israel and the Holy Bible confirms that Israel is the land that God designated to the Jewish people (read Genesis 12:1-3 and Genesis 35:10-12), not the Arabs and certainly not the Palestinians. There really never was an ancient Palestine and the Palestinian identity as a people did not even exist before the 20th century (not even during the time when the Ottoman Empire had authority over the land of Israel). That being said, I strongly recommend you watch the videos below and pay close attention to the details…

Trustworthy look at Israel – Still on Israel, I want to tell you all that you cannot trust the mainstream news media outlets as they have an anti-Israel and anti-Semitic agenda in connection with their Leftist worldviews. You cannot trust CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, BBC, Vox and others as they are laser-focused on smearing Israel and putting the lives of Jewish people in danger. Those abusers of media and information are spreading lies and hate! If you want a clearer and more credible look at Israel and the developments that happened, I recommend you follow CBN News (the news program of the Christian Broadcasting Network) and TBN Israel. Posted below are some of their YouTube videos for you to see…

Macross nostalgia videos – And new we shift into the world of entertainment. When it comes to the world of anime, Macross is my favorite franchise. To be more specific, the Super Dimension Fortress Macross TV series, Macross: Do You Remember Love? (read my retro movie review by clicking here), Macross Plus and Macross Zero are the ones I enjoyed replaying and there were some video game adaptations released along the way (read my retro game review by clicking here). If you share my Macross passion or if you are simply interested with anime and related video games, I recommend you watch the videos below…

#4 Cloak & Dagger (1984) nostalgia – A few months ago, I published my retro review of the 1984 movie Cloak & Dagger which remains a very unique film by today’s standards. For one thing, the film was the 4th cinematic adaptation of the short story “The Boy Cried Murder” written by Cornell Woolrich. It also had Henry Thomas (the same kid in Steven Spielberg’s E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial) as the protagonist, a plot filled with strong elements of espionage, a video game as a key item in the story, and most notably, a very intense tone complete with shooting and killings. Cloak & Dagger, which is now available on 4K Blu-ray format, is the kind of movie that Hollywood does not make anymore. Of course, I do understand that Hollywood has so many Commies and SJWs (social justice warriors) among its screenwriters, actors and directors who could not understand Cloak & Dagger. To learn about the 1984 movie, watch the videos below…

Friday The 13th Part 3 reaction and retro review videos – Some time ago I declared in my retro review that Friday The 13th Part 3 is the 2nd best film of its franchise (note: Friday The 13th: The Final Chapter is still #1). Sure, it was flawed and the filmmakers struggled to make the movie as they intended to film it with 3D cinema viewing in mind, but the way things turned out it marked a crucial turning point in Friday The 13th’s general formula on storytelling and the presentation with Jason Voorhees as the enduring antagonist. This is the very movie when Jason first got his hockey mask and the actor’s muscular build gave him a more intimidating look than in Part 2. That being said, it is no surprise that the 1982 movie became the subject of multiple movie reaction videos and retro reviews on YouTube and you can watch some of them (plus one trivia video by Minty Comedic Arts) below…


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