A Look Back at Harbinger #17 (1993)

Disclaimer: This is my original work with details sourced from reading the comic book and doing personal research. Anyone who wants to use this article, in part or in whole, needs to secure first my permission and agree to cite me as the source and author. Let it be known that any unauthorized use of this article will constrain the author to pursue the remedies under R.A. No. 8293, the Revised Penal Code, and/or all applicable legal actions under the laws of the Philippines.

Welcome back superhero enthusiasts, 1990s culture enthusiasts and comic book collectors! Today we go back to the early 1990s and explore a part of the Valiant Comics shared universe through the Harbinger monthly series.

In my previous retro review, Sting, Kris and Shatiqua got into trouble upon seeing the traitorous Ax and his powered companions. Their encounter turned into a radically different turn of events when the Harbinger foundation’s armed personnel and Eggbreakers members arrived targeting Ax.    

With those details laid down, here is a look back at Harbinger #17, published in 1993 by Valiant Comics with a story written by Maurice Fontenot and illustrated by Howard Simpson.

The cover.

Early story

The story begins in the past – January 11, 1991 at the Woodville State Mental Institution in Pennsylvania. One of the local doctors leads two formal visitors into the secured room of one of their patients described as a “fascinating subject”. His name is Simon and the visitors turned out to be from the Harbinger foundation. They tell Simon, who is invisible, that the Harbinger foundation was established to help special people like him, help him understand and control his talents, and he will not be alone as the foundation has others like him.

In the present day of December 23, 1992, Faith is flying just above a truck which is slipping out of control along a major bridge in New Jersey. Sting is barely holding on the top of the truck. Being unable to utilize his power to control the situation, Sting instructs Faith to pull the driver out of the truck. Moments after Faith saves the truck driver, the truck itself stops but ended up hitting a vehicle.

As Flamingo uses her power to put out a fire, Kris finds Sting on the side of a car feeling terrible. Sting wonders what is wrong with him as he failed to stop the truck…


Even though he is already in a relationship with Kris, Sting focused on the blonde lady in the middle of a party.

I want to point out that this is yet another build-up type of story from Fontenot and Simpson, only this time it introduces Simon who is involved with the Harbinger foundation not as a trained Eggbreakers member but rather as a patient still relying on medical and psychological care. Through Simon, you will feel his loneliness, his trouble to fit in with society and his personal pain related to being unwanted. Through him, you will also realize that even though it has lots of resources and experts as employees, the Harbinger foundation is not the ideal replacement for Simon’s father (who rejected him in the first place). That should also remind you readers that government units also can never be your parent nor your guiding light no matter what socialists and Commies say in this age of Joe Biden and the fascist Democrats (read: the Satanic Left). Fontenot’s script here is, unsurprisingly, really strong and Simon’s introduction never felt like a throwaway piece.

Apart from Simon, Sting and his teammates got a lot more of the narrative’s spotlight this time around which is like a breath of fresh air since the previous two issues focused more on Harbinger and the Eggbreakers. Even though they are already dealing with their domestic problems, the primary characters still make efforts to solve problems and help others knowing that they would not be compensated by society.

More on character development, the team leader Sting continues to desire recruiting and helping powered young adults before the organization of Toyo Harada gets them first. This shows his arrogance and delusion as he rejects the reality that he and his team don’t really have the massive resources the Harbinger foundation has when it comes to recruitment and providing the constant needs of recruits. Furthermore, Sting does not even see his current problem (with his super power) as a hindrance at all when facing the Harbinger foundation.

Storywise, this comic book is more balanced with the spotlight on characters on the two sides of the spectrum with Simon being symbolically caught in the middle of the conflict. This is really solid storytelling.


Something’s wrong with Sting.

I like Harbinger #17 (1993) very much. What it lacks in spectacle, it bounces back big time with character development, deep dramatics and introducing a new character who gets connected with both Sting’s team and the Harbinger foundation. This story obviously keep on building up something for a future conflict between the two forces and already I am eager to find out what will happen in the next issue.

Overall, Harbinger #17 (1993) is highly recommended!


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My Observations: Southville’s Anti-Bullying Event

On October 26, I was fortunate to have time to attend a nice event at Southville International School and Colleges (SISC) called Be a Buddy, Not a Bully! – A Family Affair Against Bullying.

The event was held at a facility along Tropical Avenue in BF International, Las Piñas City. The main focus was on curbing bullying (which victimizes a lot of people of different ages around the world each year), protecting young children from bullies (and preventing them from becoming bullies themselves) and helping people understand what it takes to recover from the many negative effects of bullying.

During that particular day, I managed to watch a short storytelling activity done by Nikka Martinez-Garcia, the wife of local actor Patrick Garcia (Batang PX, Love Me Tomorrow). Among those who attended the storytelling were lots of children (including Southville students), parents and other guests.

Nikka Martinez-Garcia tells a story about being kind and friendly to the kids in attendance. The storytelling was a part of the anti-bullying theme of the 2-day event.

There were also parenting talks and games held.

I have to admire Southville for dedicating two days filled with activities that are meant to help people deal with the social menace of bullying. I myself grew up and got bullied a few times at school during an era in which anti-bullying campaigns were not too common and were not organized in many schools.

Bullying has tremendous negative effects on victims, especially with the psychological side. It is one painful thing to get hit hard physically by the bullies, it is a worse thing to be traumatized deep inside and be scarred mentally.

Several kids with some parents and guardians in attendance.

Bullying is not limited to the physical environment. It can also be digital and there is such a thing as cyber bullying. The sad thing about the advancement of technology and Internet connectivity is that social media makes people more vulnerable to online bullying.

Think about it carefully. Imagine for example you post something on Twitter with the intention to enlighten or inspire others positively. Then suddenly one Twitter user reads it, somehow gets offended and then goes all out against you with insults, angry thoughts and other forms of negative expressions. Even worse, other Twitter users suddenly joined that harsh user on bashing and shaming you without thinking. Believe it or not, there are some people out there who actually enjoy bullying because they somehow found satisfaction by doing it.

Several books were put on sale as part of the 2-day anti-bullying event at Southville.

Bullying, whether physical or digital, is indeed a serious problem to deal with.

Going back to the 2-day event, it was really nice of Southville to organize it. There definitely should be more anti-bullying events held not only in schools but also in commercial places and within the local communities.

I previously published an article about mobbing, which is related to bullying. You can read it by clicking here.


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We can negotiate, work together and be achievers together.

Thank you for reading. If you find this article engaging, please click the like button below and also please consider sharing this article to others. Also my fantasy book The World of Havenor is still available in paperback and e-book format. If you are looking for a copywriter to create content for your special project or business, check out my services and my portfolio. Feel free to contact me as well. Also please feel free to visit my Facebook page Author Carlo Carrasco and follow me at HavenorFantasy@twitter.com

Anti-Bullying Event at SISC on October 25 and 26

Hey everyone!

If you are looking for any event in the entire South Metro Manila emphasizing the campaign against bullying, then you should go to Southville International School & Colleges (SISC) in BF International, Las Piñas City as they will organize their big event titled Be a Buddy, Not a Bully! – A Family Affair Against Bullying on October 25 and 26.



Set to take place from 9AM to 4PM on each day, admission is free according to SISC officials.

What will you get for free entrance? The organizers have prepared the following activities that are designed to give attendees a clear vision about what bullying is, what its effects are and what people can do to protect themselves from bullies.

  1. Parenting talks
  2. Storytelling sessions
  3. Games
  4. Merchandise exhibits
  5. Food bazaar
  6. Open house for all SISC and non-SISC families.

Previously I wrote about mobbing and that topic is closely related to bullying. To put things in perspective, bullying is defined as abuse and mistreatment of someone vulnerable by someone stronger, more powerful, etc. (according to Merriam-Webster.com)

If you want to tackle the topic of bullying seriously, take the opportunity to attend the Be a Buddy, Not a Bully! – A Family Affair Against Bullying at  SISC on October 25 and 26. 

For inquiries, call the school at (02) 8825-6374 local 100.

Barangay BF Homes Sangguniang Kabataan (BFSK) to tackle Youth Suicide


Recently at the developing community of Masville in Barangay BF Homes, Parañaque City, a 21-year-old man died by suicide by hanging himself to death in a residence. The reason? Because he broke up with his girlfriend.

This was revealed to me by Barangay BF Homes Sangguniang Kabataan (BFSK) chairperson Mariel Tumang during my exclusive interview with her on the topic of youth suicide.

Barangay BF Homes Sangguniang Kabataan (BFSK) chairperson Mariel Tumang.

To put things in perspective, Tumang stated that the age definition of youth under the Reformed SK system is 15 to 30-years-old. The guy who took his life is therefore identified as a youth and was already working. On July 20, Tumang attended the man’s funeral at his family residence and the experience reminds her that the SK has a responsibility to ensure that youth suicides would be prevented.

“We had one project with Kagawad Rocel Espino who handled the barangay committee on education which includes youth. The project she created was the youth camp and it was organized at a local school,” Tumang said. “Many young people attended and they shared problems and concerns. We at the SK will adapt that kind of project.”

In preparation for the planned youth camp, the BFSK chairperson and the kagawads will have to do some research as well as make presentations in seminars. A youth orientation activity done by Barangay BF Homes Kagawad Espino was held recently which educated many youth participants. This, of course, sets a model of guidance for the BFSK as part of their preparation for the planned youth camp which, as of this writing, still has no date nor a venue finalized.

“We also have the mental health awareness counseling program planned at the SK. Right now we are still discussing as to when we could organize it,” Tumang stated. “I really want to organize the mental health awareness program and youth camp soon as I learned many helpful lessons from a seminar at Paranaque City Hall.”

The said seminar was about mental health awareness and by participating in it, Tumang said she realized the many factors that contribute to suicide such as depression, insecurity, uncertainty and the like. Even words can hurt a person and even cause him or her to get depressed.

“That was a very engaging seminar the discussions were very in-depth. I learned so much from it and I believe we can really help the local youth,” she said.

Tumang added that Kagawad Espino taught her that youth struggle as they grow up and get educated. The struggles include being unable to open up and speak out about their concerns, being fearful about others judging them, and the like. There are also those who are a lot more vulnerable or more sensitive than meets the eye.

“Because words can be painful, some jokes cracked at youth hurt them very deep inside reaching to the point of cracking under social pressure, becoming stressed or, even worse, they begin to think about suicide,” Tumang said.

To put suicide in perspective, it was reported in Business Mirror that in the year 2012, a total of 2,550 cases of suicides (all ages) in the Philippines were registered according to Department of Health (DOH) Undersecretary Herminigildo Valle.

The BFSK chairperson plans to have the youth camp (and hopefully the mental health awareness counseling program) push through sometime this September. However pulling it off remains challenging due to budgeting, the time management of activities and getting valuable resources.

The Sangguniang Kabataan of Barangay BF Homes is reaching out to generous members of the public who wish to donate to them (cash or in kind) for the purpose of organizing the youth camp and its campaign to prevent youth from dying by suicide.

To inquire or give something, communicate directly with BFSK Chairperson Mariel Tumang at Barangay BF Homes hall along Elsie Gatches street in Parañaque City.


UPDATE! (September 3, 2019)

The Barangay BF Homes Youth Camp is indeed coming and already efforts are being made on preparing it. This was announced by Barangay BF Homes Kagawad Rocel Espino during the Youth Forum held at the Phase 1 Gym along Pilar Banzon street in BF Homes subdivision on August 31.

Thank you for reading. If you find this article engaging, please click the like button below and also please consider sharing this article to others. Also my fantasy book The World of Havenor is still available in paperback and e-book format. If you are looking for a copywriter to create content for your special project or business, check out my services and my portfolio. Feel free to contact me as well. Also please feel free to visit my Facebook page Author Carlo Carrasco and follow me at HavenorFantasy@twitter.com


Mobbing Is Wrong and It Should Be Stopped!

From my own experience in life, I know what it is like to be mobbed and get hurt by bullies. I know what it is like to be outnumbered by many others who could not control themselves.

A mob of people from a page of an old EC Comics story from the 1950s.

Mobbing is defined as an act of bullying against an individual committed by a group of people (referred to as the mob). It is an act that happens in schools, the workplace, the family, online and in communities.

Usually a mob acts with its members united by the pursuit to hurt or even destroy the individual in varied ways like using physical violence, picketing, becoming rowdy and causing a disturbance while pointing at their target. Sometimes the mob can abuse the legal system to bring down their target.

Examples of acts of mobbing:

1)  Spreading rumors or propaganda or organizing a smear campaign against the individual target.

2)     Gate-crashing or deliberate trespassing into someone else’s territory.

3)     Isolating the target to make him/her look undesirable in front of others.

4)     Filing cases in court versus the target even though they don’t have solid evidence to win.

5)     Beating up the individual physically.

6)   Protesting in public and trying to fool members of the public into supporting their cause.

7)   Lying to local authorities and telling them exaggerations just to fool them into supporting their cause against the individual target.

Why do mobs keep on mobbing? I have my own theories.

1)    They really have nothing better to do in life and the temptation of organizing to “win” (hurting or destroying their target) is too irresistible to them.

2)      Hate versus their target is so strong in their minds, they are too blinded to think rationally.

3)     They are cowards deep inside and because they don’t have the law on their side, mobbing is their option.

4)     They want to grab power or feed their own pride as a united group. They may even have some vanity in their minds that they don’t even realize.

5)     They are driven by a political or sociological ideology.

6)  Their group leaders are mentally unstable and the “follow the leader” approach still gets executed.

7)     They believe that being united gives them the freedom to take the law into their own hands, to trespass into any territory and misinform people who discover their group. They may as well have adapted the culture of impunity.

8)     They simply enjoy violence and want their target to suffer.

9)     They don’t give a damn about right and wrong.

How to protect yourself from mobbing

1)    Know your rights and study the law extensively. Get a very credible and experienced lawyer.

2)    Prepare your own pieces of evidence that will discredit the mob.

3)   If you can afford it, hire security personnel when you know the mob will resort to physical violence against you. Also consider a more protective location you will be staying at.

4)    Observe how the mob thinks and acts. You should be able to analyze their flaws and use them to your advantage.

5)  Avoid following their tactics and prove you are more civil than they are. You can influence members of the public when you discredit the mob successfully.

6)   Research each member of the mob, especially their leaders. Also take a look at their personal interests that could explain their agenda in mobbing you.

7)   While researching the mob members, observe how they act in front of others. Some mob members pretend to have been victimized (by the target individual) when in fact they are the ones on the offense. It’s too easy for mob members to pretend to be victims and blame the individual they want to destroy. It’s also easy for bullies to lie about the facts.

8)  Wherever mobbing happens, do not hesitate to call for help from the immediate authorities. If you get mobbed in school, call the principal or a faculty member. At work, call the supervisor or the nearest security personnel.

Mobbing can also result serious injuries or even death. As such make sure the place you live in is highly protective and very secure. Bullies have a tendency to gate crash or trespass.

Mobbing is simply wrong and in a way it is considered uncivilized. The mere act of a group bullying an individual person is just despicable especially when he/she is innocent.

I myself experienced being targeted by a mob of grade school students back in 1983 and it was a very difficult experience to overcome. It took me some time to recover from and, thanks to the Lord, I survived and got to live to tell about it. I certainly don’t want to see such a tragic experience happen to others who did not commit anything wrong.

If you, the reader, want to make a big difference in local society in a positive way then I urge you to learn why mobbing is wrong and why mobs are more destructive than their worth. If you get mobbed, fight back using civil and legal tactics!

More importantly, do not ever forget to pray to the Lord Jesus Christ for He will protect you and never abandon you. Also as a Christian, you will have to forgive the people who bullied you and that includes their most violent member or the gang leader. Remember that unforgiveness or the unwillingness to forgive will only lead you to more pain, more regret and put some darkness into your life. Everyone living in the flesh is flawed and that means looking up to the Lord for forgiveness. Learn from the Holy Bible.

“And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.”

Mark 11: 25 (NKJV)

For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Matthew 6: 14-15 (NKJV)

Let all the bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.

Ephesians 4: 31-32 (NKJV)

With the Lord on your side, the mob will eventually fall down no matter how violent and persistent they are and no matter how bad your situation looks. All you must do is be faithful to the Lord and eventually you will win over the bullies. You and your household will be saved too.

Let them be confounded and dismayed forever; Yes, let them be put to shame and perish, That they may know that You, whose name alone is the Lord, Are the Most High over all the earth.

Psalm 83: 17-18 (NKJV)

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.

Acts 16: 31 (NKJV)

Never lose faith in the Lord!

Thank you for reading. If you found this article to be engaging, please click the like button below and also please consider sharing this article to others. Also my fantasy book The World of Havenor is still available in paperback and e-book format. If you are looking for a copywriter to create content for your special project or business, check out my services and my portfolio. Feel free to contact me as well.

Author’s Note: This article was originally published at my old Geeks and Villagers blog. What you read on this website was an updated and expanded version. In other words, this newest version you just read is the most definitive version