What to watch on YouTube right now – Part 13

Have you been searching for something fun or interesting to watch on YouTube? Do you feel bored right now and you crave for something to see on the world’s most popular online video destination?

I recommend you check out the following topics and the related videos I found.

The precise differences between Christianity and Islam, Lord Jesus and Muhammad, and the Holy Bible and the Quran explained – The YouTube channel HolyLandSite is a favorite of mine as it has published a lot of very credible and detailed explanatory videos about the Holy Land in Israel, Christianity, the Jews and how everything is connected with the Holy Bible (the Word of God). In the recent video they published recently, the precise differences between Christianity and Islam, between Lord Jesus and Muhammad, and between the Holy Bible and the Quran are explained in detail by Pastor Todd. I strongly recommend watching the video below…

The deep hatred of the Palestinians towards Israel explained – There is no doubt that hatred, violence and murder are core values that the Palestinians have been oriented with while living under very evil leaders (murderer/terrorist Yasser Arafat is just one of them). To date, there are very few Palestinians who overcame their evil orientation and pushed back against their evil leaders to become good people. In the video below, YouTuber Oren explains in detail why so many Palestinians grew up with hate and live by hate towards Israel and its people. Lastly, I should state once again that the Palestinians are a displaced people, are NOT natives of the land of Israel and they caused trouble when they occupied Jordan and Kuwait.

Remembering the past video game company Working Designs – It has been almost twenty years since American game company Working Designs closed down and ended their business. For the newcomers reading this, Working Designs is best known for localizing several video games from different Japanese companies for the North American market and among their best known releases were Lunar: The Silver Star Story, Lunar: Eternal Blue, Dragon Force and Magic Knight Rayearth. Their business history is very interesting to examine and for your viewing pleasure, posted below is one video about Working Designs’ legacy and another video about their games released across different platforms.

#4 Man of Steel video reviews, analysis, trivia and reaction videos – The cinematic universe of DC Comics superheroes that started in 2013’s Man of Steel is officially over and the newest film Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom won’t match its predecessor’s massive commercial success. Unofficially referred to as the DCEU (DC Extended Universe), the past cinematic universe of Warner Bros. had a very inconsistent record of commercial and critical results. That being said, it is high time to go all the way back to the very beginning with Man of Steel (starring Henry Cavill as Superman) through a series of varied videos I found for you to watch.

DeepStar Six videos – Believe it or not, way back in 1989 there was not one, not two, but three movies that had underwater settings. One of them was DeepStar Six which was directed by original Friday The 13th movie director Sean S. Cunningham and, for some reason, was released in cinemas here in the Philippines with the title “Alien from the Deep.” While it grossed less than Leviathan and was made for a fraction of the budget of James Cameron’s The Abyss, DeepStar Six still has a long-lasting following and different kinds of videos about it were made. You can watch what I found below…


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