Local analysts say Philippine tourism’s recovery is still lacking

As far as the chief economists of the Rizal Commercial Banking Corp. (RCBC) and China Banking Corp. are concerned, the recovery of Philippine tourism is still lacking and a lot more needs to be done which includes relying on tourists from China, according to a BusinessWorld news report.

To put things in perspective, posted below is an excerpt from the BusinessWorld news report. Some parts in boldface…

Let me end this piece by asking you readers: What is your reaction to this recent development? Do you agree with the analysts’ findings as to why Philippine tourism is still lacking and what should be done to improve it? Do you think the Department of Tourism (DOT) should focus more on attracting tourists from other nations instead of depending so much on China? What do you think are the five biggest problems of Philippine tourism right now? Do you think the DOT should be more active in promoting local film festivals, fashion shows, sports events and food tours to foreigners?

You may answer in the comments below. If you prefer to answer privately, you may do so by sending me a direct message online.


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RCBC chief economist says that Philippine economic growth target likely to be hit this year

In light of the recent news that the Philippine economy grew by 6.4% in the first quarter of 2023, the chief economist of Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC) says that the nation’s economic target for this year (for references, click here and here) will likely be hit, according to a Philippine News Agency (PNA) news report.

To put things in perspective, posted below is an excerpt from the PNA news article. Some parts in boldface…

The government’s 6 to 7 percent economic growth target will likely be met this year despite possible effects of El Niño, an economist said on Friday.

Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation chief economist Michael Ricafort told the Philippine News Agency (PNA) that the 6 to 7 percent gross domestic product (GDP) expansion is possible amid easing year-on-year inflation that could help reduce the drag of higher prices on economic growth.

Fed (US Federal Reserve) and local policy rates could also be reduced later this year and into 2024 amid easing inflation, and as the economy further reopens towards greater normalcy with no more lockdowns as a policy priority,” he said.

Inflation reached as high as 8.7 percent in January. It has however started to decelerate and settled at 6.6 percent in April.

Ricafort said the possible effects of El Niño later this year and up to 2024 could lead to reduced agricultural output and some pick up in prices, “but would not have a significant drag on GDP growth.” he said.

“[Philippine] economic growth [is] expected to be among the fastest-growing in the region and among major economies around the world amid favorable demographics of the country with more than 110 million Filipinos, majority of Filipinos already at working age, (and) young average age of less than 25 years old, all of which would support GDP growth of at least 6%-7% in the coming years,” he said.

He noted that other possible drivers of growth would be increased consumer spending due to lower individual income tax rates, high overseas Filipino workers’ remittances, further increase in government spending, the continued growth of business process outsourcing, and the resumption of foreign tourism.

Let me end this piece by asking you readers: What is your reaction to this recent development? Do you think the Philippines will achieve 2023 economic growth between 6% to 7%?

You may answer in the comments below. If you prefer to answer privately, you may do so by sending me a direct message online.


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COVID-19 Crisis: Foreign direct investments spiked in April 2021 in connection to CREATE Law, economic reopening and other factors

It’s been months since the last time I wrote about the Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprises act otherwise referred to as the CREATE Law. For the newcomers reading this, the CREATE Law was designed to cut down corporate income tax which should lead to the creation of new jobs and the attraction of investment in mind. The said law is really crucial in this COVID-19 crisis we are all still living with.

Recently, the Philippine News Agency (PNA) published an article stating that a huge rise of foreign direct investments (FDIs) in the country was realized this past April and the CREATE Law was one of the factors behind it.

To put things in perspective, posted below is an excerpt from the PNA article. Some parts in boldface…

An economist has attributed the rise of foreign direct investments (FDIs) in the country in April 2021 to the implementation of the Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprises (CREATE) law and the opening of the economy.

The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) on Monday reported the 114.4-percent year-on-year jump of net FDI inflows to USD679 million last April from USD317 million in the same period last year.

In a report, Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC) chief economist Michael Ricafort said lower interest rates and lower cost of some inputs like real estate property and leases are plus factors that enticed higher FDIs.

Some foreign investors may have started to come in view of the progress made on the CREATE law, which was finally signed on March 26, 2021 and reduces corporate income tax rates to 25 percent for large corporations (from 30 percent) retroactive July 1, 2020, thereby narrowing the gap with the tax rates in other Asean/Asian countries, and also provides greater certainty on investment incentives, thereby helping attract more FDIs and making some foreign investors on the sidelines in recent months/years to become more decisive and finally bring in more FDIs into the country,” he said.

Ricafort said positive credit rating actions on the Philippines, which even got its first-ever A-level credit rating, A-, from the Japan Credit Rating Agency (JCR) in June 2020, also boosted investors’ sentiment on the domestic economy.

The positive credit rating actions, he said, “reflect improved international investor confidence in the country, manifesting the country’s improved economic fundamentals, as well as the country’s attractive demographics.”

These factors are, however, expected to be countered by the still high number of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) cases, aggravated by new variants that are reported to be more contagious.

Ricafort believes that higher government spending, especially on infrastructure, and the accommodative monetary policy by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) are seen to further support the rise in net FDIs.

The above article is indeed filled with good news that our nation badly needs, especially since there are still many millions more people around the country who have yet to get vaccinated and the fact that lots of businesses are still struggling. In recent times, patients under the A4 category have been gradually vaccinated for COVID-19 and that is a very good thing because it under that very category where the nation’s laborers are listed. There are still lots of unemployed workers out there who badly need vaccines and jobs, and it does not help that certain local government units (LGUs) had to temporarily suspend their local vaccination operations due to a lack of supply of vaccines. There are supposed to be around 13 million doses of vaccines to come into the Philippines this month, and so far some of that have arrived (click here, here and here).

More on economics, apart from the rise of FDIs last April, it was reported that the local demand for office space nationwide grew by 38% rising from 122,000 square meters (sqm) in the first quarter of 2021 to 169,00 sqm. in the second quarter. It was described to be the strongest office demand since the start of the pandemic.

Let me end this piece by asking you readers: Does the recent news about the sharp rise of FDIs in our country make you confident about your economic prospects? How much do you know about the CREATE Law and what further positive effects it can generate for the country? If you have been unemployed, how long have you been out of work?

You may answer in the comments below. If you prefer to answer privately, you may do so by sending me a direct message online.


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