Muntinlupa City’s recipients of 2nd booster shots more than double

In the progressive city of Muntinlupa, the number of patients who received 2nd booster shots for COVID-19 had more than doubled over the initial count, according to a Manila Bulletin news report. Specifically speaking, the 2nd booster shots recipients jumped from over 1,400 to more than 3,000.

To put things in perspective, posted below is the excerpt from the Manila Bulletin report. Some parts in boldface…

The number of people who have received their second booster shot in Muntinlupa City has increased to more than 3,400.

Data from the City Health Office (CHO) showed that as of May 21, a total of 3,425 individuals got their second booster shot or fourth dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.

This is an increase of 2,002 individuals or 140.6 percent from 1,423 who were given the fourth dose as of May 21.

Of the 3,425, Barangay Putatan posted the highest number of recipients with 688 followed by Ayala Alabang with 606; Alabang, 377; Cupang, 348; Tunasan, 315; Poblacion, 216; Sucat, 177; Bayanan, 121; Buli, 25; and 552 unclassified.

Among the 12-to-17-year-old population in Muntinlupa, 40,157 have been fully vaccinated or 71.08 percent of the total population of 56,499.

The CHO also reported that 15,085 minors aged five to 11 are now fully vaccinated or 22.12 percent of the total population of 68,198.

To date, 498,153 individuals in Muntinlupa are fully vaccinated, or 112.57 percent of the target population of 442,517. The target population is 80 percent of the total population of 553,146.

The Department of Health (DOH) earlier allowed the giving of the second booster shots using the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines four months after the first booster shot to immunocompromised individuals, frontline health workers (A1) aged 18 and above, and senior citizens (A2) aged 60 and above.

Let me end this piece by asking you readers: If you are a Muntinlupa City resident, what can you say about the rise of patients who received their 2nd booster shots? Do you believe that the COVID-19 vaccination and boosting have made a solid impact on making people more resistant from COVID-19? Do the news about the highly infectious Omicron sub-variant in our country compel you to get fully vaccinated or boosted? Do you think that the anti-vaccine fanatics movement in our country are deceiving people from getting immunized? Did you notice that anti-vaccine believers often claim they are “not anti-vaccine” and still go on to condemn vaccinations and attack the local authorities behind vaccination efforts?

You may answer in the comments below. If you prefer to answer privately, you may do so by sending me a direct message online.


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When Superheroes, Politicians and Corporate Media Conspire Together


In this age of social media and smartphones, watching cable TV news feeds is quite toxic to the mind. It’s not about the ultra-heavy mix of information being dumped by corporate media giants that overwhelm the senses of millions of viewers worldwide. Rather it is about corporate media’s slant on political news and world events that add chaos to the already chaotic world we live in.

Look at MSNBC and Fox News on how they cater to the many millions of Americans divided in the political spectrum. For the most part, MSNBC favored the so-called liberals and the political left while Fox News consistently favored the so-called conservatives and political right. If there is such a thing as the military-industrial complex, then there is also the political parties-corporate media complex.

The funny thing about politically slanted corporate media is that they (the news makers) turn journalism into a commodity, select the facts to be presented to the viewers and eventually find ways to manipulate people’s perception. Meanwhile the viewers who have their respective political ideologies or interests tend to pick a favorite corporate media giant for their daily news. Also corporate media giants know fully well that there are many millions of political news junkies who cannot help but be obsessed and addicted to biased political coverage.

Also behind the scenes, it is very likely that top officials of the existing major political parties (Republicans and Democrats) have discreetly communicated with the top executives of the corporate media giants who in turn made deals with their clients (advertisers) to generate money together as they manipulate people into supporting corporate media’s business model.

I myself am a small press journalist who went around the many BF Homes communities and the cities of Muntinlupa, Las Pinas and Paranaque. I pay close attention to the behaviors of corporate media journalists. Learning from them, I certainly do not want to turn journalism into a commodity nor do I want to report news about useless causes like Catholic parish fiestas. I certainly don’t like ignorance to be the driving factor of news reporting. To be ignorant about what’s going on, who is who, where is where and how things happened is just wrong. Be warned that from the small press to the giant media, there are even news editors who are ignorant and work without really knowing what to do which makes published news reports less journalistic and even misleading for the public. Look at your local community newspaper, the regional paper, the national paper and tell me if you see any headline story that does not deserve the headline.

Don’t forget that there are still other publications other there that serve as propaganda machines whose organizers believe that people are too stupid or too ignorant to see through their manipulation and misinformation tactics.

Anyway since I already mentioned political news bias of corporate media giants, it’s time we take a close look at a particular scene in UltraForce published in 1994 by Malibu Comics under the Ultraverse line.

The comic book opened with UltraForce (Hardcase, Prime, Prototype, Contrary, Pixx, Ghoul and Topaz) in the Oval Office meeting with fictional portrayals of United States President Bill Clinton, Senator Bob Dole, UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali and the representative of the press.


Hardcase negotiates with Clinton over a number of matters. UltraForce will help deal with the ongoing conflict overseas with the world “backing up” for them. Contrary says that their team wants to have access to the federal government’s gathered information on ultras (their term describing super humans in the Ultraverse) which irked Bob Dole to express his opposition and tells Clinton that he will “skin” him alive in the media if he agrees to UltraForce’s proposal.

As the difficult agreement came close to being finalized, Hardcase made clear that his team needs the media to reshape public perception of them (and ultras in general) from negative to positive. Unsurprisingly the media representative objected to Hardcase’s idea as it is tantamount to propaganda (or biased media coverage).

Hardcase answered back mentioning that he is an actor in Hollywood and he already knows what it takes to make people feel good or bad about something by means of being selective of the facts for public consumption. He insists that people should start feeling good about them.

The media representative stated that a bipartisan consensus was all it takes for journalists to accept it.

Then Bill Clinton and Bob Dole shake hands which is ironic because in real life history, both men were nominated by their respective political parties for the US Presidency in 1996. Clinton got re-elected then.

My analysis


The scene, even though it is outlandish in concept, shows clearly that political forces and the giant media have what it takes to manipulate public perception by working together. Of course what reality shows us is that in America, Republicans have Fox News and Democrats have MSNBC to rely on to execute their information manipulation strategies to gain supporters for their own causes.

In the case of UltraForce, it’s about a team of superheroes who need a lot of support from governments and the media in order to be able to resolve the overseas conflict in the story. Their enemy was simply too powerful and too resourceful to defeat so UltraForce played hard-ball with the government and the media.

With regards to biased media coverage in support of UltraForce and ultras that exist in the world of the Ultraverse, it shows that superpowers alone cannot help those who wield it. Without the government and media support, UltraForce will only be perceived by the public as a group of troublemakers (or maybe even as terrorists) even though they fight an obviously evil force that’s been destabilizing the world.

As such, the biased media coverage for UltraForce is what I would call as a morally questionable form of support. On face value, it looks sensible because UltraForce is composed of supposed good guys while their enemies are so destructive and disruptive they are easily perceived as evil. But behind the scenes, supportive biased media coverage for UltraForce kills the spirit of balanced journalism and is pretty much a form of propaganda no matter how good the intentions are.

Could you imagine a special forces team fabricate a situation which would result a tragedy followed by intense coverage by the corporate media which in turn will outrage members of the public and give the administration of the national government the justification to launch a war with superheroes leading the way? Such a situation could lead to even more chaos in this world we live in.

Also Hardcase said it best: Look, I’m an actor in Hollywood. I know this game. I know how you can pick and choose facts to make people feel good or bad about something.

Author’s Note: This article was originally published at my old Geeks and Villagers blog. What you read on this website was an updated and expanded version. In other words, this newest version you just read is the most definitive version

Thank you for reading. If you find this article engaging, please click the like button below and also please consider sharing this article to others. Also my fantasy book The World of Havenor is still available in paperback and e-book format. If you are looking for a copywriter to create content for your special project or business, check out my services and my portfolio. Feel free to contact me as well. Also please feel free to visit my Facebook page Author Carlo Carrasco and follow me at