You Want The Truth About The Ten Commandments? Pay Attention To The Holy Bible, Not The 1956 “Classic” Movie.

I am a geek and I love watching movies, playing video games, reading comic books, attending pop culture conventions and the like. But more importantly I am believer in Lord Jesus Christ and God The Father.

As a person of faith, I don’t hold this classic movie with high regard anymore. We are better off reading the Holy Bible if you really want to follow the story of Moses and the Ten Commandments from God.

Very clearly the Holy Bible contains the Word of God and it truly is the definitive source of holiness and the Truth.

Already there have been many movies around the world that adapted stories from the Holy Bible which created mixed results with regards to accuracy and portrayals.

One notable movie to tackle here is Cecile B. Demille’s 1956 Hollywood “classic” film The Ten Commandments which starred Charlton Heston (who played Moses), Yul Brynner and many others.

I first saw the movie on television as a young boy and found it to be engaging. Of course, that was my old life and I was not yet dedicated on reading the Holy Bible. In fact, I was rather lazy to read the Bible back then.

While The Ten Commandments is an epic film of the 1950s with acting that feels rather unnatural by today’s standards (note: stage-style acting and speaking was the norm in the 1950s), it certainly is NOT the proper way to realize the Truth and the Word which can only found in the Holy Bible.

For one thing, the script of the movie adapted content from non-biblical sources like the Sepher-ha-Yashar, Josephus and the Chronicle of Moses (this only provides a mere hint of verses from the Bible). Next is about the the rulers of Egypt who were named in the movie and yet in the Holy Bible they each were referred to only as “Pharaoh.” Oh, are you aware that the mother of Moses in the Holy Bible (New King James Version) goes by the name of Jochebed (Exodus 6: 20) but in the movie she is referred to as Yoshebel?

Also there is no reference in the Holy Bible about Moses having any early relationship with any of the Pharaoh’s sons.

Truly The Ten Commandments had lots of inaccuracies (and missing details) here and there and this alone should compel each of us believers in Christ to focus mainly on the Holy Bible. Personally, I don’t hold the 1956 movie with high regard anymore.

It may have been a major cinematic epic of the 1950s that also won lots of acclaim and sold a lot of movie tickets. It sure was included in the National Film Registry of the Library of Congress in America for being “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant” but the thing remains that Cecile B. Demille’s The Ten Commandments still does NOT come close to the Holy Bible for truth and accuracy when it comes to following the story of Moses, the Hebrews and God’s Ten Commandments.

If ever you watch the movie, do not take it seriously as the definitive reference about Moses. The definitive reference of Moses, the Hebrews and God’s Ten Commandments is still the Holy Bible!

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