What to watch on YouTube right now – Part 16 (Holy Week Special)

Welcome back, my readers, YouTube viewers and all others who followed this series of articles focused on YouTube videos worth watching.

For this edition, I am doing the Holy Week Special. Today is Good Friday and I have prepared for all of you a selection of YouTube videos about God, His Son Lord Jesus and the nation of Israel where the holy sites are. The videos are all sourced from the HolyLandSite YouTube channel which is rich with Israel sites and their connections with the Holy Bible.

As some of you may know by now, I myself had been to Israel on a pilgrimage tour with my local church New Life in early 2023 and I already blogged about some Holy Land sites, and I still have more to blog about in the future. That being said, I can relate a lot with specific Israel videos posted by HolyLandSite. And now, I hope you will enjoy what I selected – plus a few of my own videos during the 2023 pilgrimage tour – for your faith in the Lord and for your viewing pleasure as well.

Capernaum tour video – Along with my Israel pilgrimage tour companions, I visited Capernaum which is the very ancient town where Lord Jesus preached the good news from God and taught many who came to learn from Him. This video by HolyLandSite is very in-depth details and the bible lessons should be absorbed.

The Pool of Siloam videos – I could never forget our visit to the Pool of Siloam in Jerusalem and you can read my feature article of it by clicking here. The Pool of Siloam, which is accessible to visitors today, is the very site where a man who was born blind got healed and gained sight because he followed the very instructions Lord Jesus gave him. The Messiah helped him by putting mud on his eyes and told him to go to the Pool of Siloam to wash. This video by HolyLandSite is a must-see and I pray it will deepen your faith in the Lord and teach you to follow His commands without hesitation. I also added the video I personally recorded at the site.

Jerusalem history video – Jerusalem is the holiest city in the world and I am thankful to the Lord that our pilgrimage tour had its last five day there. The Old City of Jerusalem (with ancient walls intact) is a very significant place to visit as it has the Western Wall, the Church of Holy Sepulchre, the Temple Mount and many other holy sites frequented by Christians, Jews and Muslims. This video by HolyLandSite explains in detail the history and deep significance of Jerusalem.

#4 Garden of Gethsemane videos – I could never forget the day our tour group climbed down the Mount of Olives by foot and entered the Garden of Gethsemane together which was already full of visitors. After exploring a populated part of the garden (which contains several olive trees that are centuries-old), our group found vacant space at the steps of the Church of All Nations where we had a bible lesson taught to us by our local church pastor. It was at the Garden of Gethsemane where Lord Jesus prayed to His Father God, and later was arrested by the Romans as a result of Judas’ betrayal. To learn more about the significance of this holy site, watch HolyLandSite’s video and check out the video I personally recorded on-location.

The differences between Christianity and Islam and more explained – For this part, we focus more on the topics of faith, the differences between Christianity and Islam, Lord Jesus and Muhammad, and the Holy Bible and the Quran. As usual, Pastor Todd of HolyLandSite explains the differences in great detail and he really did a lot of research for the video below. This is a must-see video and always remember that our Lord Jesus is truly holy and the definitive hope of all nations. If you have accepted Lord Jesus as your savior and you have been faithful to Him and the Word of God, then you are part of His Kingdom. Never let the worldly and the unholy ones pull you away from Him.

The significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls video – Our pilgrimage tour group visited Qumran which is the very site where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered. The discovery is tremendously significant because the Dead Sea Scrolls proved that the Holy Bible is real and definitely anointed by the Lord. Watch the video below to find out more…

The Chapel of Ascension video – Once I return to Israel in the future, I would make it a priority to visit the Chapel of Ascension located at the top of the Mount of Olives. This is the most likely site where Lord Jesus last stepped on and ascended to Heaven with the promise that He will return. This video by HolyLandSite examines the Chapel of Ascension itself and Pastor Todd precisely explains the biblical records as well as the anticipated timeline with regards to Rapture and the return of Lord Jesus.

The Upper Room videos – The Upper Room is another significant site to visit on pilgrimage. It is located just outside of the wall of the Old City of Jerusalem and the nearest gate is Zion Gate. The Upper Room is often identified with The Last Supper (refer to Luke 22:14-20 and Mark 14:12-26 in the Holy Bible). To learn more about the holy site, watch the HolyLandSite video plus my own video below…

In ending this post, I share with you four holy scriptures.

Again God said to him, Your name is Jacob [supplanter]; you shall not be called Jacob any longer, but Israel shall be your name. So He called him Israel [contender with God].

And God said to him, I am God Almighty. Be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall come from you and kings shall be born of your stock;

The land which I gave Abraham and Isaac I will give to you, and to your descendants after you I will give the land.

Genesis 35:10-12 (AMPC)

“The Lord bless you and keep you;

The Lord make His face shine upon you,

And be gracious to you;

The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,

And give you peace.”

Numbers 6:24-26 (NKJV)

Jesus answered and said to him,

John 3:3 (NKJV)

Jesus said to him,

John 14:6 (NKJV)

Thank you for your time. Always move forward with uncompromising faith in the Lord. Always remember that Lord Jesus is the hope of all nations as He is God’s son as well as the Anointed Mediator between the Heavenly Father and men (1 Timothy 2:5). Also always pray to the Lord for Israel, its people and the peace of Jerusalem.


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