Christian Music Appreciation: All

While I witnessed Planetshakers perform live here in the Philippines as part of Jesus Global Youth Day in 2019, I was unable to watch them during their live performance (also here in the Philippines) this past January.

As it turned out, a whole lot of Filipinos bought tickets and attended the January 2020 event with Planetshakers performing great music and leading them to worshiping the Lord. No less than pastor Sam Evans was there. Among the many songs they performed, I noticed one new song that was not only beautiful but also holy. That song was simply titled All.

The song All performed by the anointed musicians of Planetshakers was commercially released as part of their album Glory Part Two.

To start with, here are the lyrics.


I want to, to know You

I want to hear Your voice

You are my, desire

I want to be so close

Close To You

I tune in, to listen

To hear You speak to me

I reach out, believing

That You are all I need

All my attention

Is set on You now

You are the centre

Jesus all, all

All I want is You

And my heart and soul

Is longing just for You

You are, You are

Everything to me

You are, You are

Everything to me

Your presence, Your power

Your glory’s all I seek

I’m hungry, I’m thirsty

Your love is all I need

All my affection

Is set on You now

You are the centre

Jesus all, all

All I want is You

And my heart and soul

Is longing just for You

Jesus all, all

All I want is You

And my heart and soul

Is longing just for You

You are, You are

Everything to me

You are, You are

Everything to me

You are the desire

Of our generation

We want You, we need You

Holy Spirit

So pour out Your presence

In our generation

All we want is You

You are the desire

Of our generation

We want You, we need You

Holy Spirit

So pour out Your presence

In our generation

All we want is You

Jesus all, all

All I want is You

And my heart and soul

Is longing just for You

Jesus all, all

All I want is You

And my heart and soul

Is longing just for You

You are, You are

Everything to me

You are, You are

Everything to me

You are, You are

Everything to me

You are, You are

Everything to me


For biblical relevance, let’s start with the lines Jesus all, all, All I want is You, from the lyrics. Those lines really established the actual meaning of the song’s title. And then there are other lines in the lyrics that relate with it such as You are, You are, Everything to me. The Holy Bible itself has a lot of holy scriptures about wanting Lord Jesus more than anything. We can start with this holy scripture with Lord Jesus’ own words for your reflection.

And everything I’ve taught you is so that the peace which is in me will be in you and will give you great confidence as you rest in me. For in this unbelieving world you will experience trouble and sorrows, but you must be courageous, for I have conquered the world!

John 16: 33 (TPT)

The above holy scripture makes clear that with Jesus, nothing is impossible for us Christians and the Lord will never abandon us nor forsake us. The Lord is not only our reformer, our provider, our defender and our mentor but also the source of genuine peace! These are blessings and miracles that we can only receive from Jesus. For that alone, Lord Jesus is all we want and need for He is everything to us. Never forget that it has always been Jesus who redeemed us from darkness. It was the blood of Jesus that purified us and paved the way into becoming His body! Next scripture…

Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

2 Peter 1: 2-4 (NKJV)

In the above scripture, the apostle Peter emphasized that true knowledge is found in the God of Christ and in the holy scriptures recorded in the Holy Bible (the Word of God). By knowing Lord Jesus (God in the flesh as well as His Son), His tremendously great and precious promises become available to those who believe in Him. This includes entrance into Heaven, being part of His body (we the Christians are the church and are part of the spiritual family), getting our inheritance from God and the promised return of Jesus (the Second Coming). Along the way, as noted in the last line of the holy scripture, we the Children of God must always maintain our defense from the wickedness and temptations of the eternal loser Satan. For as long as we are faithful to the Lord, we can always defeat Satan and free the billions of unsaved souls here on Earth to lead them to Jesus. Really, all we want and need is Jesus!

Going back to Planetshakers’ song All, the lines You are, You are, Everything to me as well as Jesus all, all, All I want is You and I want to, to know You, I want to hear Your voice, You are my, desire, I want to be so close make perfect biblical sense for faithful Christians. Truly the writers of the song knew the Word of God, the Holy Spirit, Lord Jesus and God the Father. To say the least, the song is a blessing, produced by Planetshakers people who were anointed by the Lord! All is a song that musicians of Christian churches should consider playing during Sunday worship service!

To end this article, here is the official video of the live performance of All held here in the Philippines during Planetshakers’ January 2020 special event. Enjoy and always keep praising the Lord! Remember that we Christians are the Body of Christ and we are the fearless and aggressive church of Lord Jesus!

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